Texty's Back - Plain and Simple

It will hun thanks.
Our C has told us there are no major changes to the plan and its still extra easy, they are just making things in the book easier to follow. There may be a few changes in syn values etc but that happens all year round when ingredients/manufacturers change.

She had also heard on FB about rumours re change to the plan making it more like the Atkins diet - but she assured us it isnt the case.

The new ready meals will be available in Iceland from Feb too :D x

Thanks for clearing that up - glad there's no major changes - EE is so good and I like Success Express when I'm desperate lol!!

The ready meals will be handy for emergencies too!! Night, night xx
Hello Sheila :)

You looked lovely for your night out, I love your dress! Glad you had a good time.

Sorry hubby has been poorly. Not sure I could have done the cleaning up though as I'm the same as cookie and would end up being sick myself. Feel like heaving just at the thought :D

Anyway on to brighter things lol. Your christmas eve plans sound fab! Hope you enjoy. Not long to go now yay! xx
Hello - sorry about the gain but like you said fresh start January for us all. Glad OH is on the mend, one less thing to worry about and it'll be Jackson's first Christmas, I know he won't know what's going on but it'll still be wonderful xx

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Hi Sheila, no doubt I'll speak to you at some point but hope you all have a really super Christmas and New Year and that you're all well enough to fully enjoy it. Give that little grandson of yours a hug from me.
Thanks very much for all the help and advice you've given me and others that I've read and benefitted from, over this past year.
Looking forward to starting afresh in 2015 and hoping we all get off to a flying start.
Love and hugs, Linda xx
Evening ladies I'm in bed with THE BUG

I'll hopefully catch u all tomorrow x x

Oh no poor you - hope you recover really quickly and that you're being looked after - take care xx
Hi - hope you're feeling better very soon - in case I can't get on 2moro or Minis goes down:

Have a :xmassign: with your family celebrating Jackson's first one! And a very :new_year: xxx:dancing_snowman: :dancing_snowman: :dancing_snowman:
Morning all I'm outta bed for water and painkillers. Had a horrible night running in and out of the bathroom. Son is also poorly he has just had to shower while I stripped his bed bless him. Hubby still isn't right it's gonna be a pants Xmas and we may not get to see Andrea Rob and Jackson cos I don't want to pass this on!!
Awww hun.... Hope you all feel better soon. Good idea to postpone your Christmas for a couple of days xxx

Thanks hun I hope so. Hubby said he's feeling a little better today. Ian is still in bed he's taken immodium even tho I told him not to and just let the bug run it's course. Xx
Hope you all feel better soon x

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