Team 17 = sisters of slim =official thread =

Hi everyone,
debs you poor love,just wish we all lived a bit closer to you hun hate to think of you sitting there crying all weekend,well hopefully you will soon have your car back and all will be well in the world sending you big((((hugs)))) xx

Hi shazza,glad you decided to be one of our motley crew!!Most of us here are in the same boat as you having had xmas off we have struggled to deal with the cosequences!!The good thing is we all have about the same to lose as you do,so all know where we are coming from.Serena has been fantastic,unlike the rest of us continued with ss over xmas and left us all behind and has now gone into maintenance.
Hopefully you will want to put our team logo on your signature,you probably know how to do it but if not,just copy one of our sisters of slim logos and paste it into your signature box.What day do you weigh?We all weigh on different days as long as I have the results by saturday I can send in our team %,we all try and get them to end up in one post,you will see how once everyone starts to put them in,it makes it easier for me to work out,haha!!Im a lazy moo!!
Anyway welcome aboard,one of us is usually about,so if you have any questions just shout,and a big well done on your weight loss so far
woohoo I am part of a team YAY :8855:
My WI is usually Mondays, this week i lost 1lb :sigh: next week my WI is tuesday and will be back to Mondays after that..
I am hoping for a good loss next week, and with the support of the team, should be a lot easier :D
Welcome Shazza, congrats on your loss, any loss is a loss darling, so be proud.
As for my other sistas, well what a naughty girl I have been, but I had a light bulb moment today, the reason Iam doing this became all too clear, it wont make sense to anyone else, but to me it does.
MY ARMs,are the reason I keep regaining the weight I have lost.
They mostly look horrible, but they look really horrible when I loose more weight, and because of my uniform at work, I have no way of covering them up, so I am aware of them all the time, and a couple of time I have been asked about the scars on my arms, anyway point is, I know why now, I just need to work on stopping the sabbotage, feeling alittle more hopeful, having written this down.
Huggles to all.
Hi girls,
well done on the loss shazza,like penny said any loss is worth shouting from the roof tops,I know I will be if I have a loss this week even if its 0.0000009 haha!!We're here to support you all the way luvvy so well done you.
Penny,totally get where you are coming from on the arms thing,my arms are horrid and my work top has short sleeves,if they came down to my elbows they would be fine but they are sort of a bit longer than a capped sleeve and very unflattering.I wear a thermal vest under mine so my arms are covered a bit.Maybe love you are at the right weight for you,if you dont want to lose any more because of that then why torture yourself.You have done so well would it really matter if you stayed where you are?
Right I am off to nursery today,did the first meeting last night of my counselling course,blimey it was mind boggling,bit of a which came first the chicken or the egg type of mind questioning!!
I got on scales after having 4 packs and loads of water yesterday and had lost preciseley nothing,so Im well chuffed as you can imagine,hopefully it will start to shift,it bloody better,this is hard going.
Off now laters
morning julie,i had 3 packs and 6 pints of water and went on the treadmill for the first time in months,said i would walk fast and not run ,but god i love running ,so i did and i felt all shaky and crap for the rest of the night,weighed in this morning and i have put 2lb on ,if i live to be a 100 i will never understand how my body works,never mind am going to treadmill all week till sat weigh in and see if it makes a diff,i can only assume my body need this 27lb worth of fat for something,but its not bloody having it.
have a nice cd day sisters ,keep up the good work ,i dont want the wooden spoon this week ,so am being extra saint
Haha cheesynuts,so its not just me then,dont let your body have it thats what I say,we're very selfish arent we,it obviously wants it but we arent gonna let it bloody have it no!!Maybe once it gets hot we will sweat it out,might buy some shares in a deodorant company now,phewee!
Hi guys, totally with you both on our bodies deciding this is the cut off point, but I DONT want to be this size, I was in a world of pain yesturday, and could hardly make it up the hill to my house,because it was such hard work, even kinda breathless, so not staying here, hate it, head's still not in the right place, but Iam sore today too, so another day of this, and hopefully I will be back in the game, cant promise, But I sure as hell will try.
Debs, where you at you moany old wench?( hoping that will cheer you up,a ickle bit, if it didnt, well Iam hiding).
Serena, huggles ohhhhhhhh skinny one.
Shazza heres hoping today is a good one for you.
Julie, Iam still hoping to pop in, so embarrashed at my size, but if you promise not to gasp I should be fine, walking threw your front door sideways,lol.
hey - moany old wench here - checking in to say how much of a moan i am - again! you did make me laugh there penny but i am still a moany old wench today! i think its my new thing - number two's last year, moaning this year! nope, promise i will stop moaning when i get my car back!! its now totm too so thats like the icing on the freakin cake for me but i am soldiering on.

had a fabby cb day yesterday and am feeling ultra motivated to keep going now, all picking behind me - we hope! i refuse to have another sts next week - its just too depressing and i'm going to be the cause of the wooden spoon at this rate - and Soola cheeseynuts will win the BIG bar of choccie which i just cannot allow - its mine, mine i tell you!!!!!

