Team 17 = sisters of slim =official thread =

Hi all,hope your all having a good weekend.
Angie, thanks for mailing, congrats on going into the 11's, thats fantastic, hope your feel better soon.
debs... was 15.7.5....lost 4.... now 15.3.5 2.47%
Penny...was 13.7......lost 13.4. 1.58%
Julie....was 14.1.....lost 13.13 1.01%
Ast......was 17.7.....lost 17.6 0.40%
soola....was 12.1....lost 11.13 1.18%
serena...was 11.7...lost 11.3 2.48%

Team total 1.42%

Well done girls,heres to another good week
Thanks for working out the percentages, your a total star.
Hope your well one and all, I have flu,not a cold, bloody flu, hardly any sleep last night and every muscle in my poor body hurts, and my nose wont stop running, its the only part of me thats active,lol.
Have a good day guys, take care.
Thanks for working out the percentages, your a total star.
Hope your well one and all, I have flu,not a cold, bloody flu, hardly any sleep last night and every muscle in my poor body hurts, and my nose wont stop running, its the only part of me thats active,lol.
Have a good day guys, take care.
Poor Penny,hope you feel much better really soon,at least you got it before xmas although thats not really a cosolation is it,Im just trying to cheer you up and Im pretty darn crap at it!!sending ((((hugs))))) for you xx
Hi everyone how are we today?We put up our decs yesterday,re hung the same ones about 50 times that blu tacs absolute crap!!One of them we actually ripped down and stuck some battered bell in its place it fell on our heads so many times!!
we went to a party sat and I was gonna have a drink (I had planned this with cdc) but no..Andy apparantley is fed up of driving so I didnt have one there...I was slightly peed off had looked forward to that all week!!
Oh blimey nearly forgot.....angie well done on the 11s how fab!!
Have a good day one and all,catch you all later
haha! Debs squirt away girl you know you want to!!Would a pregnancy test have been less embarrassing then??Bet you wouldnt have asked your dad to get you one of those?!

Hell yeah!!! A pregnancy test would have been soooo much less embarassing than a big tube of germaloids!!!! However, I certainly wouldn't have asked my dad to get me one of those - I had enough of a trauma telling my dad I was pregnant with Conor - despite being married and respectable and stuff - it was like saying "hey dad, I've had sex with a man"!!!! An experience I never want to repeat! The telling my dad bit, not the having sex with a man bit - that I would like to do again!!!

Angie - well done on seeing the 11's you little star - thinking about you lots and sending you big hugs - hope you're back with us soon.

Ast - you moved yet girl? How's it all going?

I'm freezing today - as usual - so have got my mits on at my desk - very attractive! They're fingerless gloves with little mit things that you can tuck over the fingers for extra cosiness - not easy to type in but I dont care - my warmth is more important than my ability to type! Have also got on really thick tights and 2 pairs of socks under my boots - would be better off bringing in a sleeping bag and just zipping myself into it while I'm working - now there's an idea!!!

How you feeling Penny, any better?

Hope everyone is well today.
Morning all, its sooooo lonely on minimins this morning, none of my fwends are here! Where are you all hiding????

Guess I'm just going to have to go do some work then since I've no-one to talk to on here.

Hope everyone is well - have a good cd day. xx
:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: Where are my sisters??????????? Are you all away somewhere meeting up without me???? Paranoia is setting in!!! xx
Just gonna talk to myself now.

Hi Debs, hows things with you today?

Well Debs, I'm glad you ask, things are really good with me, its been another fab cd day, have had about 3 litres of water already and have pee'd for Scotland but I'm happy!

Whats that you said there Debs, you reached what weight at your weigh in yesterday? Did you say 14, 13.5 Debs? I certainly did Debs, and mighty chuffed I was too, leapt of the scales and stubbed my toe with the excitement! No more 15's for you then Debs, eh? Absolutely not Debs, 15's gone forever!

Ok, now feeling a bit silly talking to myself so am going before the wee men in the white coats start chasing me!!! Awww crap, here they come..... RUN...............

