Taffy's Dukan Diary

Taffy it will show, keep at it your doing great x
what kind of beans are you having ??
I had green (runner) beans .... are they ok?!
Down 600g today - Yippee!

Today im having egg and smoked salmon for breakfast, cottage cheese and ham for lunch and haddock and mussels for tea.
Congrats on your loss Taffy :D
Starting the Dukan diet tomorrow


Im a 21 year old student. I'm new to this forum and am starting the attack phase of the Dukan diet tomorrow. I was just looking to get involved in a thread to look for advice and swab ideas and support!

I'm really optomistic about this as I love eating protein- im a massive fan of eggs- so hopefully this diet will be an extension of my normal eating but with a bit more direction to it. I have wanted to get to my ideal weight for so long now and be the best me that I can be- hence the name!- so im up for this challenge.

any advice from all you dukan diet pro's!?!?!? Im starting the attack phase!!!

Love thebestme.
The best me welcome ..... But you have posted in my diary so you won't get many replies here:) it's a fab diet, but it is restrictive and you need to be quite strict to get the results. You are in the right place for great support and ideas. Post your daily menus. And people will keep you on the straight and narrow! Lots of luck x
Another 600g off for me today..... Now I am remembering why I like this diet:)
Another challenging PP day for me as I am working at home with the temptation of bread, choc and crisps around me but I have had smoked salmon and eggs for breakfast, got cottage cheese and ham/chicken for lunch and probably garlic prawns for tea. Must remember to drink my water too!
Looking good taffy, hope you've resisted temptation x
Another 100g off for me today - gone from 85.3kg down to 83.1kg in 10 days - slowly but surely in the right direction....
Tried the oatbran porridge last night with lots of cinnamon. Was scrummy and quicker/easier than the galette.
Had a nice cooked breakfast - turkey rashers, tomatoes and dry fried egg - this morning and think I'm going to have steak and stirfry for lunch and chicken breast cooked with spinach, tomato, garlic and onions maybe with a bit of salad for tea.
Apart from not drinking enough water I think i am getting back in the swing of this diet.:)
Taffy love the menu your defo in the Dukan zone x
Another 200g bites the dust:D (82.9kg now)
PP day today - and the fridge is looking a little bare.....
So I am going to have smoked haddock for breakfast, canned tuna for lunch and chicken breast for tea. Not very exciting- but hey ho!

Did the statistic thing again yesterday - Dr D says cruise until 19th August - which with a couple of camping breaks in between(where I am bound to have a little cheat) should mean I am near my target by my September holiday.
Still 82.9kg today - but I am ok with that as I did have a little "cheat" on Saturday. We went out for a carvery, with the intention of skipping the potatoes and gravy - but I failed! Thoroughly enjoyed it though and not too much damage done. The rest of the weekend was ok and I am back on track today. Trying to have a good week before we go camping next weekend.

B - Turkey rasher, mushrooms and tomato,
L - stirfry and chicken breast
D - turkey burgers, spinach and (some other veg?)
S - oatbran galette/biscuits plus strawberry mousse (quark sweetened with s/f jelly)

This weeks mission is to drink 1.5l water EVERY day.....
hey taffy,

thought id direct a question i have at you cuz you seem like an old hand at this diet and I could do with some advice. Finished my 4 days of attack (went from 10.2. to 9.13lbs) then had a protein and veg day (1ST Day of cruise) and today, weighted myself in the morning and was 10.2lb :( so disheartening- is this normal to vary that much or have i done something wrong?

p.s loving your menus- seem well varied x
My weight does vary like that from time to time - especially around TOTM and ovulation - but its usually just water retention and will drop back down again in a few days. Drinking water helps. Some people have "transit issues" on this diet too (being a bit bunged up!). Stick at it and well done on the loss so far.
Come on Taffy, dig deep and resist those carbs.....there the devils food till conso lol, your doing well x
Another 300g down - 82.6kg today. Made cauliflower mash and turkey onion and tomato burgers yesterday - gorgeous.
Today is PP - B- smoked salmon and scrambled egg, L - cottage cheese & chicken breast, D - seafood platter of mackerel, prawns, crabsticks and salmon.
Going to make the oatbran microwave biscuits tonight.
No WI today - and another PP day so I can have an extra PV day at the weekend....
B - cottage cheese and smoked trout
L - ham and boiled eggs
D - turkey burgers,
If I do snack its crabsticks, chicken, boiled egg - I usually have my oatbran as a snack either as a galette, microwave biscuits or porridge sometimes with sweetened quark/yoghurt.

Have stayed the same again today 82.6kg :sigh: - but I am mid-cycle when I usually gain so am hoping to see a good loss on the scales in a day or 2. Had a couple of nice compliments yesterday about my weight. I always look slimmer as carbs (esp bread!) bloat me up big time. I also managed to wear a suit I wore about 8 years ago when I was about a stone lighter than I am now. Those little things will keep me going.....