Tano's healthy eating and exercise diary

Morning!!!! What a beaut day! Perfect running weather but my spray tan doesn't allow exercise hahaha!!!

Anyway, just had Cheerios with hazelnut milk for breakfast.

Lunch/dinner is TGi's and alcohol hahaha!!!

This weekend is a write off! On Monday I'm weighing an measuring and that will be my fresh start! I have a hen weekend next Saturday which means more bloody drinking!!! But leading up to that and after that its strict strict strict! Back to clean eating with a cheat meal. I'm going to try and make a new plan without the cake at work, I'm eating wayyyyy too much and it's not just once a week anymore! Need to stick to my dark chocolate as a treat! I WILL do this, I'm so determined!
So here's what I'm working for:
May 24th: chief bridesmaid
June 9th: half marathon
June 15th: Rhianna concert
June 26th: glasto weekend

hope you have a fab weekend.

You can do this tan you just need to re focus. is there no pt at your gym that could do you a new diet to follow? I kno they expensive some times but it might help re focus you xx

Had such a fab day eating an drinking with Lil Legs!!! Had about a million calories yesterday and today with the hangover!!!
I'm going to get back into the running and will go for a run tomoz, out for dinner tomoz night too. It's a pub meal so not sure what I'm going to have yet. I weighed today at 10st 5. I'll do a weigh and measure in the morning and post up on here x
10st 7 this morning!!!

4 mile run done plus abs work.
Had my first coffee since pancake day too :)
Cheerios with hazelnut milk

Eating out later: mixed grill (no chips/no onion rings)
Lunch is seafood sticks

Cheese and apple :)


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Moooooorning!!!!! :)

I'm surrounded by a million Easter eggs at my nephews house!!! So so hard!!!
Resisted tho and settled for a mullerlight. Just had 1 and a half bacon sandwiches with BBQ sauce no butter (white bread tho :( )

1.5 bacon sandwiches (white n BBQ sauce)

Skinny latte (Starbucks)
Skinny ginger muffin (Starbucks)

45 mins gym (weights/abs)

Chicken, carrots n peppers in BBQ sauce
Roast pots
Roast parsnips
Yorkshire pudding

Strawberries and grapes
(They're having strawberries n cream, but I'm not)
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Very nearly succumbed to the cream but didnt! I stayed strong!!! :)
Slept in very late!!! 8am. Really unlike me, must have needed the sleep.

Food for today:
Cheerios with hazelnut milk

Not sure about lunch but I am going out for a coffee with a friend so I'll update lunch later

Dinner: ham, mushroom and cheese omelette with salad.

2 hours gym tonight: fight class and core class
Mmmmmm I have Caribbean sweet potato soup in the fridge, that could be my lunch, with an orange for dessert!
I've been out all day and am still out now. So all I've had today is;

Cheerios and hazelnut milk

100g raw cashew nuts
Dinner last night was cheese, mushroom and ham omelette with 3 chicken wings too, followed by honey and yogurt.

I had 2 oranges and a tbsp peanut butter before the gym too. :)
Not sure about lunch again today as I'm out but I know I'm definitely having pesto chicken with wholemeal pasta for dinner hahahaha!!! I'm really hungry now, I may have some granary toast this morning with peanut butter..... Yum!
Not sure about lunch again today as I'm out but I know I'm definitely having pesto chicken with wholemeal pasta for dinner hahahaha!!! I'm really hungry now, I may have some granary toast this morning with peanut butter..... Yum!

iv went right off pesto yuk.

looks good hun xx

2 seeded toast with natural peanut butter

Sweet potato soup
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