Texty's Back - Plain and Simple

Aw hun, it's torture when you can sleep and you can hear someone else snoring.

Hugs for the back - although that may hurt you!

Any plans for today? X

I just need to pop out today for mushrooms, eggs and some yogurts - Im making a SB cake for lovely Gillybops as were meeting up for lunch and a mooch around the shops tomorrow :D

Awww thanks for the hugs hun xx
Texty wants to be sexy - or at least glam

Ooh SB Cake - might make some myself x
Hello Texty how ru? I wouldn't recommend prison beds they've been pee'd on. Hope your backs a bit better now your up and about? Xx
Texty wants to be sexy - or at least glam

No need to get sent down, the beds on holiday were hard and pure torture, just get a cheap deal to the Algarve! x
Hello Texty how ru? I wouldn't recommend prison beds they've been pee'd on. Hope your backs a bit better now your up and about? Xx

Maybe I wont go that far then lol. My back is aching (which it does all the time) but not as painful as the last few days thanks hun x
I'm glad. I'm sat at home with my blanket on my lap, feel a bit cold but the BF is sat topless in his shorts! Weird!
Put 2 tennis balls in a sock, tie tightly and use as a massage roller in the top of your gluteus and up and down your back, ( balls either side of spine) and in to your QL the big muscles with side of spine . You can release some tension in the gluteus if you get it on the right spot, myofacial massage release. Did it this morning before my bike ride, excellent... I rode like a lion ( check out my youtube link...it's soo funny, not of me but the sentiment is bang on)
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