The 1st day of the rest of my healthy life!

I'm glad you had a good night last night, Jeanie ... and, yes, the all-seeing, all-knowing eye is always watching you ;) :cool:

Whatever you do, DO NOT let your fat brain (or Fat Brian as I now far prefer to think of it :D ) get the better of you! I know how much this means to you and it truly isn't worth sabotaging all your fantastic efforts to date for a stoopid mince pie or couple of after-eight mints - and definitely not for a few glasses of vino casa collapso! :rolleyes:

Call me if you get the wobbles - otherwise have a great week and see you soon!

I shot my fat brain a few weeks ago.. i'm just left with my normal quite dense brain now!

I was gutted last night because i had a tonic water!!!!! Purely because i went to a real dive... to watch a gig.. they had nothing to drink other than Becks, John SMiths or something else... cans and bottles.. I asked for mineral water they said they didn't have any.. so i said can i have soda water then.. he said the soda water/soft drink thingy wasn't on... they had 2 ltr bottles of coke!!! I don't like pop... so couldn't have a diet coke, so i resorted to low cal tonic water, made it last for ages and read the bottle, it only had trace of carbs.. so hopefully it wasn't bad..! Then before the band I went to see came on i nipped to a bar down the road - a classier place and bought two bottles of sparkling water and smuggled them into the dive... so i didn't have to have any more tonic water!

I tell u trying to have good intentions and not drink anything other than water on a night out is bloody difficult.. purely because damn bars just don't stock sparkling water.. unless they're posh!!!!!

Anyway i rambled! Well done on resisting morning after munchies.... hope u resist the afternoon after ones too! :)
I intended to drink vodka and diet coke (no arm twisting needed to make me do that!) but they were charging over £4 a glass and didn't feel I could ask people to spend that when everyone else was drinking pints or table wine so yes, you guessed it, i drank pints of table wine. (only joking but I did have wine which I believe is carb-laden :rolleyes: )

I like the Comedy Cafe but four quid for a vodka and diet coke is a diabolical bl00dy liberty. Still, it sounds like you didn't do terribly, what with sticking to salmon and only having a taste of the other things in a place where it must have been so tempting just to say b****r it and scoff the lot.

Am very tired today tho not hung over (waheey!!) and would LOVE to pig out and make myself feel better by eating toast and finishing the big bar of choc my BF has left, opened, in the fridge (why do men do that??! HOW CAN men do that??!)

I don't know. I think it's genetic freakishness. The utter, utter lucky b******ds.

Best of luck for your carb free weekend.

Toughest moment so far...

It's saturday night, BF gone out and baby going to bed soon - perfect scene for a secret binge! :(
I am tired and feeling sorry for myself and wanting to eat and to make things worse THERE IS STILL CHOCOLATE IN THE HOUSE!!!:mad:

I am being drawn to the darkside...


Need to remember that:
  • It will taste good but it is the 1st step to jacking the lot in ad undo-ing all my hard work.
  • I am currently at my lowest weight since having baby.
  • I want to lose 4lb this week.
  • I have 2 more social occasions coming up next week that I want to look good for and MAY decide to eat/drink at those.
  • I havejust tried to support Lottie and am now in danger of being a big fat hypocrite!:rolleyes:
(repeat till bedtime. Note to self - go to bed early!)
Be strong. The top beckons. Run a the arcade. Watch a DVD and drink tons of water........stay away from the kitchen. I have been there...........the night of DHS Christmas party the thought of him going off out on the town to a fancy restaurant was too much and after he left I rammed - and I mean rammed the left over ham sandwich of my four year year old in - didn't even chew just swallowed..........
Not a good moment.......but a reality check !!!!!!!


Thank you Betty,

Some sound advice from one who has walked the walk!

I got through the last hour, drinking flavoured water and tickling baby - her giggle distracts me from EVERYTHING!

Will 'do as I'm told' and have a nice long bath and read some more of the Book Club book.

Thanks for the support.:)

Jeanie x
Toughest moment so far...

It's saturday night, BF gone out and baby going to bed soon - perfect scene for a secret binge! :(
I am tired and feeling sorry for myself and wanting to eat and to make things worse THERE IS STILL CHOCOLATE IN THE HOUSE!!!:mad:

I am being drawn to the darkside...


Need to remember that:
  • It will taste good but it is the 1st step to jacking the lot in ad undo-ing all my hard work.
  • I am currently at my lowest weight since having baby.
  • I want to lose 4lb this week.
  • I have 2 more social occasions coming up next week that I want to look good for and MAY decide to eat/drink at those.
  • I havejust tried to support Lottie and am now in danger of being a big fat hypocrite!:rolleyes:
(repeat till bedtime. Note to self - go to bed early!)

Well done on resisting and following your own very good, sensible and much-valued advice last night!!! Isn't it strange how it's easier to give advice than to take it sometimes?????? I think thats what so good about this site is you log on looking for some support and then you end up reading about other people struggling and you then try and support them. And so by supporting other people, your own advice also sinks in to your own head a bit more. Well it does sometimes.

