Team 17 = sisters of slim =official thread =

OMG I could cry!! I broke my foot!! I fell out of the shed landed badly and have just spent 5 hours in a and e. I have my lower leg in plaster now and I am on crutches. Bang goes the diet again for now
OMG I could cry!! I broke my foot!! I fell out of the shed landed badly and have just spent 5 hours in a and e. I have my lower leg in plaster now and I am on crutches. Bang goes the diet again for now
ow sharon why dont you cry I would.
I dont understand though hunny what has your leg got to do with the diet?It will probably be easier for you as, if like when andy broke his ankle he had to keep it up so he layed on the settee with it raised,you wont be able(I am comparing my own behaviour)to run to the kitchen and be getting things to eat,you can lay on the settee with a bell and order your food and refreshments!!If on the other hand you are saying bang goes the diet cos you want to comfort eat thats different.Anyway sending ((((hugs)))to you

Serena as always you are full of wisdom beyond your years.
I am feeling very positive today,reminded me of a post i read KD had written about giving up.I wouldnt not apply for a job just because I didnt get the first one,I sometimes only focus on the here and now,of course I dont want to fail,I want to finish and I am going to try my hardest to get there so good julie today you will see my halo shining from wherever you are today!!
Oh no really,sorry I didnt realise that,all these things we just dont think about with cd its tough when all the things around us just keep getting in the way.
Oh sharon I just read the replies on the main forum about stopping cd looks like you dont have a choice,what about all your days out you had planned poor you,still you may still be able to go to those,hope its not as bad as you think but hating to be the bearer of bad news when andy fractured his ankle they said a fracture and break are the same,hope youre not in too much agony
Hey Girls,
Debs - I hope your mom is on the mend and your ok
Penny - i hope your feeling better too
sharon - nightmare, hope your not in too much pain
julie - we all do it, i had a wobble at the weekend and ate 3... yep 3 toblerone bars :( but we have to get up and carry on, as long as we dont give up :cool:
serena - my inspiration ;)

Serena darling, loving your new picture.

Julie the cat incident was very funny, bless you. Dont worry about the odd blip,its been happening to me all week, esp today for some strange reason, well I know why.

Shazza hope you well.

Sharonjayne,sorry about you bad news, what a nitemare.

Debs, missing you loads, hope things are ok for your mum.

Sooooola, where you at.
Well as for me.

I went to see a heeeeeeeeebeeeeegeeeeeby man yesturday, its a alternative assessment of general health, its showed 25 different infections in my system, so thats not good is it.There is protein in my blood that shouldnt be there, my body is full of inflamation, Iam very low on minerals, the list is too long to mention, tons of other stuff, cant remember it all, but if any of it is true, it explains why I have been feeling so ill, ohhhhhh yeah I have a "leaky gut".

So there are lots of vitamins and a detox they suggest, the whole thing was too expensive for words, might be a con, but MIL had the same health assessment, and the treatment has improved her quality of life no end, hoping the same will happen for me.

The main infection requires me to give up most carbs, sugar, all diary,and defo wheat, probaby oats, so that should be interesting, think the lactose free cd products should be ok, if not, Ill be off cd for at least a month.

Ok bored myself and you for long enough, nite nite.
Where we all at?
I have been for a WI today, and no surprize had a massive gain, but it was expected, and Iam ok with it, and rightly or wrongly it is OK.

I have got a few days worth of lactose free cd products, I have had them before and hated them, but now I know there is a good reason to have them, I will do my best to manage them.
I told my cdc that Iam going to have today off, because I have several months of hardship ahead of me, be it with cd or a very strict diet to get rid of the infections I have, the reasearch I have done seems to suggest it will take about 3 to 4 months to clear my system,and then there is still the chance that I could cause the main infection to come back, so I need to get used to eating the right way to stop that happening, I want to be well, thats all, its not about weight loss anymore, I just want more than anything to be WELL, thats what made me start this maddness and hopefully it will be what keeps me going.

Heres hoping your all ok, let me know, I miss you all.
Hey Girls,
How we all doing ??

