Taz's diary - Need to do this!

Thanks guys, I will probably put that back on in chicken soup! I like to have chicken soup when I'm ill. I must check the cupboard to see if I have any
the chicken soup is fine. it's the bread that goes with it that gets me. watch out for the bread!! it's evil :D

abz xx
I don't have any bread so that's ok! I only have brown bread here and I don't really like brown bread with soup
Nothing wrong with bread. My favourite at the moment is Kingsmill Oat and Seeds, it's yummy. The only thing wrong with bread is overdoing it. x
Yeah, but more than one slice is overdoing it lol My Mum always used to give us chicken soup when we were ill. Hope you feel better soon Taz x
I have 2 slices in a good healthy sandwich and it fits in just nice with weightloss (you get the B vits in bread too) x
I often have 2 slices in a sandwich but thats wholemeal. If I have bread with soup it's white and I sometimes have 2 slices cus it's nice to dunk!
Hi Taz. How are you doing with the chicken soup? Hope you're feeling a little better x
Well my mum very kindly brought me over some chicken soup yesterday then Mr Taz came home and announced he was going to make a roast dinner! Mr Taz doesn't do that very often so I let him carry on and it was very noce! I will be on the chicken soup today though. I slept much better so when I woke up I thought that maybe the cough had gone. I was wrong. Grrrr I hate being ill
Pour Tazzy - I hope you feel better soon. Glad Mr Taz is looking after you. I'd be lucky to get beans on toast!!!
Oh well whatever the reason.... roast sounds lovely.... just chill and rest.... hope the cough soon gets better x

Love Nas x
how you feeling today taz? i read that you're ill, but i've not been on here properly since monday or tuesday. i've been reading the forum at work, but i don't log in as we're not allowed to post on forums due to the nature of my job... if i say the wrong thing i could be sacked!