Ok, off to do some work now and glug another bottle of water - am a litre down already and peeing for Scotland - yippeeee!!!!

Laters dudes.


PS, ooops, nearly forgot to welcome Shazza on board - hiya chic, hope you are well and am glad to have you as part of the team. dx
Debs, did you have to mention bloody cake, ohhhhhhhhh annoyed now,lol. Glad I can come out of hiding tho.Hope you day improves darling.
Iam shouting for a reason, anyone thinking they cant do this,needs to look at Serenas albums, she looks and is amazing, sista's there is hope, take a look at whats possible, well done darling Serena, my hero.
OMG thanks Penny but how embarrassing!! Hope you're not stuck in Julie's doorway as we speak, if so I will pop round and give you a hefty shove...with love of course x

Welcome to our team Shazza, you'll love it in our team really! Loads of support and huggles here for you (and the odd kick if needed) :)

Glad you had a good day yesterday Debs, keep glugging, by the way I think moaning burns tons of calories so keep it up girl!

Soola, well for the treadmill thing, that's more than I could do. I did it at the gym once and dropped my walkman, like an idiot I instinctively bent down to pick it up and went flying off the bloody treadmill arms flailing and legs akimbo...duh! I read somewhere when you exercise you can weigh more afterwards because your muscles retain the water in order to repair themselves so don't let it bother you.

Julie, let me know if the deodorant business takes off and I will buy some shares, but what has happened to you and Soola's Keto Cleaning Co. ??!! ;-)

Have a great day Sistas xx
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Julie, it was lovely to see you today, you looked amazing, well done you, I know you dont see it, but OMG you looked even more beautiful than ever.
I have emailed Sally about the short group, its worth asking isnt it.
I have just been playing around with BMI's, according to some sites, it would be fine for me to be 9st 11lbs, to me, it seems impossible, a weight that is far to low for me, but you never know, once I get back in the game I might consider it, but I think I would be happy with being half the woman I used to be, which is alot more than 9st something.
Hope your all well and as lovely as ever.
Morning ladies,
How are we all today?Debs you sounded a bit more upbeat yesterday,thats good if its true,however,if you still feel like being a moany old wench you carry on love,dont want you thinking you cant have a moan and let it all out to your sistas!!Well done on the ss thing,I still cant manage a day wothout just a bit of chicken or something dont think I ever will now,but its not that bad its sort of ss+ without as much chicken as you would have on that so thats ok I spose.Onward and downward as they say.
Serena,I saw your pics on the main thread and thought Id comment here,OMG YOU LOOK FAB.Wish id stuck to cd like you have,it just shows where I could have been if Id just gritted my teeth and got through xmas,I didnt but you did and I absolutely have the utmost admiration and respect for you for getting to where you are today,well done hunny.
Soola how are you doing?surely something must have moved on the scales by now,you have been working so hard since we got that wooden spoon!!Oh the shame!!haha!!
Shazza how are you doing luvvy?Have you managed to get back on track ok?
Last but not least,my lovely Penny,who makes herself sound like something she is not,right this is penny talking....'Ive put on so much weight,I will see you if you dont gasp'.........Right so yesterday I see penny,the last time I saw her was way before xmas,you know what Im gonna say..................PENNY YOU DONT LOOK ANY DIFFERENT,you still look fabbo like you did,what I see isnt what you see love,you look great,and as we have all said before you have done so amazingly well I think even if you stayed where you are now,which I know is not what you want,but if you did,you have achieved so much and should be very very proud of yourself......and it was lovely to see you yesterday.
Right off to work,laters girlfriends
morning sistas, well the treadmill thing seems to be working god i love running,over the weekend scales went up +3 so monday 3 heavier than sat not happy,so ran on monday to get rid of any carbs left in my body and yesterday in full stinky breath mode,thank god,and yesterday ss day and ran for 20 mins ,god i love running ,and this morning -4 genius,i know my cdc says no running on ss but it all depends on body metabolism and the individual ,i have been dieting 18months now and i need to do it to shift the last residual fat round my ass and belly ,and though its just a -1 so far this week i am so pleased it is moving.and god did i tell you i love running,i love the feeling the buzz ,god i love running lol
morning sistas, am feeling much less moany wench today, totm lasted a whole 24 hours which probably means that the sneaky little f***er is probably gonna creep up on me when i least expect it and pay another surprise visit but its gone for now so am smiling - and - weighed myself this morning and i have lost half a pound!!! i know its a piddly wee half pound but the scales have not shifted a single crumb in nealry 4 weeks so i was well chuffed that its moved even a teensy wee bit!! am ss'ing like a maniac now, no giving up this time!!!

