Texty's Back - Plain and Simple

I love your typos diz! freek mullets, scab brab, croccoli oh and don't forget road ties! pmsl! you crack me up! xxxx:8855:
gherkin scan bran cake could have tiny pickled onions for decoration on top. mmm pickles. You ladies are all so nutty it is brilliant.

Texty, huge well done, you are doing so wonderfully! have a slice of gherkin cake!

I've got some lemon extract coming to lemon scan bran cake my arse.
Re: Texty wants to be sexy - or at least glam

gherkin scan bran cake could have tiny pickled onions for decoration on top. mmm pickles. You ladies are all so nutty it is brilliant.

Texty, huge well done, you are doing so wonderfully! have a slice of gherkin cake!

I've got some lemon extract coming to lemon scan bran cake my arse.

Will that make it lemony fresh when you fart :D xxx
gherkin scan bran cake could have tiny pickled onions for decoration on top. mmm pickles. You ladies are all so nutty it is brilliant.

Texty, huge well done, you are doing so wonderfully! have a slice of gherkin cake!

I've got some lemon extract coming to lemon scan bran cake my arse.

Thanks Fran hunnie xx
Well done Texty!

And I must add after all the scan bran cake talk on here tomorrow's shopping list reads like this: lemon essence, orange essence, peppermint essence and chocolate Options, oh and eggs too!!

Can you guess what I'm making tomorrow?!?! Lol :p
Thanks hun you too back in target yayyy.

Lol make sure you get lots of eggs as the cakes are a tad addictive lol