Tano's slimming world diary

Morning all,
Got the job yesterday!!! I'm so pleased, had an off plan day but nothing major x
HEXB jam on toast

Fruit n seafood sticks (snack)

Had 2 biscuits at interview then a buffet was provided and I had 2 egg mayo sandwich triangles, a cookie and a banana

Had chicKen n chorizo pasta last night with low fat creme fraiche and fiery pesto, didn't track syns at all but Hey-ho!!!

Today: marmite and LF spread on 2 HEXB toast (2 syns)

Lunch: tuna jacket n salad

I'm out celebrating my new job tonight with loads of bevvies!!! So what will be will be in the morning on the scales! X
Said it before but well done lovely!

Other people go off plan but seem to pull off a weigh loss so I really wouldn't worry plus you have a reason to celebrate!! x
Said it before but well done lovely! Other people go off plan but seem to pull off a weigh loss so I really wouldn't worry plus you have a reason to celebrate!! x
Yeah, unfortunately tho, I'm never that lucky!!! A couple of off plan days and I pay on the scales, but you're so right, I deserve to celebrate tonight. So what about the scales; there's more to life! My interview is out of the way, my back is better and I'm ready to get back to the gym and focus on me!!! Sitting top end of 9's and low 10's is not a problem. I remember dreaming about being 10stone at my heaviest! Xxx
I haven't been on plan again and it's because I know I'm drinking tonight anyway!!! BUT tomorrow I won't moan on the scales! So bloody what-life's too short!!! And at a size 10/12 why am I bloody moaning?!?!?!
Food today:
HEXB toast, LF spread n marmite

Tuna jacket n salad
2 finger KitKat
Some mints

Graze snack box (dates/seeds/walnuts)
3 mini babybel light
Yeah, unfortunately tho, I'm never that lucky!!! A couple of off plan days and I pay on the scales, but you're so right, I deserve to celebrate tonight. So what about the scales; there's more to life! My interview is out of the way, my back is better and I'm ready to get back to the gym and focus on me!!! Sitting top end of 9's and low 10's is not a problem. I remember dreaming about being 10stone at my heaviest! Xxx

Great attitude :D I got weighed this am and I'm 5lb off target (was much higher last Saturday so I've done well to get back on it) but do you know what, I really do feel fab! I'm 9st 9lb and I dreamed about being that weight 6 months ago. Yep in want to get back in range but I also want a life too.

You've done so well and you look fabulous. You deserve to celebrate x
Great attitude :D I got weighed this am and I'm 5lb off target (was much higher last Saturday so I've done well to get back on it) but do you know what, I really do feel fab! I'm 9st 9lb and I dreamed about being that weight 6 months ago. Yep in want to get back in range but I also want a life too. You've done so well and you look fabulous. You deserve to celebrate x
Ahhhhh love ya Bec! And well done for getting back on it, you're super star dieter x
Having a flexi-syn day today as I'm soooooo hungover. Peanut hifi bar (HEXB)
Bacon sandwich with BBQ sauce (6 syns) Muller
Peanut hottie drink (3 syns) not worth it!
BBQ beans and 3 turkey drummer things (10.5 syns) beats getting a KFC tho right?

Apple and 2 satsumas

Crispy chicken ceaser salad (HEXA cheese) and flatbread 18 syns
Haribo 5 syns
Skinny popcorn 6 syns

Milk allowance 2 syns

Total: 50.5 syns... Could have been so much worse!!!
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Lee strolled in at 5:30am haha!
Taking mum out for dinner later with my sister. Who knows, maybe next year, I'll be a mummy myself!!!
Food: HEXB porridge with muller and banana
Options (1.5 syns)
Morning! Lee strolled in at 5:30am haha! Taking mum out for dinner later with my sister. Who knows, maybe next year, I'll be a mummy myself!!! Food: HEXB porridge with muller and banana Options (1.5 syns)

Morning lovely... Really hope you are , you deserve it soooooo much x
Morning lovely... Really hope you are , you deserve it soooooo much x
Thanks Hun. We have our first IVF appointment booked at the end of April, so exciting! I'm sticking with SW regardless of the outcome, so there will be no massive pregnancy gains I hope hahaha!!! X
Thanks Hun. We have our first IVF appointment booked at the end of April, so exciting! I'm sticking with SW regardless of the outcome, so there will be no massive pregnancy gains I hope hahaha!!! X

Ahhh that's good. I watched my brother and sister in law do this 3 times. Massive good luck to you. Xxx

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Ahhh that's good. I watched my brother and sister in law do this 3 times. Massive good luck to you. Xxx Sent from my GT-I9300 using MiniMins.com mobile app
Thank you!!! My friend has had 2 rounds and been unsuccessful; it's heart breaking to watch. If I'm unsuccessful after 3 attempts, then there will be no more attempts for me; I couldn't keep going through the heart ache! X
Still hungry after breakfast so I made a 2 egg omelette n ketchup (1 syn)


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Thanks Hun. We have our first IVF appointment booked at the end of April, so exciting! I'm sticking with SW regardless of the outcome, so there will be no massive pregnancy gains I hope hahaha!!! X

I will have everything crossed for you. Could end up with twins with IVF ;-) x
Thank you!!! My friend has had 2 rounds and been unsuccessful; it's heart breaking to watch. If I'm unsuccessful after 3 attempts, then there will be no more attempts for me; I couldn't keep going through the heart ache! X

Yea the first time it worked first time but second it didn't but the 3rd they got the twins. I really hope it works. My friend is doing it too xx

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