Team 12 - Skinny Minis official Thread...

Thanks again Francis.... its really nice of you to spur me on.... especially as I seem to be all on my lonesome in this team!!!

Yep that meez is gonna be me at the end of this journey... apart from I'm gonna be far sexier!!!!

Weigh in day is Thursday so not long now.... got aqua aerobics tomorrow so hopefully that might give me a push start.... it normally kicks a lb or 2 off and gets me refocused!! Think i'll take the little man out for the day tomorrow.... these 4 walls can get a bit food envoking... BRING BACK SUMMER!!!

Jules x
Hi Jules

I'm here! Unfortunately been out for dinner tonight - 29th wedding anniversary - oh god where have all those years gone?? It is scary how quick they pass and been overweight for most of them, constantly on a diet and always blaming something or someone else for it!

I seem to be stuck at the moment and really must log on, on daily basis again for moral support. I give in at the slightest excuse and yet I know ss works - what is wrong with me? It's my wi tomorrow evening and I will be lucky if I have stayed the same. I just keep trying to focus on the fact that I have lost 3 stone since the end of June and so far have not put on once. I stayed the same once and only lost 1lb over a 3week period when we went to Cyprus for a fortnight - so not too bad really. Just need to get my head in gear and get back on to total ss.

Have a lovely day out with the little chap tomorrow - hope the weather stays as nice as it was today. Weekend was lovely and spent Sunday gardening which I love, just don't seem to get enough time. Kept me out of the kitchen too!!!
Hi Kazzie.... nice to have you back...

Blimey... 29th Anniversary, congratulations... I'd say you deserve one super dooper meal for all that time... I've only just had my 4th and that feels like for ever!!

We've both done really well so far and both need a kick up the butt to get back into gear hey.... I see we've got a similar amount to lose... perhaps we can have a challenge to see who can get it off 1st??!!!

Well as you can see I'm not out for the day... we have been out this morning but it is so cold and wet here we came home... plus Leon's knackered so he's now gobbling his lemon curd sarnies and then he'll be off to bed for a couple of hours.... only trouble is then I have to work.... really can't get my head into it at the moment... I'm sure my boss is gonna ring soon and say "Julia, what exactly have you done so far this week", and I won't have an answer... don't think "well I stared at all the spreadsheets for a few hours" would go down too well!!!!

so far so good diet wise today... had 1 and half litres of water (typed wine then.... wonder whats on my mind!!) and still to have my 1st shake... think I'll hit the soup when Leon retires to his pit.... that'll warm me up.

Hope ya having a good day... and step away from that fridge!!

Jules x
Well its not been a good night yet again..... felt really bad for about an hour and actually started to vomit... think I got a little bug.... and yes you guessed it... I had yet another piece of cheese.... arrrrgggghhhhh.. put an even bigger picture on the fridge now so hopefully that will deter me!!!

Where is everybody???

BUFFYDOG.......??? You jumping ship too after your hols???

Jules x
hi all,
no i`m still here, but not feeling great, have had to move up plans for a week and its not agreeing with me, cant wait till i`m back on ss on mon.
i think we need more team members, theres only jules kazzie & me, so we need to find 3 more.
will do that later, as long as your both ok with it.
back to work now, so speak later.
have a nice day all
Hi all

Not a good week last week - managed to put on 1.5lbs! Having said that I did have my jeans on for weighing which I don't normally do. Oh well have now managed two whole days on ss alone! Just taking it literally one day at a time now, not thinking of the long haul. I really just need to get a good wieght loss again and it will spur me on.

Must be really hard being at home all day Jules? Not sure I would do so well at all, at least being in the office everyone knows better now than to offer me a cake, and when I do indulge everyone makes a comment - nicely though! It is surprising how some people can be so jealous though and refuse to comment on what is obviously now a huge weight loss - 3 stone, but they just ignore the fact. All too quick to comment on weight increases though!

How did everyone else's day go? Well all two of you?? I think we do need to get some more members don't we, so good luck with the hunt Buffydog - I am still working out how all this works, so won't be much use yet. By the way hope you feel better soon!

Have a good day tomorrow both!
Hi there gals...