Penny am sorry for mentioning the C word - how thoughtless of me - see, its true, i only think of me me me!!! Was reading what you said about weight etc and its shocks the hell out of me that i can go as low as 9st something before i would be classes as underweight - you know yourself with being tall that being that kind of weight would make us look like stick insects and i'm not sure i want to be a stick insect! I like my womanly curves and just want them to a bit less lumpy bumpy than they are without having to resort to bones sticking out and stuff!! I am hoping that at 11.7 i;'m going to be happy as i think thats sort of the middle of the road in the healthy weight for my height but my cdc says i shouldnt hasve a set figure in mind and I should think more about how i feel as the weight comes off, she reckons 12st might be perfect but i have no idea - just gotta keep at it and see what happens I guess.

Serena, you really are just too slim and super sexy for my liking!!! Am just jealous - seriously you have done so well, and like Julie I wish I'd stuck with it over xmas and maybe would be a lot closer to target than i am now! Ho Hum, onwards and downwards right enough!

Soola, thats great that the scales are behaving and showing a loss now, all that running will be doing wonders for your toning etc and you are sprinting your way to the bar of choccie, leaving me in your dust girl! I must get laced into my trainers and start chasing you to the finish line!! Motivation!!!

Julie, how was the nursery yesterday? Fair makes me twitch just thinking about all those kids with runny noses, shouting and running about - oh god, i need to go lie down in a darkened room now!!

Catch y'all laters.

Morning darlings.
Shazza, where you at girl friend? Hope your well.
Julie, thankyou for your kind words, but my jeans and I agree, your
eyes need testing, on 2 counts, 1) thinking I look no different.
2) Not seeing how beautiful and totally different you look.
Angie, how did you get into running, did you like it from the get go, I so want to be able to run, but I have no co-ordination at all, any help would be welcomed.
Debs, Iam missing the moany old wench, wheres she at,lol.
Dont worry about mentioning the "c" word, it takes very little for me to want food at the moment, very little.
Julie, I got a response from Sally and the group will be on tuesday, which isnt any good for me, there may be a wednesday group, which may be possible for me, but they havent confirmed that will happen.
Nothing else to report today, I want "c", but Iam working hard on not giving in, cant promise.
Hey Guys, how we all doing ??
I am fine, today is day 3 100% SS... yAY.. yesterday i felt crap, so i was in bed by 7.30pm :eek: but today i feel great, la la la !!! :8855:

I am thinking about taking up some form of excercise my self, but thinking is about as far as it gets, I cant run...nooooo that would not be good, plus people would see me, i need to do something in my house, but what ??.....
I have a rubber ring type tyre thing going on round my hips and as i lose weight the ring is still there... and they are one type of love handles i am desperate to get rid of ... any advise kindly received :D

Well I best get back to work before the boss see's this isnt the spreadsheet it should be :8855:

Have a good day all,
love me
Hiya girlies,well look at all these positive vibes hitting our thread woah!!Soola..ermm you forgot to say you like running!!haha!!glad you enjoy it,personally i bloody hate it,my boobs bounce my belly wobbles and I shake enough to send myself into some sort of fit so think running is not for me,but you have fun wont you love!!
Penny I refuse profusely to accept your kind comments about oneself,until,you bloody well take heed and listen to mine about you,so there!!
So pen pen,you want'c' now if cris reads that he might think his lucks in!!
Shazza well done on the ss..3 days thats fab,Ive got that horrible tyre thing,i was left with that after my first child,who incidentally doesnt appreciate being born,so theres gratitude for ya,I dont know if that will go,what do you think?It wasnt there before I had her and I weigh less now than when I got pregnant so Im feeling doubtful,thank god for brigitte jones knickers thats all i can say.
Debs,glad youre back to your usual self hun,and well done on the ss ing,hey are you cold?Im freezing but im not in keto..for gods sake!!The nursery was the same as usual snotty noses and worst of all kids!!They also made me late back and I missed penny,luckily she came back later,I wasnt a happy bunny that happened I can tell you!!