Susie's 2022 campaign

Thanks both - been fun cooking today, I've enjoyed it :)

And thanks Kym - my left knee is fine but my right knee is still really painful - maybe I need to see it as a good (and constant!) reminder of why I want to lose weight :).

Feeling a bit nervous re the job interview, there's a lot riding on it (as in, freedom from Stinky Pants boss! :)), but that's only natural, and I do know my stuff when it comes to the type of job - so cross fingers they like me - and I don't f*** it up! :D.
Goodness me. All the cooking! And I thought I was doing fairly well just by baking a cake last night :D I'm intrigued by smash cheese scones though, I'm always looking for something new to dunk in my soups! So despite my hatred of the smash, I might have to give these a go! (or just make some regular scones... who knows!!)

Good to see you all enthusiastic, and do I remember reading about an interview??
Awww hun, can you see a doctor to see if he'll give you anything to help with the pain? :( Or if he can check it and see if there's anything else he can do?

Crossing fingers, hands, wrists, eyes, arms, toes, feet and legs! :D xxx
Awww hun, can you see a doctor to see if he'll give you anything to help with the pain? :( Or if he can check it and see if there's anything else he can do?

Yes I think I might need to go and see the GP and see what she says.

Yes Stackie - I've got an interview Tuesday as National Media Manager for a big charity :D. Well done on the cake - what sort?

The sossie roll is out of the oven but sadly it's not like pastry at all sigh - so I would say stick to sausages and mash, and save yourself the hassle. Still, I'm glad I tried, god knows how many syns there are in a Greggs sausage roll!
Thanks for the non cheese scone recipe! I'm definitely going to make those! For the record there's 17.5 Syns in a Greggs Sausage Roll! X
OMG I thought nothing of eating two - and then a chicken slice to wash them down with :eek:!!! Anyone got a lighter than light pastry recipe? :D

Could you make a sausage Roll with Filo Pastry? That must be quite low in Syns x
Good idea Serena - 1 sheet of filo is 6 syns, and I could use Fry Light butter spray instead of real butter (sob). For another weekend! :)

Gosh I'm so full, if I don't gain tomorrow night it will be a miracle! Might need some Slimatee tonight...:sign0131: :D
Good idea Serena - 1 sheet of filo is 6 syns, and I could use Fry Light butter spray instead of real butter (sob). For another weekend! :) Gosh I'm so full, if I don't gain tomorrow night it will be a miracle! Might need some Slimatee tonight...:sign0131: :D
I feel like we are on a gourmet cookery course today! X I need to get me some of this magic tea I think! X
Be prepared for (there's no nice way of saying this, sorry), bowel movements like Krakatoa! :eek:

I kid you not, if I drink it before bedtime I have cramps about 4.30-5am, then three or four (or five) quick visits to the loo for (sorry again) 'severe evacuations'.

But it's apparently better than a colon cleanse, according to some of the reviews on amazon :D. One woman there had drunk it for two weeks which doesn't sound like a good idea to me - but she also said she lost 12lbs...

Right - after much talk I'm plugging the vibroplate in. Will report back as to whether I lose my dinner or not :p
Be prepared for (there's no nice way of saying this, sorry), bowel movements like Krakatoa! :eek: I kid you not, if I drink it before bedtime I have cramps about 4.30-5am, then three or four (or five) quick visits to the loo for (sorry again) 'severe evacuations'. But it's apparently better than a colon cleanse, according to some of the reviews on amazon :D. One woman there had drunk it for two weeks which doesn't sound like a good idea to me - but she also said she lost 12lbs... Right - after much talk I'm plugging the vibroplate in. Will report back as to whether I lose my dinner or not :p

What's the vibroplate??? How often do u use said tea? X - only mine cost me £20 on eBay :D. it has been sitting on the coffee table for hmmm let's see...a year? :eek:

There are 15 speeds and they say for the first time, just go up to 7 and only for 3 minutes. I got to 5 and got scared LOL. Maybe a bit more tomorrow.

They get amazing reviews for helping you tone and get rid of the dangerous fat around internal organs - and I also wonder if it might help my knee.

If I had more room, I'd prefer one with a guard round it to hold on to - but if you are thinking of getting one (they are on eBay all the time), they have weight limits, same as exercise machines.

Re the tea - I did it last Sunday, so it's never more than a once a week thing. Just one tea bag - two gets explosive! - only mine cost me £20 on eBay :D. it has been sitting on the coffee table for hmmm let's see...a year? :eek: There are 15 speeds and they say for the first time, just go up to 7 and only for 3 minutes. I got to 5 and got scared LOL. Maybe a bit more tomorrow. They get amazing reviews for helping you tone and get rid of the dangerous fat around internal organs - and I also wonder if it might help my knee. If I had more room, I'd prefer one with a guard round it to hold on to - but if you are thinking of getting one (they are on eBay all the time), they have weight limits, same as exercise machines. Re the tea - I did it last Sunday, so it's never more than a once a week thing. Just one tea bag - two gets explosive!