Sometimes an open bar of something nice in the fridge helps me to stay motivated because I think, I need to be able to resist it, whether it is in the house or not, it is always going to be there, so I need to be able to trust myself not to take a chunk. But then other times, if I am finding it really difficult, I would tell my otherhalf off for leaving temptation in my way, because I'm having a difficult day. But, temptation is all around really, thats life isn't it? At the moment, I'd love to start a petition to get food adverts removed from the telly - for example those M&S adverts where they describe their food in great detail and have little dribbles of sauce oozing down the plate. It's just cruel to dieters, but what can you do?

All I can say on your current circumstances is, keep doing what you have been doing. Whilst you are struggling slightly, take each day separately and pat yourself on the back at the end of each successful day and soon, those days will start adding up and hey ho, you'll be back in a habit. If you have set yourself a no-carb plan on Xmas nights out, at least try and stick to it and then you can again pat yourself on the back again for achieving your goal that day. Plus, whilst £4 was a rip-off, at least by hardly eating whilst on SS, you don't need much to get you merry, so instead of thinking it's expensive, perhaps think how much you would save by only having 3-4? Or better still, drive to the night out and then you've got to drink DC or water????

I'm going to one Xmas night out this Thursday and then the following week, I've got another 3 nights out and so I'm hoping that I'll take my own advice as well!!! Good Luck hun, look forward to chatting again soon!
Day 44

Oh dear...

Well day 43 didn't go very well...
Started out with great intentions. Baby and I were going to an Xmas concert at the school I workin in some years ago then onto visit a friend for the afternoon for there. It was an early start - trust me, 10am IS early with a baby -and I had a lot to do. This included hoovering, laundry, feeding baby - bottle AND cereal- make and drink hot shake, washing up, make (and grind) baby's pack lunch (inc. peanut bar for me), make up 2 litres of water, one with flavourings and one without BEFORE we could even get washed and dressed! Believe me, with runny weetabix flying around it's not worth doing this any earlier!
So I lumbered down the 3 flights ofstairs (we live in a block of flats with no lift) with changin bag over my back, wriggly baby on my hip, lunch bag on shoulder and a big bag of pressies for friends we won't see again before xmas - thank god there's almost 2 stone LESS of me to lumber with!:rolleyes:
Loaded everything in the car with minutes to spare preparing to dive like a bat out of hell (obviously whilst still obeying te residential speed limits and priritising everybodys safety...:eek: ) when I realised I had a)left my phone behind and b) left my water behind.
Now this might not sound bad faced with the decision making faced by the likes of Bush and Blair on a daily basis (now now, stop sniggering at the back!) BUT I was faced with the chioce of unplugging baby from mentally challenging carseat, putting changing bag back on and lumbering back up all the stairs to get water, therefore making us late and having to embarrass myself by walking in late at the concert OR just leaving without water.
Yes dear leader, i left the water and made it with seconds to spare.
Concert was lovely! Ter's nothing like seeing a bunch of SEN boys with Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties and multiple-ASBOs (It's a special needs school) singing away in a manger to bring a festive lump to any humbug's throat. Butyou know when you go to any sort of public perfomance and there's always a child that makes lots of noise at inapproprate times? Yes, you guessed it - MY DAUGHTER!! Each time the headteacher spoke to the auduience she would shout 'uh-oh!' over and over again. Just as well he is a good friend and understands that she has inherited my disruptive genes!
Fed baby her lunch in school canteen and told friends I was having lunch with friend lter (told friend I had lunch at the school so double crossed them all!) but by ths time not a drop of water had passed my lips and I was getting hungry and not a little light headed.
Finally had a drink of water in staff room after unch but there were 10,00 cream cakes free to empty stomachs available too and they ALL knew my name!!! The crazy thing is I don't LIKE cream cake that much!!! But MY GOD was I tempted...:(
Anyway, managed to resist but dunno that I would have managed it had it been say, mince pies.
Went to friends next and , bless her, she remembered I was dieting and made me a black coffee instead of a tea with milk. AND gave me a mince pie!!:eek: Well it was just to much and I ate it.
'That's alright,' I thought, 'just one mince pie won't do too much damage.'
You'd think I'd learn wouldn't you? Well that mince pie flicked my 'picking switch' (food - NOT MY NOSE, I'm sure some of you were wondering!) and I went on to pic at BFs tea when I was cooking it then nicked some choccies from his advent calendar. One day he will remember it's there and will be at a loss to now where they have gone cos of course all my picking is,as always, in secet and he thinks I have been a perfect SS angel with the exceptin of his Mum's birthday.:eek: Wonder if I can convince him that mice can open choc wrappers AND put them in the bin? Some new breed of super-mouse? (With Penfold in tow?).
Then I had a terrible ights sleep cos baby has a cold and kept waking up every couple of hours wit a blocked nose which meant I couldn't get back to sleep. For some reason this triggered, not a craving but an obsession with peanut butter and I HAD to have a slice before I could go back to bed. :rolleyes:
Think a lot of this is to do with the fact I might be going out for a xmas meal with work friends tonight and my Fat Brain is slowly taking control. Trouble is I'm not sure how to banish him to the back room again - or better still evict him!
Need to go cos baby has just found the Yelow Pages and has set about tearing it up. Don't mind that but step 2 is 'eat the pages'. Oh my god - even my baby is obsessed with food!!
oh dear..nevermind... at least day 43 is behind u now..... I was reading down and was all impressed at ur resistance... then the mince pie incident happened!! I haven't been faced by talking mince pies yet.. talking rock buns yes.. but no mince pies..... its not so bad.... can't be helped anyway ... so forget about it.. and throw the advent calendar in the bin if ur BF isn't gonna eat them! Tell him santa came early and nicked all the chocs!

