>>> The 2012 Six Stone Challenge Thread <<<

fatbgone said:
Awww roziee - you can whine and get it off ur chest to us! Sometimes it helps to write it down and walk away from it. Like mandy said its so hard loosing weight and keeping that motivation.. I really think that thin person inside has a tough time saying keep going you can do this when its shadowed by our curvierselves but you CAN do this and you CAN find that focus..

What really motivated you to start this journey??

I find myself going shopping motivates me more than anything. Harsh reality is I've always been too fat to wear a mini skirt and I know technically women shouldn't wear short skirts by a certain age.. apparently. So I'm damn determined my 26th birthday I'm wearing the shortest skirt ever! Next Feb til then and I will do it!

I had a fab date night thanks ladies and Saturday we went shopping all day and I honestly felt on top of the world. :) he's so much fun.. when I saw him Friday night in his jeans and shirt I had to pinch myself as to why would he be interested in me!? So much so he went to kiss me at the end of the night and I turned my face so he kissed ky cheek.. silly girl. And then sat after shopping he was like I'm fed up of kissing your cheek now! So we did have a smooch. But seeing him so fit and physically immaculate has kind of propelled me to stick to it as much as possible and I will loose more weight.. and at weigh in today I lost....


And got my 4 and half stone award. Soooo pleased :) aiming for 2lb off this week which would total to 4 stone 10lb off then. I will be 5 stone lighter by the time school breaks up!

I did race for life yesterday and managed it in 41 minutes 38 seconds :):):):):) beaming!! So pleased!! My mum was crying, I was crying lol.. I know its not amazing time but that's 22 minutes quicker than last time. I m so pleased..

So all I wanted to say is ladies I know we can all do this. We all have weeks where we gain, weeks that it seems nothings going right etc.. literally I strip it back to basics. Salads, jackets, chicken, tuna, when I snack its on fruit or if I have syns I have some fruit with it. I'm drinking the lemon squeezed into coke still or on my salads. I'm more aware of portion size now too.. I don't eat because I can, I eat because I'm hungry. And if I do eat naughty food, ie Friday night chicken burger and chips I find myself leaving half my plate. It will happen you're all doing so well to still be posting and still trying.. I know we can all do this. Even if we don't make 6 stone just to maintain any loss this year would be am achievement. I know how easily I can gain so maintaining for me is a battle in itself.

Keep going dolls, we re all here to support one another xx

Wow great positive post to start the day with! You are so right its about continuing the journey.

I joined this thread almost half way through. Have lost a stone and feel.so much better for it. Yesterday was exactly 6 months until chrismas day and I may not get the full 6st off by then but I'm sure as hell gonna carry on.

So thank you Roziee for doing this thread...now come back and join.in. I'm gonna need all the help I can get x x x
Great morning posts girls! FBG, I'm thrilled for you. It seems things are really falling into place for you right now. Well done... and what a fab loss this week!

Well I downloaded a weight loss hypnotherapy mp3 yesterday and had a listen last night. I got all cosy and comfy in bed to give it my maximum attention and make sure I was fully able to relax. Girls, you won't believe this, but while listening, I was told to imagine I had walked into a grey room with two mirrors and that when I looked into the mirrors I was to use my imagination to SEE my reflection and to FEEL my emotions while SEEING. The first mirror was labeled "my future out of control". I was told to look into the mirror and see myself in twenty years' time, having done nothing about my weight. The imagry and the suggestions were so powerful that they cut right to the bone and I ended up sobbing my heart out.
The next mirror was "my future in control" and the results of that one was a big soppy grin on my face. I'm not sure if it has worked or not yet, but it certainly gave me some perspective on the situation.
Sounds scary lol but glad it gave you some perspective :)

Well it'd nearly July and I think we should set ourselves mini targets and may e s weekly.challenge like what you all did at the start. What do you think?

I was thinking of setting myself a 10lb goal for July and doing the lemon challenge all this week?

