Team 12 - Skinny Minis official Thread...

Well at my last weigh in i was 225.4lbs, this week I'm 218.2lbs.... thats 7.2lbs of grotty fat gone!!! Hoorah!!

Jules x
wow, thats really good, i thought you said you`d been bad????
maybe that was last week.
i think our team is in a good chance of winning this week,
i will be on for a bit later, dreading going away i was dreaming of eating cornish pasty really life like.
so kazzie & nessa to post wi`s
maybe if they haven`t posted by tom, someone should pm them.
speak again on tues.
weve got good weights so far this week, i`m sure were gonna win.
hiya all,
not sure who is running this team (so to speak) but i would love to join if thats ok?
im on day 1 of restart at the moment.
thank you kelly for letting me know u need another team mate :D
It's either buffydag (who I think is away at the moment) or nessa that you need to talk to hun but I can't see it being a problem as I think we're running a bit thin on the ground at the moment!:eek:
hi kelly,
sorry there seems to be a silencing in the halls on this team.
im wondering if perhaps i should try another team TBH.
hope someone soon answers ur call and is able to make good use of ur wonderful weight loss this week. well done hun :)
Hi to the two new team members! Wow it has been quiet, so sorry for my absence but have had a family member in hospital for quiet a big op and have spent most of my time at the hosptial. Didn't get chance to post my WI loss - only 2lb this week, but as someone once said even just a pound a week is 52lb over the year.

Have a few problems sticking to it over the last couple of weeks - not totally bad, but nibbling at walnuts and not drinking my daily water quota! Still new week starting now - so good luck to everyone and I will try to log on more often this week!
:cry:All by my self..... don't wanna be all by my self.... cue music lol...

Well it looks like its me myself and I at the mo.... Cheryl and Kellymundy have jumped ship... can't blame them as its been quieter than a morgue on here. I'm partly to blame... laptop playing up and only had use of mouse... no keyboard so unable to type... just watch whats been going down!! :pcwhack:!!!

Think we may have to look for some more teamies... and I think we need to get on and chat more... I'm on here at least 3 times aday but its not a lot of fun chatting to myself!! I think we also need to sort a team leader as leaving it to whoevers around doesn't seem to work.... I nominate Buffydog as she seems to know whats going on and be on the ball with things... but if on her return if she'd rather not I'd be quite happy to do it!!

Anyway... is there anyone else out there???:sign0163:


Well I'll drivel on to myself anyway.... had a good weekend diet wise... stuck to plan for the last 48 hours... did have a rough night Friday tho and did slightly attack the cheese, could have been worse tho... avoided the bread and chutney that would have gone so nicely with it! Gotta be 100% from now on... wanna be in those size 14s for Crimbo (or at the very least a 16).... wish I could remember what weight I need to be to get into them!!! Ho hum.... well I'm off now... gotta get some quality Frost viewing in!!

Ta ta for now!!

Jules x
Hi Kazzie... sorry only just seen ya post... nice to have some company in here!! Hope ya reli is doing well. As for water, I know what you mean... its so hard when you get out of your normal routine... I find it easy gluggin away in the week but as soon as the weekend gets here I find i hardly touch anything.

And yes... 2lbs is fantastic... especially if you've been under the cosh and haven't been guzzling that water.... keep up the good work.

Jules xx

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Well, I have to say I'm rather peeved today..... after having my wee bit of cheese I managed to gain 0.8lbs over Friday night..... and have only up until this morning lost 0.2lbs of that.... whats going on... surely 1 tiny piece of cheese could not make that much difference, gotta be water surely!!!! Its the 1st time I've seen the scales rise and I really don't like it.... boo hooo.... I'm off to sulk now!

Jules x
Okay.... so now I've made it worse... had a Konking headache this avie and I done it again.... attacked the cheese.... don't know what it is... I normally wouldn't touch the mild stuff with a barge pool and now its like pure nectar from the gods..... HELP ME PLEASE....!!!!
Hey there, sorry to hear you are having such a struggle at the moment. Think it is a combination of lack of water, peeping at the scales and this flippin cheese thing that is going on at the moment. Take a big step back and look at what you are doing. You're just making it harder for yourself. Bin the cheese, with fairy liquid over it and refocus, refocus, refocus.

Come on here as much as you can, join the Let's do it Hour by Hour thread and pat yourself on the back for every single hour you SS perfectly. Next thing you know, you will have done a whole day. Then another, and another, and before you know it, it will be weigh day and you will have a loss! You cannot fail to lose if you stick to this diet, so don't despair, don't peep, have faith. Little steps!
Good luck
Thanks Francis.... i know exactly what you're saying and have vowed to keep off those bloomin scales but they are the only thing that motivate me.... (sad I know)!!! As for the cheese, it has to stay as my little loves and lives off it... but I will be strong..... just gotta get focused again.