Suze's Diary - Daily Weigher

Well done on 15lbs :) I'm a daily weight as well glad I'm not the only one I just haven't got the patience to wait lol x

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You're really on a roll Suze! I find it much easier at work too. Lots going on and no distractions plus I have to walk from the station so get a bit of exercise twice a day.
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Only thing is some of my work clothes that i got for going back are too big, grrr i spent quite a lot, i know it was perhaps a bit stupid but didnt think i would stick to it haha oh im sooo positive lol serves me right for buying next clothes! Shall stick to tesco n new look lol guess i just wanted to look extra good when i went back haha husband says i always buy clothes that are too big, which is kinda true dont feel comfortable in anything remotely tight at work
There are worse things Suze than being too slim for your clothes :)
I know but was hoping they'd last me longer than 2 weeks! Will try shrink them in wash, of course that wont work tho, only shrinks things u dont want shrunk lol
Bummer really and I've bought things that don't fit now and worn them like once. I have been buying sale / Asda stuff though. Shopping spree booked in for when I reach goal weight.
Thurs: 14st 9.8lbs
Fri: 14st 9lbs
Sat: 14st 6.8lbs
Sun: 14st 6lbs

Nay bad. :). Weird cos i felt i,cheated a bit yest, ate a mouthfull of sons scrambled egg just to test it lol and had a taste of oh's chicken curry. Was just a piece of chicken n few grains of rice tho still made me feel bad lol
Well technically ive been on it for 12 weeks n lost 33lbs guess thats bout 2.5lbs a week on average. But did have,bout 3 weeks off plan at christmas but aye going better now. Bet i stay the same for weeks now lol x
Thats brilliant! I am just hoping I can stick for the full 12 weeks, Just want to get the first week done and then I know I can stick!
Whoops.... After being 100% for 10days i cheated lol, back up 3lbs... So 14st 9lbs.. was kinda off plan 2 days, must be out of ketosis too. Weird i feel i did it cos of how fast i was loosing it, didnt feel it was healthy lol trying again today. Got gp at 12 as got sinus infection which i cant get rid of, had it over 2 weeks now :( sick of popping pills! X
Likewise , suze went abit awol at the weekend, but cant say I was losing it very fast before , at least you are getting back on it , ive eaten 8 thorntons chocolates this morning and now feel quite sick
Lol good breakfast, i have nothing left for me to eat! its early hours yet for me lol, i guess cos the diet is so restrictive its hard for me to do it constantly for weeks. I did this the last time too. My husband doesnt like me doing the diet as in our life kinda revolved round going for something to eat etc and yes i know i can have a plain chicken salad, but i grudge paying for it lol and dictates where we can go etc

Got antibiotics for my sinuses hopefully i feel better soon!
get well soon , it doesnt help when you are ill does it , you just kinda think Oh i cant deal with the diet and being ill , unfortunately i have no excuse , Im just feeling rebellious
Ack im not that bad lol i am still going to work. Just blinkin annoying having to take painkillers, constantly dry mouth, chapped lips, blocked nose, no taste or sense of smell without using nose spray lol moan moan moan eh.... Hehe
Thats it, stuck to it today, mucked up this weeks wi for tomoz now tho. I thinks its a bit of bordem i am kinda sick of all the meal packs, even the chilli, semi similar to spag bol. Even bought 15 more soups for variety and have decided i dont like them as much as i thought, have a weird taste. But heck could be on shakes only lol even worse. Still dont mind the taste of shakes tho, can drink em easily x
Reckon you're just letting me catch up a bit Suze ;). Anyway, you never know you might be back down some by morning.