Let's get this thread busy again :)

Any lurkers join in!
I'm up for that, Jayde... I want to be in the 13s by the end of July... so put me down for 12lb... ouch..

Well today was a great day, food-wise.

Breakfast -- chopped apple and raspberry yogurt

Lunch -- spicy veg stir-fry with rice

Dinner -- SW chips with smash pizza and coleslaw.

Syns so far -- 8 (7 for cheese on pizza and 1 for ex light mayo for coleslaw)

I still have my B choice and 7 syns. And I'm going to use those syns for 2 slices of toast and a cereal bar. (4 syns for spread and 3 for the cereal bar)
Girls let me clean up, then I'll jump on the laptop and reply properly..

Got your PM jayde darling :hug99: I'll reply in a little while Hun x
I'm up for it small mini goals along the way keep me motivated.I set myself 7lb mini goals.I never look any further than that.Sorry guys i have been lurking and not posting,just had loads going on.I'm going to start posting lots more,we can all help,support,encourage and motivate each other.We can do it!!!!!!!

jayde1148 said:
Roziee whine away it may help you hun! Xxx

Mandy I've pm'd you :) its hard to keep going up and.down. the first part of the battle is to acknowledge you have to go for the long haul then put things in place to deal with it. The slimpods really help me to make better choices naturally. But also I'm in the right head space to go for it. I fi think these goals we set.don't always help 6st is massive, and I need to learn to focus on little goals. The slimpods are doing that too :) honestly I don't work.for them I just love them and how they change your behaviors.

Actually lost 1lb tonight so feeling very chuffed because it has been a tough week. I know I need to go to group every week too to vet motivated and I'm really making myself stay and go on bad weeks too.

Well done on your loss hun- let me know what your overall loss is so I can update your stats for u x

fatbgone said:
Awww roziee - you can whine and get it off ur chest to us! Sometimes it helps to write it down and walk away from it. Like mandy said its so hard loosing weight and keeping that motivation.. I really think that thin person inside has a tough time saying keep going you can do this when its shadowed by our curvierselves but you CAN do this and you CAN find that focus..

What really motivated you to start this journey??

I find myself going shopping motivates me more than anything. Harsh reality is I've always been too fat to wear a mini skirt and I know technically women shouldn't wear short skirts by a certain age.. apparently. So I'm damn determined my 26th birthday I'm wearing the shortest skirt ever! Next Feb til then and I will do it!

I had a fab date night thanks ladies and Saturday we went shopping all day and I honestly felt on top of the world. :) he's so much fun.. when I saw him Friday night in his jeans and shirt I had to pinch myself as to why would he be interested in me!? So much so he went to kiss me at the end of the night and I turned my face so he kissed ky cheek.. silly girl. And then sat after shopping he was like I'm fed up of kissing your cheek now! So we did have a smooch. But seeing him so fit and physically immaculate has kind of propelled me to stick to it as much as possible and I will loose more weight.. and at weigh in today I lost....


And got my 4 and half stone award. Soooo pleased :) aiming for 2lb off this week which would total to 4 stone 10lb off then. I will be 5 stone lighter by the time school breaks up!

I did race for life yesterday and managed it in 41 minutes 38 seconds :):):):):) beaming!! So pleased!! My mum was crying, I was crying lol.. I know its not amazing time but that's 22 minutes quicker than last time. I m so pleased..

So all I wanted to say is ladies I know we can all do this. We all have weeks where we gain, weeks that it seems nothings going right etc.. literally I strip it back to basics. Salads, jackets, chicken, tuna, when I snack its on fruit or if I have syns I have some fruit with it. I'm drinking the lemon squeezed into coke still or on my salads. I'm more aware of portion size now too.. I don't eat because I can, I eat because I'm hungry. And if I do eat naughty food, ie Friday night chicken burger and chips I find myself leaving half my plate. It will happen you're all doing so well to still be posting and still trying.. I know we can all do this. Even if we don't make 6 stone just to maintain any loss this year would be am achievement. I know how easily I can gain so maintaining for me is a battle in itself.

