T_T's (hopefully!) dimishing returns!

Honestly, life is mental at the moment! Looked after my OH's dog at the weekend, and it was lovely to go for some long walks with her and just switch off a bit. Work is crazy and I go from feeling fine, to feeling totally out of my depth.

I know I'm not being brilliant with food, but as long as I'm aware of it, and try and keep things in perspective, I'm okay with that. OH told me to stop beating myself up - I've not got back into the routine of a morning swim or walk. But I am doing something every day after work, apart from Friday this week. And most other weeks are the same as well, between rugby, gym and dance. Don't get me wrong, I love being busy. But I need to find the right balance. I started doing more in the evenings, because he was working. And now he's moved pubs, he mostly seems to be doing Friday and Saturday nights. Which sucks for us... because they're the evenings I have free. :-( But...we're getting there.
We just had a lovely couple days in Bristol. Ate too much, definitely drank too much. But it was lovely to have some time for us. Back to it with a bang, as OH is working every close over the the BH weekend.

BUT the sun is shining today, so I'm looking forward to rugby. And we've got Ceri dog again tomorrow.

I need to be honest and stricter with myself. The wine has crept back into too many evenings. And I'm aware I'm snacking more. I have gained a few pounds, although I also accept some of that is probably water weight after beer the last few days. I know I can do it, and I feel better when I do, so I'm a bit annoyed with myself. But there's no point beating myself up, I just need to get on with it.

I've taken some tuna out to defrost and roughly planned some meals for this week. I want to get back in control of it all. And there's only one person that can be responsible for that. So this is me kicking myself up the a**se!
Been back on it this week and the pounds have dropped off.

4 mile walk before work every day (granted, the sunshine has definitely helped me out of the flat at 6am!)
Food has been more organised as well. Just feeling generally more positive. Need to address the alcohol situation, but I'm aware of that, and putting plans in place.

OH has the evening and whole weekend off, which is going to be bliss! I think we'll have the dog at least Sunday, although hopefully tomorrow, as I think we're due storms Sunday. Probably a takeaway and a few drinks this evening. But I'm fine with that.
Been a bit slack with updates, but super busy! Have managed to swim or walk every morning before work, as well as evening workouts. Scales are not particularly on my side, but I feel so much better. I am tempted to look at calories and macros again, because there's a risk I'm not eating enough sometimes. That said, it is almost certainly made up for at others!

Continues to be a PITA balancing OH's shifts and my own. He drove me absolutely bonkers when I was trying to work this morning. Must go into the office more often. Although I love the flexibility of working from home, so we'll see.

We're out for dinner with some of his family tonight. I know he wants to go out for a drink in town afterwards, but I'm in two minds. Feeling a bit stressed out by work at the moment. I know what the answer is: ask for help. But it's finding the right person, at the right time.