TEAM 4 restart - Moving Mountains

hi elay,
dont be disheartened by the 1lb loss.
think of this logically.... u had a few blips through the week. when i came off plan last year for 1 day and had a carvery )mostly vegetables) i gained 4lbs overnight. obviously that is mainly glycogen stores being replaced but assuming u too gained around 4lbs in glycogen stores as a direct result of potatoes (carbs) and fish batter (carbs) that means all in all this week u actually lost 5lbs and havent had the gain u thought u had :).
ur still well on track. no more blips and next week should be a great week for u :D
Cheryl, i like your way of thinking ;)

I am going to be so good from now as I want OH to come back and just be amazed.... what better feeling is there than that!?

Well the kids are in bed nice and early, I'm going to have a bar in a bit and a big big glass of water and then get to bed for 9pm! Oh and I got some MaM today and had a mousse at lunchtime and it was YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM I loved it!!

How's everyone been today???
Hi all!
Feeling a bit more positive today! :)
Elay use your own advise you gave me a lb off is still a loss!! :)
You've got a big bit of motivation with your oh being away..just think of the surprise you could give him!! I made mam yest for the first time, dont think I blended enough it came out a bit blamangey!! :)
Dont worry cheryl, you'll soon be feeling better! xx
Well done on your loss Elay - any loss is better than none, next time you feel like straying, remember little pickers wear big knickers :sigh:
Glitter did you mix your MAM in the bag before sprinkling it over the water? I find that if you don't follow the instructions to the letter its a bit gloopy like you found :(
Morning all. Well I admit it I've been scale hopping. But after 3 days on SS+ they haven't moved (then again neither have my bowels :8855:)
Thinking of going back onto SS for a few days to get me down to BMI 25.
Have a good day ladies, will pop in later :D
wow, where is everyone today?
ive been sooooo hungry today.
in fact, when i woke this morning i was so hungry i actually thought i was going to be sick :jelous:.
so im at the end of day 3 (notoriously the hardest day , i know) and i havent cheated but omg ive been so tempted.
if i had chicken or cheese in the house right now im not too sure i would resist:sigh:.
cant help but wonder if i still have what it takes to do this with no food.
hope im feeling a little more optimistic tomorrow.
i hope everyone else had a better day
wow, where is everyone today?
ive been sooooo hungry today.
in fact, when i woke this morning i was so hungry i actually thought i was going to be sick :jelous:.
so im at the end of day 3 (notoriously the hardest day , i know) and i havent cheated but omg ive been so tempted.
if i had chicken or cheese in the house right now im not too sure i would resist:sigh:.
cant help but wonder if i still have what it takes to do this with no food.
hope im feeling a little more optimistic tomorrow.
i hope everyone else had a better day

Hey Cheryl well done for getting through the dreaded day 3! Just think, chances are you will be in ketosis tomorrow, so bye bye hunger (although not desire :rolleyes:)
I bet your losses will be great too. Glad you didn't have any nasty chicken or cheese to scupper your journey. Good luck for another 100% day tomorrow xx
thank you girls.
dont remember it being this hard last time.
maybe im remembering how it was after 3 months and not how i felt when i first started last time :confused:.
either that or it really is harder second time around.
kids had fish fingers for tea tonight and i really dont know how i didnt eat one
omg, i have a headache right now and hubby just went to get my dissolvable pain killers. he came in with glass of water, put the glass on the coffee table, opened the foil wrappers of the pain killers and promptly dropped them....... into his nice hot cup of coffee. lmao, coffee volcano erupting everywhere. :rotflmao:
lol thankfully no, its blue so coffee looks quite good on it :D
PMSL cheryl men are such idjits at times!!!!! well done everyone with your WI's. i'm really sorry guys i STS. my CDC was really good about it and said that this week has been a mare for me and that a STS was actually a good result (meds, TOTM, Scrubby ect). I know that stress can be a bid factor in our bodies being reluctant to give up our fat deposits (something to do with the chemical hormone balance thingy, i did learn it once !!!!!) but still a bit disappointed....
onwards and upwards.

possibly TMI but scrubby managed to do a poop yesterday without his bowels following through, a little blood but one very happy babycake and definatly one very very happy scrubby...(no gloves up botty!!!! afterall he is a tiny yorkshire terrier)
for some reason i'm working saturday again. i think that my boss has conveniently forgotton that i only came back from mat leave early to work 2 days a week for him (the last 6 weeks i've done 6 days a week) its not a bad deal really i guess considering the current economic situation that the country is in.