Keep going dolls, we re all here to support one another xx

Lots of things happening with you Beth :)

Well done for the smooch first of all :giggle: I hope he's keeping you happy. I bet he's so proud of you.. To be with someone who has the determination to keep on losing weight is fantastic, keep up the good work.

Your loss is amazing! Let me know what your overall loss is for the year and I'll update x

:hug99: you finished the race and that's the most important thing. That is absolutely bloody brilliant! Well done girlie!!!

jayde1148 said:
Wow great positive post to start the day with! You are so right its about continuing the journey.

I joined this thread almost half way through. Have lost a stone and feel.so much better for it. Yesterday was exactly 6 months until chrismas day and I may not get the full 6st off by then but I'm sure as hell gonna carry on.

So thank you Roziee for doing this thread...now come back and join.in. I'm gonna need all the help I can get x x x

I'm here :) I'm not going anywhere xxx

xMandyDx said:
Great morning posts girls! FBG, I'm thrilled for you. It seems things are really falling into place for you right now. Well done... and what a fab loss this week!

Well I downloaded a weight loss hypnotherapy mp3 yesterday and had a listen last night. I got all cosy and comfy in bed to give it my maximum attention and make sure I was fully able to relax. Girls, you won't believe this, but while listening, I was told to imagine I had walked into a grey room with two mirrors and that when I looked into the mirrors I was to use my imagination to SEE my reflection and to FEEL my emotions while SEEING. The first mirror was labeled "my future out of control". I was told to look into the mirror and see myself in twenty years' time, having done nothing about my weight. The imagry and the suggestions were so powerful that they cut right to the bone and I ended up sobbing my heart out.
The next mirror was "my future in control" and the results of that one was a big soppy grin on my face. I'm not sure if it has worked or not yet, but it certainly gave me some perspective on the situation.

I've heard alot about the slim pods from jayde and other users. I'm gonna try it.. Can't do me any harm can it? How many times have u listened to it? The mind is a wonderful thing and it's a muscle at the end of the day and we can train it to do anything we want.

jayde1148 said:
Sounds scary lol but glad it gave you some perspective :)

Well it'd nearly July and I think we should set ourselves mini targets and may e s weekly.challenge like what you all did at the start. What do you think?

I was thinking of setting myself a 10lb goal for July and doing the lemon challenge all this week?

Let's get this thread busy again :)

Any lurkers join in!

Yeah let's do it. You set the official goal and let's start it x

So I've had 2 weeks of gains and I just lost the plot.

I've been on my period for 2 weeks now and I was an emotional wreck on the weekend. I went out ate loads and had the biggest ice cream ever.. I just felt so fed up of this weight loss malarky.

Was very depressed. Like reallllly depressed.

Booked an appointment with the gynae for next week but hoping that the periods finish before then. He said that I kind of had PCOS when they did my op in September- basically its not cysts on my ovary, they're eggs that hadn't been fertilised on the ovary.. 2 of them to be precise which is why he said that it's not proper PCOS.. But I have all the symptoms: overweight, excess hair, the works! So I want to talk to him about weight loss and PCOS.. I even did 5 days of reds but after getting on the scales and seeing a gain (this was before my ice cream feast) I was just fed up and lost control.

I was spotting for about a week and half before my actual period came so intimacy has been none existence (poor husband- he's absolutely amazing and hasn't complained) but I want to get this period under control now. There's only so much a girl can abstain! Lol

So this week I'm giving my husband the chance to try his theory- exercise everyday for 30-40 minutes and no carbs in the evening. I'm still eating SW.. But not counting religiously the number of syns I eat and just taking the pressure off generally. Most important thing he said to do is exercise everyday this weeks and no carbs in the evening so I'm going to try that and see how I get on this week. If it helps then I'll continue doing that. Also not eating too much fruit either.. I can really munch on loads of fruit like a baby ape lol but I'm trying to eat 5-6 times a day as opposed to grazing throughout.. So breakfast/mid morning fruit/lunch/mid afternoon fruit/ supper.. Then if I'm hungry fruit afterwards but nothing after supper if I can help it.

