Taz's diary - Need to do this!

Abz is right - your average over the last month is more than 1lb a week if my memory serves me well so it's all good to go x
No Gem it means they HATE me! Ha ha!
They only do a few black belt gradings per year and they have to fit the gradings and pre gradings in when they have the right people available for the panel and when it doesn't clash with any other events.

My next kickboxing grading is due - yep, you guessed it, in JUNE!!! The same date! So I asked how I can avoid falling behind in kickboxing (usually if you can't make the date of your grading you have to wait another month). After a chat with the Senior Sensei he said I could do it in a private lesson if Sensei was happy with that. He was so I am doing my kickboxing grading on the 13th June and my pre grading on the 27th. The only drawback of that is I have to pay for the grading AND the private lesson! So June is going to cost me £120 in gradings! Plus I want a new head guard and foot guard so I think I need to sell myself for medical research!

I worked out that I now have 12 WI's til the re grading and I still have 12.5lb to lose! That's not good for me!
Oh come on you, I have faith in you and so should you, I think you should think positive and positive things will happen.

I will sort out the swimming thing as well if your still up for it?

Yeah swimming on Sunday, definately! I think I lost 5lb last month (after a gain of 1.5lb before my good streak). I have to work extra hard to manage 1lb a week but I will give it my best shot. And with my best mate re joining SW ;) I'm sure I can and will succeed!
And with my best mate re joining SW ;) I'm sure I can and will succeed!

I will check and let you know about swimming.
hey babes. a lb a week will be totally managable!! you've been doing really well recently. what's your average loss over the last month?

You guys are not as nerdy as me then, I kept all my weight losses in a spread sheet and even graphed it. :D
LOL, tell you what Taz, it was great to look at that graph slowly going up and up, also meant I could work out at any time my average losses. :D
LOL, I haven't looked at it for years, I must go and find it, maybe I could get it up on the board somehow.
i have one that i could use to watch my weight go down and down jim, but it's too depressing to use at the moment :)

abz xx
yes well, I had times like that as well abz.
Ha ha - that's nerdy plus! I like the flatlining bit - I've been a bit like that since Christmas Kat so don't worry - you'll soon be steaming ahead and overtaking everyone x
Taz a pound a week is very doable and with the extra urgency to do it, maybe just maybe your body will get kicked up a notch and it will do what you want it to do...fingers crossed! I reckon you WILL do it but I am forever the optimist...
You can do it Taz. The extra incentive will help spur you on. x x
Mini fitness challenges/targets
Weston Prom 5km - April 16th
Octathalon JJB Bristol - May 2nd
Bristol 10km - May 10th
Race for Life Bristol - June 14th
Indoor Rowing Marathon 42km JJB Bristol - August 15th
Bristol Half Marathon - September 6th

Hey Nex, how fit are you lady? Putting us to shame! So what's involved in the Octathalon that you're doing? x