The school concert sounded good... like the fact your baby put her oar in every time the headmaster spoke, so funny! Could have been worse.. ur belly could have let out an ear piercing rumble!!
oh dear..nevermind... at least day 43 is behind u now..... I was reading down and was all impressed at ur resistance... then the mince pie incident happened!! quote]

Hi Kirstin,

I wish it had just been the 'Mince Pie Incident' and not turned into 'The Peanut Butter Sandwich and Chocolate Saga'!

off to read all bout ur SS adventures soon.

Jeanie x
:eek: Day 46

Ho hum, not such a good week this one. Not really been able to get back on track since I was derailed by a mince pie (and the rest!:rolleyes: ). Have found it V.V. difficul to resist temptation, even for foods I don't overly desire when not dieting! WHAT'S ALL THAT ABOUT?? Fat Brian whispering in my ear I guess... :mad:

On my last diary post Imentioned that I was in two minds about going to xmas do with work friends last night and thought that I was letting myself off the hook with food cos I might be eating that night. Well I DID go. I was so anxious I was heavy breathing and my heart was pounding and everything! With hindsight I think that I was using food to supress my anxiety about seeing some of them again (as you do...:( ).

Anyway I had a lovely Indian meal (mmm... my favourite!:p ) but did manage some damage limitation - no naan bread, no alcohol. Despite my anxiety it was lovely to see them again. Nobody mentioned my weight los but when I think about it, I put on the the two stone I lost so far since I last saw mst of them so I probably don't lookany different to them!

Having said that they WERE very complimentary. One of the girls asked if anyone had seen Madonna present an award on The Comedy Awards this week. She then anounced that her and her husband had had a discussion as to how much i look like Madonna!!?? (Summer and Aubergine will be holding their sides in acute pain, laughing at that suggestion!).

Apparantly her husband couldn't remember which one i was (typical bloke!:rolleyes: ) and I don't remember anyone else round the table ACTUALLY agreeing with her but a girls gotta grab any compliment that comes her way!!! It's also discredited by the fact this woman genuinely has nortoriously bad eyesight and is to vain to wear glasses but I can gloss over that...

Anyway, I weighed in this morning and surprise, surprise, I had stayed the same. Which isn't quite the negative it could have been but am disappointed with my inability to resist the mince pie temptation.

I did learn one or two things though. Firstly, the foods i couldn't resist were in fact quite disappointing to taste in reality and secondly, after last night meal I woke up this morning feeling bloated. Something I felt frequently before CD and i reaised I didn't likethat feeling. Felt quite ill - a food hangover perhaps? Anyway, I MUCH prefer how my stomach feels when SSing so I DO need to get back into that.

I also now need to decide what to do tomorrow night. My BF and I are going to a surprise birthday party at a swanky bar in the West End and my dilema of the day is this: To drink or not to drink?

The case for the defence:
  • It's CHRISSSSTMAAAAAASSSS (As Noddy would say - Holder, not the one with the big eared mate)
  • My BF an I have only hadone, yes ONE night out together since baby was born amost 9 months ago.
  • the 1st few drinks are free!!!
  • all my mates will be tere and it's last time I will see them this year (in most cases)
The case against:
  • I will need to eat at least a green and white meal before drinking
  • Eating and drinking will keep me out of ketosis longer, therefore further slowing down my weight loss.
  • I could drive there and save money on cabs (as well as cals and carbs - ooh i ike that one! Nice one me:D )
Nah, still dunno what to do. I guess the jury is still out on that one.

Oh I nearly forgot!!! I wore a pair of 18 jeans yesterday!! Still more muffin top about than it's decentto show (big long jumper solved that one!) BUT they did fit and comfortably so!

Was about to shout ''Hello 18s, come on in 16s'' but realised I couldn't yet say it with conviction...:eek:
I think you are doing the right thing... decide beforehand whether u are going to drink and stick with it.. I drank two glasses of white wine and soda last night.. but I had decided I was going to before I went out... I wasn't tempted to have more and I was driving anyway, so couldn't.. just drank soda water rest of night.

If you drive there then u really can't over indulge.. so maybe this would be the best plan... either way if you are thinking of drinking its prob best to do it while u are out of ketosis anyway.. so get it out ur system then try and get back on track with the diet... this fat brian of urs needs a severe talking to! ;)
Hi shimsham

Just checking in really, hope you had a lovely xmas!

your having a few ups and downs with the diet which i can totally relate too, well actually only the downs at the moment! ;)

I hope your back soon, the size 16's are not that far away now! :D