So day 1 and 2 of this week have been fine.. Only "bad things I've had is a ginger bread cookie and about 10 pistachios" which would have been counted in my syns.. But then I'm not eating any carbs so calorie wise I'm sure it's fine.. But I'm not worrying.. I've reduced my intake of food and I'm upping the exercise.

Thank you for your support girls :) it means a lot. Really and truly :) x
I'm really sorry to have been AWOL but will explain in a mo!

Roziee, I have PCOS, true PCOS and there are two things that worked for me firstly, metformin, fertility specialist put me on it and I lost loads of weight, mainly because it made me nauseated but it brings the insulin levels down which are off kilter if you have PCOS and thats why us girls have increased apitite because our insulin levels are higher and that makes you into an eating machine. The diet the specalist gave me was low carbs and low gi carbs, german breads, wholemeal rices etc never refined stuff and plenty of veg but caution with fruit because of the fruit sugar and plenty of exercise. However since I hated the metformin with a passion after a while I dropped it and I researched a natural alternative and I now take chromium from holland and barrett everyday and I swear by it. If I forget it after a few days I am constantly hungry. Did you get the treadmill? Probably too much info but I never had long bleeds with PCOS the periods have always been regular but other that that my PCOS has been pretty classic but the symptons subside with the weightloss, chicken and egg thing?

Anyways, I had a very horrible incident on minimins (nothing to do with you folks) and I found it very upsetting and the moderators were very good but it was upsetting none the less and I really backed of minis for a bit, just posting on one thread. I'm ok now, and back to my sunny self and hoping to get back to the banter with you folks. I also had a whopping gain on my hols but it's nearly off now. I'll update my weight for the challenge on Thurs when i've weighed in at fat club if thats ok with everyone?

Hope everyone is ok,

Lots of love,

Lucia xxxxx
Firstly, Rozie, (hugs) you're having a really hard time of it right now. Your gains have nothing to do with your eating and everything to do with the 2-week period, I would imagine. And never mind your feeding frenzy afterward, girl if I had two weeks of gains for no reason I'd have a pity party and a carpet picnic all in one. I have done!
I'm glad you're going back to get advice from the doc. If nothing else it'll put your mind at ease.
Good idea to just loosen the reigns on the plan a teeny bit. If you're feeling like you're doing all this hard work for nothing, you'll end up going off the rails again. Been there... Anyway, if you've reduced your food portions it should still work fine; you're eating healthy foods in smaller meals, so less calories. If we were calorie counting you'd be right on target. Let us all know how you're doing. And don't forget to come in for a chat every day. It really does make the difference. I find it does, anyway.

Lucia. I must say I'm curious now about this incident, but I won't pry, as it seemed to upset you a lot. I will say though, don't let a few bad apples ruin the cider ;) We're a mostly nice bunch... stay with us :D
I'm really sorry to have been AWOL but will explain in a mo!

Roziee, I have PCOS, true PCOS and there are two things that worked for me firstly, metformin, fertility specialist put me on it and I lost loads of weight, mainly because it made me nauseated but it brings the insulin levels down which are off kilter if you have PCOS and thats why us girls have increased apitite because our insulin levels are higher and that makes you into an eating machine. The diet the specalist gave me was low carbs and low gi carbs, german breads, wholemeal rices etc never refined stuff and plenty of veg but caution with fruit because of the fruit sugar and plenty of exercise. However since I hated the metformin with a passion after a while I dropped it and I researched a natural alternative and I now take chromium from holland and barrett everyday and I swear by it. If I forget it after a few days I am constantly hungry. Did you get the treadmill? Probably too much info but I never had long bleeds with PCOS the periods have always been regular but other that that my PCOS has been pretty classic but the symptons subside with the weightloss, chicken and egg thing?

