

Hi ladies and gents,

had my bike for about 2 weeks now, use it every other day usually cause otherwise my butt is agony!

When I fist started, after 30minutes I was absolutely dripping with sweat. Now two weeks later after 30minutes I'm just warm. Not even clammy.

My question is, do I need to really get my sweat on for a good work out or will I still achieve things with just getting warm?
I would think making your workout harder such as taking in. More hills or upping your gear to work up a sweat

I think sweating means I have worked hard :)

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At the gym I do 2 mins on lowest resistance but pedal as fast as possible then 1 min on highest resistance but pedal slow and steady (not snail slow but don't kill yourself lol) And believe me after the third go round you will be sweating lol