Tequila's diary

Hijack away....not a problem! Also it may be worth noting that I am 5'8" which is fairly tall and I am a naturally strong broad frame (seriously strong, even now I can beat some blokes at arm wrestling). So my base metabolic rate will be higher than average. I walk my dog daily (for an hour) but dont do other exercise. I also have the mirena coil which could be the reason for all the extra periods. I do weigh daily but I plateau for around 3days before totm, then it just falls off rapidly. It may be helping with the weight loss.
I am planning on keeping to this plan until goal. I started on lipotrim which, apart from being disgusting, is a lot stricter -no milk or veg- so I'd already begun my weight loss journey like that & it seemed simpler to continue.
One of my friends has just lost 2stone in 7 weeks which is a more typical loss. She's buzzing, its made a huge difference to her body and mind. She's doing the same plan, but with the milk allowance.
I love reading this as we have basically the same stats (Im 5 foot 8 and started at 13.2 stone) so its interesting to see how that works a many weeks down the line as Im only on day 5. I am not using the milk allowance at all as I dont really drink hot drink..I wish I could trade it for cheese! So motivating to read this and see someone managing to stick for so long.
Hi cf70, thanks for stopping by. I notice your goal is lower than mine...you're obviously braver than me! I'm so lucky I hate cheese, I know tonnes of people who love it but all I can say is bluergh...yuk!
So I've STS for 4 consecutive days. Which may mean I will be lighter tomorrow (please God). I'm still on plan with no deviations/optional extras, but the sunshine has made me wish I could just have a pimms or glass of wine. Or ice cream. Maybe it's the close-to-goal-gremlins playing games with me. I made some baileys ice cream in my ice cream maker yesterday and I licked the spoon! I can't believe I did it really, having been so strict with myself for so long. But it was good. It's in the freezer now out of sight so I can't be tempted any further.
This weekend is the next sale and I'd originally planned to go first thing, but then couldn't as I had to take DS to a footy tournament, got there to find it'd been cancelled due to bad weather, so now I'm back a home twiddling my thumbs. I might nip there later....desperately need new clothes especially bras.
Woohoo! I have just got back from the next sale with size 12 clothes....I'm made up. I have SO needed some new clothes.
And today I'm one pound down, at last.
Today I have had a lovely relaxing day. I've enjoyed a lemon yoghurt shake for breakfast and lemon bar for lunch. Spicy spaghetti for tea and I'm going to have a cookies and cream shake for supper. I have bread & wine (Ribena) every Sunday at church. Initially I wondered whether I should have the bread and wine but after reflecting about J3sus suffering & dying for me, I decided the least I could do is to actually obey the instruction to remember him with the communion. Just writing that in case someone out there also has a wobble over it - I feel that my obedience has been honoured as I haven't come out of ketosis any time. Also - this is a funny thing, a lady at church stopped me this morning and asked if I'd lost a bit of weight. I said "Seriously? I've lost 4 stone, have you only just noticed?". She saw the funny side & laughed but I'm amazed that so many people have taken so long to notice.
I originally started this plan having my daily bar as a treat, at 8pm. But lately I've started eating them earlier as I really look forward to them. I'm still sure I want to carry on with the plan, although temptation comes and goes. So far I've resisted. This last 7lbs is going to challenge me I can tell. Especially as the weather is so hot & I'm wearing less so more and more people are commenting on my weight loss. Its a real boost but I HAVE to stay strong.

