Taken the plunge

It's hard to tell people I think because as Bridie said people will scoff, say it is rubbish, wate of money, not good for you, won't work, will put weight on when stop etc etc and I just can't be bothered with that. If people notice and ask I'll tell them but I can't imagine anyone noticing for a few weeks so by then I'll care less about people knowing.

My Mum is coming round tonight so no doubt she will ask lots of questions, and laugh at the packets but I don't care.

Can't stop peeing with this much water in me, lol...
I didn't tell many people at the start - but by now everyone knows! I think often people are concerned - my initial reaction was that it must be bad for you. I had to spend time investigating first and getting the answers before I was happy to do the diet. If anyone has any paryicular comments let us know and we'll let you know a good counter argument for it!
Thanks Weasey, am sure there will some smart-a**es who think they know everything about how bad it is. I'll let you know ;)
I tell anyone who might be interested. Spread the good news as it were :). Most people at work have seen me wandering around with the shaker (and there are 4 of us in my office on it now!). Plus people have kind of noticed the 5 stones disappearing :). My life, my body.
I hate it when people say you just put the weight back on after these diets. They obv weren't paying attention as I've lost weight with Atkins and put it back on, lost weight with WW and put it back on and lost a bit with SW which I put back on.
This time I feel I'm making changes for life and am more determined by far than I have been before. I can't really see anything wrong with that!
Agreed Ladies, it's up to us what we do, and I agree with Laura, all the diets I have done before have ended up with me putting the weight back on, this time feels different for me, I have much more awareness and determination.

I think I will get to that point too BG, I'm not fussed what people think, but I'd just like to keep it to myself initially whilst I get used to it. I was the same when I stopped smoking, I didn't make a big announcement, I just got on with it :)
Lmao i think SW is a diet made by the DEVIL. seriously... they teach you to eat loads and have big plate fulls so when u go off track u ended up eating loads of crap as ur use to eating loads ifswim. Every time i've done SW i've ended up weighing more than i started with :( I just think they taught me a bad habit with that one. Plus i feel they want people their longer to make more money out of them. Am now going to be shot down in flames by people on SW lmao.

Yes S&M i actually did the same with smoking didn't tell anyone and got it on with it too, found it far better.
I have actually found im smoking less and I expected the opposite, I have patches and nicorette spray so I may give it a shot at giving up on Monday, what are ur thoughts?
pinkfizzlez said:
I have actually found im smoking less and I expected the opposite, I have patches and nicorette spray so I may give it a shot at giving up on Monday, what are ur thoughts?

I gave up on Saturday with patches but as the week went on found myself picking and spiralling out of control :( personally I can't do both... Started smoking again today... What an achievement it'll be to shift the weight and knock smoking on the head - hope you succeed, you sound positive, go for it :)
I would say give it a try, see how you go, I always say don't tell yourself you've given up cos that's too much pressure, just say you're not smoking today, then slowly those days will run in to each other and you'll have stopped. I haven't had a cig since NYE but still don't say I've quit cos I know how easy it is to go back. If I don't say have stopped then if I did have a blip and have one, it would be just that, a blip, and I would carry on not smoking the following day, but if I had said I had quit and did it, I would feel a failure and then think I may as well carry on smoking as have already failed, if that makes sense?

Works for me anyway. Good luck with it :)
Thanks guys, im gonna give it a go, the way I look at it is it cant be any harder than giving up food? Im gonna try on Monday if I feel its too much at same time as s&s I can always wait till after the diet, I think best way will be no pressure.
Pink i read allen carr easy way to stop smoking and am three weeks in and haven't smoked at all, i've been bothered when other people smoke in front of me and had no craving at all i've went about my normal day . I've done the inhaler etc which i've lasted 3 months, but it was really hard, but this has rewired my head am not that bothered by it,it's so much easier. I would recommend it totally.
Pink i read allen carr easy way to stop smoking and am three weeks in and haven't smoked at all, i've been bothered when other people smoke in front of me and had no craving at all i've went about my normal day . I've done the inhaler etc which i've lasted 3 months, but it was really hard, but this has rewired my head am not that bothered by it,it's so much easier. I would recommend it totally.

Thanks Twi, I'll have a look at that :)
Good luck Pinnk, you can do it. Have heard good things bout that Alan Carr book (and no, not the chattyman ;) ) whatever works for you, I think the key is being positive about it, what about just thinking bout something you will treat yourself to with the money saved? :)
I stopped just over 3 years ago, after trying several times cold turkey I used patches which did the trick. A cigarettes has not touched my lips since I slapped that on 3 years ago.
I also used the term'i have stopped' rather than 'I have given up' because i haven't given up anything good for me, only something that is bad for me. It really helped me - I also found and constantly read a run down of positive effects on your body from the moment you stop smoking. I wish you lots of luck :-D