swollen ankles


Full Member
My ankles and feet are quite swollen and puffy, they don't hurt.

If it is water retention what can I do?
Hi Kelly - I agree with the above. One brilliant thing I have noticed in my first week of CD is that my feet haven't been swelling and I swear it's because I am now on 4 litres of water a day - whereas before, I'd be surprised if I was drinking a litre!! Sip sip sip xx
I suffer with this alot, think the fact i fly a lot contributes but i'm always on the go onboard and glug sooo much water, i always lay back to front on my bed when i get to my room with my feet higher than my body to get the blood flowing again properly.
It happens a lot to people who are on their feet all day despite water consumption so maybe that could be it.
But elevate the legs higher than the heart.x
I always get swollen ankes - especially if I fly, so I'm sure putting your feet up for a well deserved break will sort them out. x