Taz's diary - Need to do this!

Hi Taz....Cleeethorpes is very run down, my parents owned a chip shop there for 4 yrs. My Mum hated the place she was so please when they sold up and left!! Have a good holiday x
Never mind Cleethorpes - Enjoy your holiday whatever x
I've never been to cleethorpes, what's there then?
Not a lot by the sound of it - anyone out there to defend Cleethorpes. I've never been there but it doesn't sound too good so far x
Yeah that's right Gem, not a lot! It's ok though cus we only ever use the pllace we stay as a base. We've never been to this area before so we will see what's around. Just cus we are staying in Clee doesn't mean we have to stay here. I will look online and see what's around
hey Taz,

Hope ya enjoying yourselves.... whats teh plans for today? x

Nas x
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Not decided yet Nas, Mr Taz has only just got up so we will have breakfast then probably go for a swim then decide what to do with the afternoon
Have fun Taz and Mr Taz - you know it makes sense x
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Thanks Jim, I will take a look at that soon. Although I did look at some pro-Clee sites yesterday and even they didn't seem to have any ideas of what to do here!

We went to the pool yesterday morning as usual and although the shallow end was busy with families the deep end was practically empty! There was about 5 adults there swimming widths so I joined them. I found out that it was 15m wide and I got 55 widths in. I went to Tescos yesterday afternoon and weighed myself and according to their scales I am 5lb up. More oddly though, Mr Taz is 8lb above his 'norm'. Although he did say that he has gone up a bit on the home scales lately so I don't know how accurate those are but it's a good guide. I'm not really watching what I eat while I am here but I am trying not to go too mad and I am still pre menstral (which can last 7-10 days for me!) so hopefully a couple of those lbs is due to that. I will get back on plan as soon as the holiday is over.

The sun seems to have put in an appearance here but it may still be cold out, there are some strong winds up here!
You're on holiday Taz, you shouldn't be weighing at all. :)

Gem, did you notice I did manage to get Guiness at the game? This year they were all prepared for it and it was great, strange drinking from plastic beer mugs though.
Get out and enjoy Taz, the holiday will be over before you know it love.
I do that Jim, I am always up early and Mr Taz likes to lie in so I use the time to get online and visit you lovely people! When Mr Taz gets up we will have breakfast then go swimming then go out and explore!
Have you got wireless there then? or is it a built in system, Taz.
It's a mobile broadband dongal Jim. It's a bit slow here and every now and then goes offline but it's ok
A couple of my sales people have them, they do work OK most of the time, but yes they can be very slow.