Team 8 - GR8 M8s losing W8 - Official Thread :o))))

I've done it, I deleted the whole lot and typed it back in and it worked. I'll still wait for Shadaca cos I'm not convinced I can fit anymore WI's in. I am very impatient lol.
I've done it, I deleted the whole lot and typed it back in and it worked. I'll still wait for Shadaca cos I'm not convinced I can fit anymore WI's in. I am very impatient lol.

Well done :bliss: glad you got it fixed :p
Hey SH - congrats! I hear you've been waiting for me - what can I do for you me old leathery scrote? :D
:gen147:Ah Shadaca just the person - what did you do to fix your signature to allow you more space, mine is saying that it's over 1500 characters, I know bog all about hTML codes etc.:character00148: All i know is they take up space. I've deleted the whole lot and started again and it's worked for now, but BB said you had the answer:psiholog:.
Because I am a lazy mare I have cut and pasted from a thread I started elsewhere:-

I've finally plucked up the courage to put my progress photo's in my album on here :eek:. I couldn't bring myself to take full body shots, so it's only my face. I hate the first ones but I was at a low time and had just made the decision to really do something about my weight. Won't ever look like that again.
Hey SH, I just cleaned up the html - there were some redundant links, extra formatting characters hanging around in the bb code.

Your pics are great by the way, you look amazing. If you copy the code and email [email protected] it to me I'll see what is going on with it.

In other new, I've decided the green dress, frilly jacket and a scarfy type thing. I've just come out of ketosis for the weekend, by power of jacket potato and fig, and I'm practising for Saturday with a whisky and coke. It feels REALLY weird!
Thanks hun, I don't know how to do it. Can't see the codes, I'm prob being simple. Do I just copy the stuff in the signature box?
Lol what a thicko, have just worked it out. Will try and see if I can get rid of any redundant bits myself. Failing that will email it to you.
Ha that seems to have done it!!! Thank you:flowers:
Cool, If not tonight then I'll get it sorted for you on Monday when I get back.

I can't get over how much your face has changed. Wow.
Posted at the same time.


Cool, If not tonight then I'll get it sorted for you on Monday when I get back.

I can't get over how much your face has changed. Wow.

I know it's scarey, but cool. However, my best friend said today that I'm looking gaunt!! Clearly she wasn't looking at my ass when she said that:giggle:. I think it's a bit of the green eyed monster :jelous: cos I am now lighter than her for the 1st time in 10 years.:D
shunny - you're going to be lighter than me in about 2 days at the rate you're going also and I will also have a case of the green eyed monster! The pics are great. As Sha said, your face is so dramatically different and every pic you look totally different. It's amazing, you've done splendidly.

Sha - I'm off to hunt down these pics of you with the various outfits!!

Just had some new flatties come to view the place tonight and had manic day at work so just catching up on thread tonight.

How exciting are our losses this week!!

Sha - SNAP - we had same percentage!

BB - I think you got my percentage right but the poundage wrong. I think I lost 3 not 2, but will re-check in case I got my numbers wrong.

Sha - just found the thread. You are very pretty missy! I love both the purple and green dress, absolutely stunning. My favourite combo is the green with the frilly jacket. You look so great!

DD sounds like you're going to be at least 170 pounds (just guessing his weight!) lighter with that silly ex out of your life... in more ways than one. Now you can really focus on how you want your life to be minus a massive headache!!

Chalack hun - keep on trucking, we're all here to support you. You'll be back before you know it and this'll be a tiny blip on the radar.
Ladies, This is me, I'm off up to Durham, and will catch up with you on Monday.

Be good, and stay sane.


Morning ladies,

Shadaca, sorry I missed ya before you left, love the stay sane comment :giggle: hope you have a great weekend whatever you wear :p

SAC, yep I did a typo error in the scores, but I had it correct in my spreadsheet and the % was right :p, I've fixed it now

Surf, jaysus I wouldn't have recognised you from your before pictures, you look 10years younger now, well done, you deserve to be ecstatic :bliss:

DD & Chalack, report in let us know how your getting on, did you start your restart, I hope your both feeling strong and doing well :hug99:
Gee I love our team :grouphugg:

It's time for me to do some more head work:psiholog: I'm starting to talk myself out of this diet.

I know it's probably a couple of things, the addition of 810 as a firm plan now makes me feel like I'm eating normally anyway (even though it's only dinner and tiny by others standards) and also I think I'm getting back into 'normal' weight territory for me anyway size 12-14 has been familiar ground over the years. So I must admit, give it another couple of weeks and I'm worried about getting all lacksadaisical about it. Also got a lot of male attention today from car/truck drivers, not quite whistling but lots of staring so I suspect self-sabotage may rear it's ugly head soon.

I don't know why I don't like men learing at me. I LOVE men in general just prefer them not to stare... it makes me feel uncomfortable. I think this has been a massive thing in me gaining weight over the years. I'm a headcase.

How you doin S'hunny and BB?

I suspect Sha is on her way to being a merry woman :party0036:!
How you doin S'hunny and BB?

I suspect Sha is on her way to being a merry woman :party0036:!

I'm at work at the moment :(, I hate doing night shifts at the best of times, but on Fridays :mad: I've also just discovered that I've copped for the night shift the Saturday the clocks go back :(:(:( so the NHS are getting an hour extra work out of my for nothing:(. And the fact that I've got time to be on here is not a good sign - I think it's going to be the calm before the storm - uh oh:eek:!!

I actually feel very virtuous tonight, one of the porters brought in cream cakes and I never touched a single one. Yay me:party0011:.

He he, I've been looking at my legs again, and I think I might actually be able to get them looking almost as good (they're taking shape I think:p) I might have to put a bit of effort in at the gym tho. So from now on as I lose weight I'm going to take photos of my legs as well as my face :giggle:. He he I'm so vain:ashamed0005:.

Oh well I hope every elses Friday night is better than mine. :party0048:
Hi girlies, i'm in lurker mode,,,mmmm keep going into lurker mode these days, its like I can only get a few big posts out of me these days, today was the turn of my own diary, other days this week its been our thread here :p
I keep popping back on when I get the chance, it's been a bit busy for the last hour or so. Just waiting for the usual Friday night :party0016:drunks to come falling through the doors. What fun.

Oh, speaking of which.....
Morning chickens, how gorgeous is it outside today?!! This may be our Indian Summer (London anyway not sure about the rest of the country). Fab day for Sha's wedding she's going to... yay.

I'm off to do a spot of shopping. Stuff for trip home mostly but some curtains for my new room I'm moving into next weekend as well. Also some new undies! Mine are worse than bridget jones if that's possible ;).

Rightio check you later.