Taz's diary - Need to do this!

Did she send you a mojo Nomad? x
Good luck bonding with your mojo Nomad x
Morning all! I am a little boring with my smoothies as I have one every morning so I don't get too experimental. So I just have banana, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and vanilla pouring yogurt.

Glad your present has arrived Nomad, I hope you find it useful! :)

Just managed to squeeze a lb off this week. Certainly nowhere near the 3 I was hoping for so the bigger goal is out the window now and back to the original one. Which is fine, the bigger goal was just a 'would be nice to get'. So now the countdown to Christmas, 4lb to shift by then and I will be a happy bunny.

Off to Portsmouth today for the Christmas festival. Always starts off the Christmas spirit for us so I can't wait! And hopefully with a stop on the way back to visit Nomad :D
Morning all! Well we had a fantastic weekend away, as it always is, with lots of food, drink, and festiveness. And the damage? 2lb! I am more than pleased with that as it felt like we had a LOT of naughty treats and food, of course, was restaurant bought. So yes, very pleased with that score. It will be gone in no time :D

I have a long shift today and by the time I get home I will have just enough time to get stuff sorted here before it's time for double AquaFit! So no gym today, and I missed swimming yesterday as we were away.

This place looks like a bomb's hit! Before we left on Friday we got the trees up and that meant moving some stuff around and we haven't yet had a chance to properly reorganise. It doesnt't make me happy :( another job for this week!
It was a fabulous weekend indeed and so glad the damage wasn't too bad Taz x

I guess you're talking about Starbucks Nomad - see, we really do understand you x
I knew too ;)

No it's not bad at all and I'm sure it will shift soon. I really could do with more going with it though as I am out to dinner on Friday!
You'll do it Taz - I have faith in you x
It is harder this time of year, so much going on that the usual routines go out the window and so many treats around! Not to mention the Christmas meals we must attend!