Penny - this diet is hard enough physically / mentally if your 100% fit, which at the moment your not :( you need to heal yourself first, concertrate on yourself and your weight loss will follow:hug99:

Debs- I hope your Mom is on the mend, and you and your Dad are keeping ok:hug99:

Sharon - I hope your ok too :(

Julie - hows your cats bum :D How did you get on at your WI last night ?? Only 1 more week to go:D

Serena - well done on your 1lb loss, your great :cool:

Well, today i had a few compliments at work as i had on my size 14 jeans and little summer top, so could defo see the weght loss, felt good :D
Just need to make sure i can keep my demons at bay, the weekends are a nightmare :(
Hi shazza woohoo little summer top get you girlie!!well done hope youre pleased with yourself,you should be!!
cats bum ok cat not ok,been scalped at groomers looks like skinned rabbit!!
Wi ahemm whats that?!!:whoopass:norty julie!!
ha ha .... ooohhhh Julie, you been norty !! did you not go or did you have a blip on the scales ??? It gets harder the nearer you get to where you want to be eh !!!!
I have questioned carrying on or swithcing to WW, but i know i wouldnt lose the weight on another plan, so i need to muddle through and stick with CD for another stone :rolleyes:
Ermm well i did go and got told off,i hadnt realised i was on a cd plan which didnt allow chocolate,i pleaded not to have to get on the scales but i was told i had to,so i complied like a good girl,i had a sulk as i was told i wasnt allowed bars or tetras and let cdc choose me shakes and soups as i wanted my bars and tetras and hate the other things and couldnt be bothered to even look at the revolting flavours available so i dont even know what i have in my bag of horrors!!
ahhh what a nightmare... how dare this diet not allow us choc, i mean 3 bars of toblerone over a weekend is not too bad eh :eek:
Ahh i only have 3 bars left and no WI till Thursday, so i will be struggleing with you next week living off the shakes alone:wave_cry:
OMG Julie, how will you cope without bars and tetras, they are all that, well mostly what keep us on plan, what a nitemare.

Shazza thanks for your kind words, I have the lactose free toss, havent been brave enough to try it yet, probably because I have decided I hate them all,lol.
Only had 2 cd products today, non lactose free, and feel very weak this evening, started my detox tonight, please let it work, I will rattle by the time I finish with all the mineral and vit pills Iam taking, and the painkillers and anti sickness pills, ohhhhhh what joy.

Heres hoping all our other sisters are well.
Hey Penny, I hope you feel better soon. For what it's worth one of my friends went for a food intolerance testing type thing a couple of years ago and it has worked wonders for her well as the usual "cut out alcohol, gluten blah blah" they also picked up on the random fact that lamb makes her really poorly so I think there's definitely something in it.

Debs - thinking of you.

Sharon - hope your foot is not too painful.

Hope everyone else is doing good xxx
Hey Girls,
how we doing ??
I am struggleing with my nemesis that is choc :cry:
so this morning I have had 1/2 bar with a cup of tea, and am hoping to :cry:100% ss today :confused:
Yesterday my neice who has lost 1 stone on WW gave me her clothes that no longer fit, lovely Billabong top x 3 and O neil shorts x 2, tried them on last night and they all fit lovely :D
I wonder if that is why i am struggleing with the diet, coz i think i look ok, well i do look a lot better with clothes on but as soon as they come off, OMG, still fat :eek: so i know i am not ready to ditch this diet yet as DK on the beach is looming, so why as i still struggleing :cry:
I am trying out one of those excersice things, i call it a wobble ater, you stand on it and 10 mins is equivalant to 1 hr in the gym, i am going for my trial today so will let you know what i think ;)

Have a fab day girls, enjoy the sunshine
hi girls i am no lonmger on plan o am a pissed up oser forever to be detined to be a big fat pissed up hog!!
me and you both Julie :cry:
i am struggleing big time to get back on the CD train :cry:
I am hoping that i can get back on the straight and narrow tomorrow as work gives me the routine i need.
We are going to visit family in Devon on Friday for the Easter weekend, i was planning on being CD free, but now think this will be the ideal opportunity to get my head back 100% on SS as no one is expecting me to eat anything :rolleyes:
I went on one of those Vibraxis machines, OMG you literally wobble from the ankles up and you do feel like you have had a good workout ;)
Well fingers crossed for a better week next week,
I hope you all ok,