Team 17 = sisters of slim =official thread =

yes i can do that julie ,and the scores this week for miss cheesy nuts is -9lb yes 9 oh i have been good yeha ,yes i know thats enough,lol

Serena 10.7...loss 3...10.4
debs 14.7...loss 4....14.3
Jules 13.5(.6).... loss 2.2..... 13.3(.4)
soola 12.10......loss 9 .........12.1
yes i can do that julie ,and the scores this week for miss cheesy nuts is -9lb yes 9 oh i have been good yeha ,yes i know thats enough,lol

Serena 10.7...loss 3...10.4
debs 14.7...loss 4....14.3
Jules 13.5(.6).... loss 2.2..... 13.3(.4)
soola 12.10......loss 9 .........12.1

Whoa soola way to go girl,hope mine is as good as yours next week.....well done sista
thankyou my loyal sister,its bloody hard but keep the faith and i want to see a -9 from you next week missy.
Bloomin heck Soola your loss this week is fab!!

:welcome: Welcome to the team Vicki and congrats on your loss this week.

Hi everyone else, hope you're all ok.

thanks sister serena , your losses are good for your weight,how do you keep it moving down,after a few weeks i get stuck,so i thought i would have a rest over xmas and see if it quickened up when i started again,and it looks like it has with a -9 this week . i just need it to lose every week or i get a bit bored with it,
Sister Serena...gawd that makes me sound like a nun!!

A lot of people say that a break off plan can boost things for them so fingers crossed for you hunni xx

To be honest I'm suprised I'm still losing at the moment as whenever I've done calorie counting etc I have always stalled at two stone without exception. I'm not doing anything in particular to keep the scales shifting.

On the flip side, although I have lost fairly consistently I have never had one of those big "whooshes" of a weight loss that everyone else seems to get which gets me down a bit sometimes...
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Serena 10.7...loss 3...10.4.....................................2.04%
debs 14.7...loss 4....14.3.......................................1.97%
Jules 13.5(.6).... loss 2.2..... 13.3(.4).....................1.03%
soola 12.10......loss 9 .........12.1............................5.05%

Team total at mo..............2.49%

well done girls
Hi everyone, Well my name is vicki i'm 29 and going to be 30 in June so i made the decision that the weight had to come off before then. i've got 4 stone to lose. i live in Redditch but originaly from sutton in surrey but moved up here last year and really like it in the Midlands.
i did try to put a photo up but can't seem to do it. so i hope i am doing the cutting and pasting of the weight loss right!
thanks for letting me join your group love vicki

Serena 10.7...loss 3...10.4
debs 14.7...loss 4....14.3
Jules 13.5(.6).... loss 2.2..... 13.3(.4)
Vicki 15.9......loss 7......15.2
Welcome Vikki.

Hi guys, sorry I wasnt around yesturday, I had a very stressful day,and took myself to bed at 7pm, without any supper, lol.
One good thing, the scales are showing me as another 3lbs down, so maybe stress is a good thing,lol.
Hope you have a wonderful day, I dont expect to be around much over the next week, as Iam doing lots and lots of overtime, but I will try to pop in.
Take care everyone.
Hi Sisters, hope you have all had a good weekend.

Vicki, you're probably not doing anything wrong with trying to add photos etc, you just need a few more posts before you can do/access everything. I think it's something like 20 posts for avatars and more sig space, and 50 posts for the rest of it like personal messages. Join in on some of the word game threads and post on here loads as well and that will help get the count up!
Hi everyone,welcome vicki,thanks for the update on where you live etc serenas right about the photo thing once you hit 50 posts you get most of it I think,just dont do what Ive done add loads of things in your signature and then cant remove them!!I have to wait for Penny to visit me and do it for me!!When youve got signature space you can add our sisters of slim logo you just copy one of ours and paste it in your signature box,
Well I have had fun this weekend,it started saturday,there I was in pj's 8.30am sat morning minding my own business and the boys got their bikes out the garage the cable broke on the door and said door was stuck in the air hanging on for dear life one side,wide open chucking it down with rain,completely broken needs a new door,Came upstairs for a fag to de stress brad knocks ash tray off and smashes it,then charlie spills a drink,then all the electric goes off(Key meter)so have to go outside again in pissin rain to do that.To say I was well narcked is an understatement I had to remove dressing gown as was so hot and without thinking reached for the biscuit tin,shock horror Im an emotional eater,threw the biscuit back in the barrel and took out my frustration on a cranberry crunch bar!!I made the boys some sandwiches and told them not to come home for a very long time!!and they didnt so I had to try and find them that was fun...both phones switched off and as I was about to start a search party they turned up having been bmx ing with their mates all day covered in mud leaning against the wall in the hall I decorated only what a laugh a minute they are!!..NOT!!There was more but I will tell you that when I have more time.
Hope youre all well,well done on being down with the weight again pen pen!!Serena my leg still bloody hurts ,I dunno, since turning 40 Im falling to bits!!
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Blimey this is boring,how dare you all be working and having lives while I sit here so bored I have to colour my hair,then cut it only to pick up the wrong scissors while thinning it and cut a chunk out of the back :giggle:
I just remembered what I was gonna tell you all this morning.On sat andy got home from work and poured me a vodka and coke,I said I didnt want it,he went on about me relaxing one wont hurt etc,I told him I dont want it so many times it was severely winding me up,then I said to him look I want to do this and its like youre trying to stop me,he said he wasnt but cant see the problem with me having a drink,i cant get it through to him but I said to him its hard anyway course I want a drink but im not having it and I wont be til I finish this diet,you are prolonging it and I will be forever dieting cos you wont let me just get on with it,I feel guilty cos you want me to drink,I feel guilty ifI have a drink so I cant win,he chucked it down the sink!!
Blimey Julie it's all going on in some way or another where you are and not in a good way...well done for staying focussed, you'll be where you want to be in no time and glugging away at the old vino as much as you please...just not too much eh ;-) sending hugs darling, you sound like you need it xx

Hope everyone else is having a better time of it! xx
Aah thanks serena,actually Im fine,Im just whinging away like a good un at the moment just ignore me,Ive given myself asthma now from the amount of hair spray Ive put on my hair,I know I shouldnt have breathed while I was doing it!
Blimey hark at me here I go again tum teetum tum tum shutup Julie!!
evening sister julie well done on ignoring the pressure from outside forces,ha ha,they just dont see how bloody hard it is and think we need some kind of treat every now and again,pete said on sat after my -9 ,well done do you want me to bring you some chips in later as you have been so good,i am sure he is retarded,he wouldnt know a carb if it hit him in the balls,ahhhhhhhhh bloody idiot,right calm now.i think it is because he and his family have never been fat and dont understand where my lot are genetically obese i say genetically its really pies,and
evening sister julie well done on ignoring the pressure from outside forces,ha ha,they just dont see how bloody hard it is and think we need some kind of treat every now and again,pete said on sat after my -9 ,well done do you want me to bring you some chips in later as you have been so good,i am sure he is retarded,he wouldnt know a carb if it hit him in the balls,ahhhhhhhhh bloody idiot,right calm now.i think it is because he and his family have never been fat and dont understand where my lot are genetically obese i say genetically its really pies,and
I think youre right soola....about them being retarded I mean,andy thinks cos youve been good then it wont hurt which would probably be true on any other diet but not this type,but he gets such the bloody hump when I say no,this is an extreme diet the voices in your head telling you one wont hurt are bad enough,let alone that being reinforced by someone else!!
How are you anyway me luverly sista?