Omg! U paid £20 on eBay! What a bargain! I might just have to investigate......! X
I've been googling exercise for people with sore knees, and apparently exercise bikes are low impact and highly recommended - not sure I see that myself, all that movement? But defo good for my poor circulation.

I am so not going to a gym - signed up before, never went, waste of money. But I could turn my small spare bedroom into a mini gym - with my vibroplate and a bike - watch movies/listen to music on my iPhone or tablet, and with the £ I'm saving from not smoking/drinking, I can afford to buy one that can take my weight (about £100).

What do people think? Will Susie's Gym catch on or will the bike become an expensive clothes hanger?
I've been googling exercise for people with sore knees, and apparently exercise bikes are low impact and highly recommended - not sure I see that myself, all that movement? But defo good for my poor circulation. I am so not going to a gym - signed up before, never went, waste of money. But I could turn my small spare bedroom into a mini gym - with my vibroplate and a bike - watch movies/listen to music on my iPhone or tablet, and with the £ I'm saving from not smoking/drinking, I can afford to buy one that can take my weight (about £100). What do people think? Will Susie's Gym catch on or will the bike become an expensive clothes hanger?

Can I be honest My Lady? ;-)
It depends why you're doing it. I had many failed attempts at trying to exercise over the years. All because I decided to do it solely to lose weight. That never works. At least 80% of weight loss is what you put in your mouth. As our wonderful Tracy proves, you don't need exercise to lose weight. You do need to eat less. Exercise is a hassle, tiring, hard work and a challenge. The bigger you are the harder it is. But you burn way more calories than someone smaller, that's the trade off.

But one day around a year ago I woke up and decided I wanted to get fit. My blood pressure was too high, I didn't walk anywhere, I was out of breath going up the stairs. And that was it. I started exercising and never looked back. It is like a happy hormone after exercising so the more you do it the more addicted you become. And you start noticing changes in your body. It's probably the best decision I ever made. And then you start to realise how damaging one chocolate bar or take away is to your diet. 25 mins of hard graft on the exercise bike would probably get you a twix. It makes you think twice about what to eat.

I think some people put themselves under terrible, unnecessary pressure to exercise. Yes it's good for you and you'll probably live longer but if you don't end up doing it you'll feel like a failure and probably eat to feel better. Well that was me!!

So I reckon if your head is in a good place and you want to exercise for more reasons than just weight loss I say go for it. But for the first month I think you have to be strict and use it regularly. Before you know it you'll be in a routine.

Let me know what you decide!

And p.s I hope this doesn't offend anyone - it's just my opinion based on my experience :)

But it has to be the right time.
Thanks for the lovely compliment, Cat! :)

Susie, what Cat says is absolutely spot on, in my humble opinion. Exercise for significant weight loss is largely futile, but as a means of getting fit and healthy is brilliant, so it does depend on your reasons for doing it. I've also heard that cycling is good if you've got bad knees, but like you I can't imagine how! For me it would be agonising, but it's a moot point as we don't have anywhere we could put an exercise bike. The one thing I think I would get myself, space and money permitting, is a treadmill. :) xx
Thanks for the lovely compliment, Cat! :) Susie, what Cat says is absolutely spot on, in my humble opinion. Exercise for significant weight loss is largely futile, but as a means of getting fit and healthy is brilliant, so it does depend on your reasons for doing it. I've also heard that cycling is good if you've got bad knees, but like you I can't imagine how! For me it would be agonising, but it's a moot point as we don't have anywhere we could put an exercise bike. The one thing I think I would get myself, space and money permitting, is a treadmill. :) xx

It's because it's non weight bearing - same as swimming and the cross trainer. But even so you still have to tread carefully (pardon the pun).

I had a terrible hip injury that took 4 months to heal and I walked with a limp but bizarrely the cross trainer didn't hurt at all and physio said to carry on so I didn't lose muscle - he said it wouldn't impact my hip recovery at all.

Joints are a funny old thing
Thanks ladies, that's really helpful - the trouble with me is when I get bored at home I start browsing on eBay :eek:! I'll stick with the vibroplate for now and see how I get on. Funnily enough my knee is ever so slightly better today.

Really looking forward to WI tonight - I feel slimmer, which is fab - and am pretty sure I will get my stone, not sure how much more I will lose! I have to squeeze between two desks to get out at work, and I swear it felt easier today :)

B - just coffee, didn't have time (sneakily doing my presentation for tomorrow's interview) (milk HEA)
L - chicken salad with red pepper dressing (yummy), apple, yogurt
D - lasagne with garlic bread roll (HEB)
S - post WI syns - cheese and crackers, frozen yogurt (10)