Hi Debs, bless your heart, was it nice talking to yourself,lol.
I have been in bed for the last 2 days with this flu, had to take time off work, still undecided when I will go back, as still really weak.
Iam being told to eat, so I can get better, but Iam so close to goal now, that said I havent drunk very much at all, so only time will tell.
yee ha debs well done on spanking those 15s,you go girl,i have not been on for a few days as i am ill again,i am so pissed off it is one thing after another,number 2 son josef has brought home a luvly virus from school and yes you got it ,its got me,its the one where you have a stabbing head,watery eye,runny nostril just the one,and you cant sit upright for more than 2 mins,without thinking you are going to pass out and the shivering is driving me mad or is the the 104 temp thats doing that,so suffice to say it is sick bay 1 in here.and made all the better by me still no meds for me i am being a soldier and battling through on my own.keep the ss up you are a star,right just fallen off the chair ,will crawl to the settee and lies down with our josef we look such a sight,all hot and snot lol.......
hi penny its a bugger this bug isnt it,i feel like i am going to die i know its a bit dramatic but thats wot it feels like cough cough .lol....
Sorry you feel so poorly Soola, get well soon petal x And well done for sticking with it, you'll be in the 10s before you know it at this rate.

Hi everyone else hope you are ok xx
Hi girls awwwwwww everyones ill.............apart from me and serena:hug99::gen126: for all of you poorly bunnys xx

Debs..14s :smiley1842::bliss::party0016::happy096: you go girl...Am so pleased for you.Hows the toe?I broke my little toe and the doctor came round and strapped it up while I laid there like the queen of sheba,she done it so crap the bandage fell off the next day.Andy ripped his toe nail off one day and embarrassed me as we needed to go in the post office and he couldnt get his shoe on so he hopped in wearing only 1 shoe and some bloke said'whats up couldnt you find the other one!!'My mates husbands slippers fell to bits and he keeps wearing his flip flops and wonders why he bashes his toe on everything!!I think the problem is your toes stick out further than your body,a bit like a cats whiskers judges the size of gaps thats what our toes are for so when you bash em you know you wont fit!!
I havent been on for a bit as I had so much going on lately and andy seems to be on here most of the time:pcwhack:cant moan as he has been chatting to his daughter he hasnt seen for years.
Penny are you feeling any better love I would text you hun but my phone needs topping up and I keep forgetting to do it,really hope you feel better soon.
Angie how you doing luvvy sorry you are feeling so ill,you need to either take your boy out of school or wear a builders mask when there are bugs going round thats what I do.Hope you feel better soon.
Serena wass appnin me homie!!Sorry been spending too much time wiv me dorter innit!!
Ast are you ready for moving,why didnt you wait til 24th dec and chuck it all on the back of santas sleigh??He could have gone to your new place 2nd,Ive heard he will do anything for a mince pie,he does cd all year!!
Hey sista you know me!!
How are ya?Are you going to our knees up thursday!!LOL
Hi all
I am going to have to leave the group as I am stopping the diet until I move and have settled down.
I will miss you all!
Hi all
I am going to have to leave the group as I am stopping the diet until I move and have settled down.
I will miss you all!

Sorry to see you leave, good luck with your move and have a lovely Christmas, and be sure to pop in to say hello and to let us know how things are going xx
Hey sista you know me!!
How are ya?Are you going to our knees up thursday!!LOL

I'm ok thanks, have been in a ding-dong on the pickers thread on the 100% forum - kinda know how it felt for you with your anti-cheat thread the other week!

I'll be staying for the Thursday knees-up now, will just go out for a drink afterwards instead of my usual meal to celebrate my wedding anniversary.

I don't know what cd food to bring with me...?
Hi all
I am going to have to leave the group as I am stopping the diet until I move and have settled down.
I will miss you all!
Sorry you are going ast,sometimes life just changes so fast ,good luck with your new job and the move,like serena says you can always pop on here for a chat with us lot when you are ready,take care luvvy