An anecdote: Bear in mind that I'm a size 12 now. When I was around 21 I was about 20lbs less than I currently weigh. And I went to see an acting agent for work - they said that yes, they would take me on, but on the condition that I lost 2 stone. Can you believe it? I'm so glad I had the presence of mind to turn them down (a different agent took me on instead) because that's plain dangerous. Obviously I'm older now so I wouldn't want to be as slim as I used to be, hence my target being higher, but it just goes to show the pressure on young people to look a certain way.
My hair is falling out. Its ridiculous. I didn't notice it at all when I first started this diet, but boy its extreme. Its suddenly come on. I am lucky enough to have LOOOOONG and very thick hair which of course means that it won't be as noticeable on me, but it would be frightening for anyone else. I've heard it temporary. I hope so.
Finding everything tempting. I've introduced coke zero's as a substitute for treats. Don't even like them but actually they're lovely in the heat.
Well obviously the coke zeros haven't had any effect on the losses. This week was another 4lbs and I'm now just 4lbs off my current goal. I'm playing with the idea of resetting it to a further 4lbs lower so there's room to gain the water weight that sns say is inevitable. I'm sooooo close.
This week was a strange one: I'm a daily weigher and usually I see either no difference for day to day, or half a pound loss. But this week it was STS for 3days, then 1lb off, then STS for 2 days then 1lb loss, then STS for 2 days then 2lb off. Chunkier losses and each time I've had to step off the scales and get back on because it hasn't seemed real. Especially today's 2lb overnight. Let's just say I'm not expecting much movement on those scales for the next few days.
Only a couple of days now till my kids break up and the holidays are upon us. We're skint so not going away but if this weather continues we will spend plenty of days at the seaside. And swimming! My kids love swimming! It's so cheap and they'll spend a couple of hours in the pool....just need a new swimsuit now!
Right - I went to the doctors today for something & while I was there I weighed myself on his scales. And they said 11st 3 which is 2lbs less than my home scales. Got me so excited, as if I actually had lost a further 2lbs - which I know I haven't - but I was buzzing when I saw that anyway. And the doc reckons they're regularly calibrated & tested so they're very accurate.
Someone I've not seen for a few months actually hugged me today because she was so pleased I'd lost so much weight - she wanted to congratulate me & ended up embracing me! haha - how funny!
I've got myself a bit addicted to Homeland so I'm going to enjoy a couple of episodes before I hit the sack now. (I SO BADLY WANT TO EAT BUT AM RESISTING)
Hello all. Well I've just discovered why the scales haven't moved for 3days in a row. Aunt Flo is here again. AGAIN.
Still every cloud...and all that, so I'm hoping the scales will favour me in the next couple of days.
Found it really hard to stay on plan in this heat especially. I could really go for a mr whippy ice cream right now. But the coke zeros seem to be a useful cold refresher, even though I don't actually like the taste that much.
Took the pooch out for a trot earlier...in heels. I think I'm suddenly feeling sexier so am now wearing things I haven't worn in years...like heels. Well, I'm now nursing blisters and feeling sorry for myself. Then DH decided to celebrate end of term with a meal out. Well the kids chose Indian, so I tagged along and stuck to my fizzy water and watched them eat korma, tikka, nuggets, naan, etc etc. and all the while DH was telling me that one bite wouldn't hurt. I didn't cave though.
In a strange way, I'm reluctant to cheat because I find the limiting nature of the plan quite comforting, like a tight corset, the boundaries are firm and I feel safe within them. But I do need to get my head round a maintenance plan...need to spend more time thinking about it.
Well Aunt Flo did bring some weight loss for me but just 0.2lb. Gutted. In 5 days that's all I've lost. Really am finding it hard to stick to the plan. Yesterday my DH decided to create a Ferrero Rocher cheesecake. For fun. Last night I ate 2small spoonfuls of it although I did sacrifice a pack for it so calorie-wise I'm happy that I'm still in the zone. And it wasn't even that nice! I'm going to stop the coke zeros and see if that helps. So near, yet so far.
You have done so well has been great reading through your diary. What plan will you follow to maintain your weight once off packs because that is what scares me the most.
Ooh your DH is a naughty man but I'm a terrible feeder of others when on plan. I'm like "I can't feed, so I'll feed YOU instead".

Don't be disheartened about the plateau, those missing losses will catch you up next week!

