Texty's Back - Plain and Simple

Hey sweetie, just catching up! Looks like you had an awesome time in leeds (minus the toe business!) And you looked so slim! Sexy texty whit woo! Glad to hear you finally are getting somewhere too re pain, bout time! Hope wi wasn't too painful :) xx
This post reminded me I hadn't had a proper look at your pics and Minkys right you look well slim! And well hot in that pic where you are stood on the steps with your friends so no matter what the scales say tonight you is hot to trot....even if it makes your feet sore! x
2.5 on for me this week not as bad as expected phew. Gonna have a good week and get that off for next week, my only off plan will be this Friday when Im out for my SW party. Its a good night out but no SW friendly food :-(.

Thanks for the comments ladies your all lovely. It did feel good to be able to go out and not think about a massive muffin top and my bits bulging all over lol
Not as bad as you anticipated hun. You'll get that off no problem x
Im ok about it - its not as bad as expected lol. It will come off. Friday will be more drink that anything else I shall dance that off ( body magic right?) lol

Ive put my lunch up ready for tomorrow salad and fruit. I shall also be back to filling my diary in :D
oooohhhh well now theres an offer I cant refuse, although it wont be this weekend as Im out Friday night and on airport taxi duty on Saturday for Daughter.

If your free on the 29th ( the day after payday) I am too we can go for a coffee and a mooch around? Thats of you can face my company of aliens lol
oooohhhh well now theres an offer I cant refuse, although it wont be this weekend as Im out Friday night and on airport taxi duty on Saturday for Daughter.

If your free on the 29th ( the day after payday) I am too we can go for a coffee and a mooch around? Thats of you can face my company of aliens lol

Sounds good to me can push you round in a wheelchair lol
Re: Texty wants to be sexy - or at least glam

Evening ladies hows it hanging lol. I'm in pain I think the alien has decided to infect my toe with space dust. The pain kept me awake quite a bit last night. Its my sw party tomorrow night and my foot looks awful. I think I need some alienproof plasters lol x