Taz's diary - Need to do this!

Taz - that's not wonderful is it and vey hard considering you've been out for a long time and just getting back into the swing x

Kat - Glad you enjoyed your weatabix. It has been quite a while since I've seen you and you've lost lots of weight since then - you should be really proud of yourself. So the dream has begun - I've been thinking of you and willing you to succeed. Take care x
I'll sponsor you love.
I think I already have, haven't I Taz x
Thanks Jim! Yes I think you have Gem. The link is at the bottom of my signature, it doesn't start til September so plenty of time yet!
Morning Taz, just let me know when and how love.
Good morning Taz - Thought I had - that's good x
Anytime you like Jim, just click on the Justgiving link in my signature.

Morning all, another late shift for me but there may be something a little better on the horizon for tomorrow and Thursday. I am going in a bit earlier today to see my manager about a slight change of plan! Watch this space...
OK, I'll make sure I bring my card in tomorrow Taz.
Do you have pay-pal Jim. I do all mine that way x
yes Gem, but it's a work account, not my dosh. ;)

What's this new thanks thing in the side bar? say's I have three thank you's. I'll off to the news thread see if anything has been published there.
Hi Taz, how you keeping?

I can't believe how much your diary moves on in 2 days!!!

Hi Kat, well done! I bet you're pleased that that part of it is over? Good luck with it and I hope it all goes well. xx

That's sounds exciting about a change of plan Taz.

Thanks for letting me know you've got your stuff for the swim because that means mine must be there so I know to go and check the post now. Good luck with getting sponsors. xx
Hiya Taz - just dropping in to see what you're up to x
probably still in bed if she's still on late's Gem.
She's quite an early bird Jim and Mr Taz gets up early too x
Maybe she's farming then Gem. ;)
Good point Jim - that'll probably be it
Gotta look after those crops and animals Gem, 'specially the goats. ;)