Well I'm all poorly sick and feeling sorry for myself...... got a stomach bug and sever S&D... had to spend the day at my MIL as I just couldn't cope with Leon alone, I even blacked out this morning!! Managed to keep a shake and a little water in now so hopefully I'll be back on the ball soon!

I saw ya other post about having to go onto 1200 Buffydog, what a bummer hey... but not worth passing out or summin worse on ya run.... its just cr*p that its making you feel so rough... ya body will probably adjust just in time to get back to SS!!

Kazzie, yeah I do find being at home all day really hard.... i used to think it would be heaven but now really crave for adult company and a distraction from food...... everybody thinks I'm so lucky working from home but what they don't see is that I never have anytime off... as soon as Leon goes to sleep I have to work, where as friends who go out to work have childcare whilst they're at work and when their little ones go to bed they get to chill.... hey hoe... I can't have it every way and I wouldn't want to miss the time I have with Leon for anything... and as I'm not highly skilled if I had to pay childcare it wouldn't be worth working!!

I also know what you mean about people ignoring your weight loss... I have to go into work for a meeting once a month... this months meeting was late so I hadn't seen anybody since I'd started... a lot of them since having my son and being 5 stone heavier.... and funny enough the men all commented and complemented but not a single woman made a remark... and when one did hear me talking to one of the chaps she just said "huh... well that sort of diet doesn't teach you healthy eating does it, she'll soon be back to her old self"!!!! Boy am I gonna show her!!!

Anyway... I'll stop driveling now... really need to hit the sack.... mind you DHW's is on tonight so not too likely!!!

Buffydog.... totally agree on new members..... I think I'm the only original now!! LOL!!! And how do you feel about being team leader??

Jules x
P.s.... 1.5 lbs is defo just ya jeans.... you've had a lot on and have done really well to keep it down to just that...

Well done with 2 days of pure SS and keep it up.

P.P.S this diet is making me delerious..... Sorry Buffydog... I've just seen you where here at the beginning...!! Seriously losing it!
well done on your 4lb, was quite bad with my stomach last night, so gonna advetise for more teammates now.
i have gained this week, due to coming out of ketosis, i`m hoping it just water/glycogen, but i`m not counting it, trying to ignore the diet/weight until after my run, hate being forced out of my diet when i was doing so well. ah well, need to stop moaning and just wait til mon.
Can I join?

Hi guys

I would love to join the skinny minis, I will be starting the CD tomorrow morning.

My name is Samantha, I am 33 and a mum of two, I work from home in my beautiful home salon and am currently doing my certificate in education so that I will be able to teach beauty therapy and holistic therapies in further education colleges.

I currently weigh 12st 2 3/4lbs and would like to get down to 10st.

I did try Cambridge once before but wimped out after 4 days, I am determined that this is it, this is the time because I am fed up with feeling like this and want my figure back please!!!

Hope I can join you

Take care, Sam x
Hi everybody
I'm Lynn and I'm 44 years of age. I work as a Paralegal in a Solicitors office.
I currently weight 12.2:eek:. I am not sure what weight I want to be - I will decide later. I would love to join a team. Am I in :sign0009: :innocent0001:
Hi Sam and :welcome: to the Skinnyminis.... we're abit short on the ground at the mo but hopefully things will pick up soon!!!

I don't know if you've read back but just in case you haven't had a chance I'll recap about me... I'm Jules (Julia), I'm 31 and live in Norfolk with my husband and little boy, Leon (16mths). I work from home as a technical administrator for a food manufacturer. I started Cambridge 7 weeks ago and thus far have lost 36 whooping pounds of lard from my body.... yahooooo..

Been having a few lapses lately with the ole cheese... nothing else has tempted me just the damn cheese for some reason.... but it is coming up to TOTM so perhaps its that playing haywire with my system... I hope so. I have another 48lbs to go before target... but I think realisticly its more like 60 but I'll see how I feel when I get the 48 off..... My motivation for this diet is I want to have another bubba and after going through my last pregnancy overweight I just don't want to do it again, I reached 20stone at full term with Leon.

Anyway... enough drivel from me.... Good luck with the new start... speak soon...

Jules x
Hi Francis... I know... 4lbs, I was in shock!!! The cheese has all gone now... and I'm just gonna buy Leon those dairylea stick things as I'm not tempted to those one little bit....!!! So heres to that big fat 5lb off next week hey!!!

Jules xx