Taz's diary - Need to do this!

Wow! That is some dress - Get you, going to a cocktail party x
It's not as glam as it sounds Gem, it's a friends 30th and she wanted a cocktail party but on a budget so it is in a pub! Apparently not a particularly great pub in a funny area but a theme is a theme!
Morning Taz, morning all. :)
Hey Taz, I'm ok love, feeling a bit down and wishy washy and hoping it is a temporary thing. A party is still a party and something to get dolled u for! xx
Oh I'm sure it will be fun! One of my favourite party-mates is going, she is a small loud package of guaranteed entertainment!
Bleurrrrrgh Tazzy not feeling too great today. Since starting the plan to come off these tablets I have had a messed up body clock and feel generally yukky. I'm not sure I can stick another 4 weeks of this unless it gets better as the phase off goes on. Earlier I was seriously considering just stopping them and dealing with just a week or so of sickness rather than a possible 4 weeks
No Taz, you can't just stop them love, that can b dangerous.
Seems a good enough reason not to, to me Taz.
Yes I agree Jim but I also can't take another 4 weeks of feeling rotten. I am sweating buckets even before the sun wakes up, I feel crappy all day and keep munching like I got worms!
Yawwwwwwwwwwwwwn Morning all! I only have a short day today so not too bad. And I will have someone else with me as a pilot as its a route I don't yet do! All in all, not too shabby. And at the moment I have a 3 day weekend to look forward to if I don't get asked to work on Friday! They phoned me yesterday to ask if I wanted to do a night shift on Friday but I turned that down because of my already unstable body clock
Morning Taz, you'll be at work now I suppose.
She will Jim - she is doing really well working through all this crap with her medication - it must be exhausting x
Must be awful gem.