Taz's diary - Need to do this!

Wasn't particularly good with the food today. Had a slice of toast this morning before work, had a bacon & egg sarnie mid morning then potato wedges for lunch. On top of that I have had a bag of crisps and a galaxy. I think it will be speed soup for tea and nothing else!!!
Aw... never mind Taz - line in the sand and move on x
Just had the stuffing knocked out of me. I just found out on Facebook that someone from my Truro days has died. She wasn't more than 10 years older than me and at the moment I don't know how she died. Totally shocked
Oh Taz - that's awful (((Hugs))) x
Just found out she went into hospital with a kidney infection and her heart stopped and they couldn't revive her. She was only 4 years older than me!
Nasty Taz's scales - Behave, will you! x
I had a really rubbish start to the day. I woke up feeling like poop with a fuzzy head so when I got to work I got a coffee and some hash browns for breakfast then took some painkillers and been ok since! Had a jp with cheese for lunch so not been too bad. Still not looking forward to those rotten scales in the morning :(
Hi Taz - so sorry you've been feeling ill - Hope all is well now and you are having a good evening x
Sorry to hear about your friend. :hug99:

Have a lovely evening. x :D