TEAM 4 restart - Moving Mountains

is it mixamousse
how do you make that I wanna try it now,did you see my cheesecake recipe thats nice
oh i see doh,never used it ,and i dont think i will,anything that prolongs the agony and length of the shake is a no no to me lol
I want more more more,I do feel sorry for you it must be so hard mind you i hate the soups unless theyre crisps
im always trying different things my pate went straight in the bin yuk i wish i hadnt reminded myself of that
i hate hate hate all of it rant rant.but my will to be thin is taking over my tasebuds and when i slug them down ,i keep them down so thats ok.i drink a cold soup every morning its quicker to glug 6 secs is my record go me,but as the strawberry does not have bits i can do 4 secs yeha lol
ooh sounds lovely cold soup how do you do it,I really do have respect for anyone that can do this diet when they hate all the flavours its hard enough anyway you go girl!!Still never know you might like the tetras dont you like the bars either?
no bars for me dont like chewey choc,ever since i was a kid would only eat cadburys choc,so the thought of nasty choc yuk,p.s as i will be thin for xmas(keep your fingers crossed)oh has bought me a tin of roses,i have hidden them in the gas cupboard,ha ha out of sight out of mind,i dont know how i got fat i am so fussy lol
Just dream of those then,I had a bottle of vodka bought for my birthday which i was saving but 1/3 of it has been drunk so ive poured the rest down the sink!!Stuff em no one will admit to it so now its gone that was MINE!!
oh yes sweet,i would have done the same,they dont realise how hardcore this diet is,one min i think i cant do this,then another i think yes i can do this till xmas,god its hard,as for the soup i make it with cold water,then drink and crunch it down
dont youre making me heave,i cant drink that savoury thing out of a cup i have to put it in a bowl last night i added loads of tabasco and nearly blew my head off!!
i dont own tabasco and i dont know where to buy it lol,just think of me in the morning with my cold veg soup oooo crunchy.
:eek:that will be my first waking thought,i shall put it out of my mind and drink my first tetra of the day followed by a lovely glass of water!!:girlpower:
do you find you are very thirsty on a morning,i get up at 6.30 to make the men of the house bait and i am always parched first thing,i drink 6 pints a day,no headaches no toilet probs,i must just be thirsty eh
not all people get very thirsty ,there must be something in it that reacts and makes us more thirsty than other people
i like being part of a team its a nice thing to talk to someone and have a conversation and actually get a reply,when i wasnt in a team i did a lot of talking to myself or becky85 ,i like being in a team go moving mountains