Might be a good idea to cut back on the coke zero though, after 8 days I've just discovered that I'm still not in ketosis, so I'll be doing the same!
Hi there -
Yes he's a feeder...selfish!
As for maintenance, well the easiest plan I've heard of is to follow the 5:2 diet sns style - so 2 days a week you have SNS packs. I guess that would lower the calories throughout the week significantly. And it seems easier than counting calories every single day. I know that I'll have to forego lots of treats - my old habit was to eat alone - lots of biscuits & cakes & chocolates - and be a lot stricter with myself. And obviously I've got new clothes now too, and I want to stay in them for a while at least. I filled a charity bag the other day & went to put it out today for collection and it split. I'll have to wait until another one comes through the door - its mad that I've got so many unwearable clothes now. I'm used to having nothing to wear because everything was too small - its a novelty that everythings too big now.
Went to Blackpool yesterday with the kids & enjoyed the pleasure beach. We did ALL the rides - DH is a scaredy cat so he sat out & ate donuts while we squealed past on the roller coasters. It was nice that the safety bars weren't compromised by rolls of fat & huge boobs getting in the way. I do love a good roller coaster. Although I've got whiplash today so maybe we overdid it.
I become a feeder when I am doing this diet too. I enjoy cooking and baking anyway and because I feel safe on this diet and being around food I know that I won't pick.
It's interesting because I have found it difficult to cook for my family since doing this plan. I would usually cook from scratch but the last few months have found it easier to serve up something which has come straight from the freezer, gone onto the oven and straight onto a plate. That way I'm exposed to the food as little as possible. I haven't baked (and I love baking) for months although I guess I've made lots of ice cream and resisted (except for the teensiest little bit of baileys ice cream 2 days ago - and who can blame me? It was more a drop rather than a spoonful)
youll be able to see in my sig that this weeks loss is dramatically less than other weeks. I'm putting that down to being so close to goal. 1.5lb to go now. Surely this week will be the last one?

Well now I'm thinking of losing a little more because I want to take into account all the glycogen/water gain after I start eating carbs again...so maybe it'll be 2 more weeks after all. We will see.
If it helps when I did reefed from Lighter Life - it was a really structured 12 week programme - I lost a further 7lbs despite regaining the glycogen. Its worth remembering that the glycogen won't put inches on too. I think measuring your waist during that time would stop you freaking out if the scales go up. I think over two pounds at this stage is amazing particulary once you are within a healthy BMI.
If it helps when I did reefed from Lighter Life - it was a really structured 12 week programme - I lost a further 7lbs despite regaining the glycogen. Its worth remembering that the glycogen won't put inches on too. I think measuring your waist during that time would stop you freaking out if the scales go up. I think over two pounds at this stage is amazing particulary once you are within a healthy BMI.

12 weeks Clinquant??? 12?? - that seems so long. What did it entail? I'm looking forward to enjoying at least one pimms before summers over.
It's all here. http://www.minimins.com/route-manag...ek-food-lists-full-list-weekly-additions.html

I definitely think it helped with the maintenance. I occasionally had the odd thing early and wine is on there in week 5. I haven't really done it this time but when I come back from holiday I'm probably going to have a week or two on packs and then follow it. Might be a bit tricky with changing jobs at the end of August but a few of us have said we might try it. If we do I'll start a thread but you may be well on your way by then. The other thing that I wish I'd done last time is not to be afraid to have a few weeks on packs when things got out of hand rather than struggle for weeks, thinking that it was weakness to go back to it.
GOOOOAAAAALLLL! Well, there you have it - I weighed in this morning at 11st 0.4lb which is 0.6lb under my target...I'm strangely calm about it - not sure how to celebrate it - I would like to go straight to the fridge in the garage where I've stored all the birthday chocolate and champagne...but I'm not going to. I'm definitely going to ration that and be sensible with a proper refeed. Decided to follow the sns guidelines which is to gradually introduce carbs in the form of fruit and veg first, before adding wheat. I shall see if I'm brave enough to post a pic for you.x