Cheryl remember water water water washes away the headache
Dione i hope that your sons party goes well. is it today or tomorrow?
everyone else have a really good day coz i dont think i will looking at my daylist (why do all the high matinence patients have to be booked in on my clinics????? I must have been a very very bad girl in my last life)
try and log in later xoxox
Kel - you do exist. Its always a pleasure never a chore!!!! :)
Your are our fearless leader sending us in to battle against the other teams....(imagine bodicia on her chariot, glistening bronze body armour, hair flowing behind her and screaming her battle cry.....CHOCOLATE TETRA!!!!! lol)
Hi All

Sorry haventn been on here much, had a manic weekend (sons birthday ) andw ill have a very manic week this week (builders start the work tomorrow)
Well my sons birthday went really well, he absolutely loved it. It was the 1st year he really understood his birthday and enjoyed opening his cards more then his presents which was really sweet. He made me read evey one bless him. It wasnt such a success for me though :( im not going to lie to you or to myself, i ate food and drunk alcohol!!! I dont really know why i done it, i said to myself and everyone 'im having a day off but it will be fine' how wrong was i as the scales tell me ive gained 1lb :( :( :(
Im not going to stress over it as it is noones fault but my owm. Stressing willnot make me lose it so i have decided to ss until my WI tuesday to make sure i at last sts or lose a small amount.

September is still going to be my month and i am determined to reach goal by then :)
How is everyone? Hope you have all had a good weekend
hi girls,

dione a 1lb gain after a day of food and drink is actually really really good.
it is easy to gain at least 4lbs overnight when kicking urself out of ketosis so i can assure u the 1lb gain is pure water and will come off really quickly.

im not having such a good time right now.
despite using fibre89 every single day and taking movicol yesterday i havent 'been' to the toilet for the last 5 days (since day 1) and i have had tummy ache for the past 24 hours and am now starting to feel bloated.
this was the problem i had last year on cd but i was hoping things would be easier this time around if i tackled it from day 1:sigh:.
im gonna stick at it and take more movicol today (its nasty :jelous:) .
my scales are saying ive lost 4lbs so far but i should have lost more by far because i have so much to lose :(.
feeling pretty low about it at the moment.
i hope everyone else is doing good.
baby great news about scrubby having a poo. i find myself quite envious :p. hope he is doing ok today.
Thanks Cheryl
Im going to drink lots and lots of water to try and repair some damage x
I know how you feel about the toilet side of things. ive been constipated all week and had minimal movementand now have a pile :( it is sooooo painful so now im scared to go lol
awe ss dione.
toilet problems are the pitts.
ive taken double fibre 89 today and 2 movicol.... nothing as yet.
only just had my first shake at 3.50pm, just feel so bloated.
Hi all
cheryl i always find ducolax are the better choice for helping with potty :sick0019: I take 1 every other night and it has helped alot!!!!! my other potty tip is to do like the blokes and take something to read. i find it helps me relax.

Dione make sure you get your botty checked. its defo not the most comfortable of problems to have.

Well i have just survived a family christening. I managed to escape without 1 rude comment about my weight or eating/drinking habits. My uncle is a vile evil old man (imagine the Godfather but wearing a flat cap and carrying crown green bowls). His favorite passtime at family gatherings is to victimise one of us (usually me:sigh:) but this time not a sodin dicky bird.
I'm very proud of myself. the food looked amazing and smelt even better, but i stuck to my black coffee and soda water

feeling very bright and cheerful.