Anyways, I had a very horrible incident on minimins (nothing to do with you folks) and I found it very upsetting and the moderators were very good but it was upsetting none the less and I really backed of minis for a bit, just posting on one thread. I'm ok now, and back to my sunny self and hoping to get back to the banter with you folks. I also had a whopping gain on my hols but it's nearly off now. I'll update my weight for the challenge on Thurs when i've weighed in at fat club if thats ok with everyone?

Hope everyone is ok,

Lots of love,

Lucia xxxxx

Hi lucia..

I'm sorry to hear about your horrible time on there. Its the internet but can really upset you can't it? I felt exactly the same when things kicked off here. I was so upset for a long time actually.. so i hope you're okay.. let us know if you need someone to talk to ok?

Ive heard of metformin which im going to talk to the gynae about next week. Ive been checked for diabetes on a few occasions now over the year and thankfully my blood sugar levels have always been okay..

I'll research the natural chromium you mentioned Lucia- thank you for letting me know. Theres a holland and barrett right next to work as well so ill pop in and speak to one of them about it..

yes I bought the treadmill and have been using it on a more regular basis now :) for the last 6 months my periods have been every 5-6 weeks and were lasting 7-8 days but that was normal before as well.. this is the first time in years that its lasted this long..

lovely to see you back hun x
Firstly, Rozie, (hugs) you're having a really hard time of it right now. Your gains have nothing to do with your eating and everything to do with the 2-week period, I would imagine. And never mind your feeding frenzy afterward, girl if I had two weeks of gains for no reason I'd have a pity party and a carpet picnic all in one. I have done!
I'm glad you're going back to get advice from the doc. If nothing else it'll put your mind at ease.
Good idea to just loosen the reigns on the plan a teeny bit. If you're feeling like you're doing all this hard work for nothing, you'll end up going off the rails again. Been there... Anyway, if you've reduced your food portions it should still work fine; you're eating healthy foods in smaller meals, so less calories. If we were calorie counting you'd be right on target. Let us all know how you're doing. And don't forget to come in for a chat every day. It really does make the difference. I find it does, anyway.

Lucia. I must say I'm curious now about this incident, but I won't pry, as it seemed to upset you a lot. I will say though, don't let a few bad apples ruin the cider ;) We're a mostly nice bunch... stay with us :D

Yeah i think the weight gain was because of the 2 week bleeding too.. ill still be here dont worry Mandy :)

And yeah Lucia let us know who upset you and me and Mandy will sort them out x
It wasnt anyone on here! I just had to back off a bit but im fine now x
Sounds like a good plan Roziee so well done. Losing weight with hormone stuff going in must be a challenge so will look forward to seeing if hubbies advice worked.

Lucia hope you are ok, its great to see you :)

And no more lurkers LOL

Have just put a fresh jug of lemon.water in the fridge ready for tomorrow and done aquafit tonight so feeling good.

What about we all try a recipe or the week of something else like that? Am I getting carried away lol?
Didnt know you did Aqua fit Jayde. I love it and have a great excercise schedule now:

Mon- Aqua fit

Tues-Aqua zumba

Weds- Fun Dancing (bit like strictly but without a partner)

Thurs - Aqua fit

In between I go on my treadmill and i'm doing the race for life on 15th July, eeekkk!

What excercise do you all do?
Aquafit is the main thing I do twice a week and I also have a Leslie sansone walking dvd which is fab.
Morning ladies!

Whats on the menu today on this lovely Sunny day?

I've just had one of my fave breakfasts

B-Bacon butty (4 syns and hex b for spread + normal bread) big bowl strawbs and a vanilla ww yog.

L-SW quiche and fruit

D- Salmon in mango and chilli (2 syns for dressing) Jacket potato and spread (2 syns) huge salad with pasta,tomatoes,leaves,peppers,onions and a smidge of pesto (2 syns) cherries and strawbs for pudding

S- option hot choc and rocky road hi fi (5 syn)

Total 15 syns
I wish I liked SE quiche but its not for me :(

I had fruit and toast for breakfast.. A latte when I got to work.. Just had lunch of potatoes lots and salad a chicken and tonight im having chicken and lots of salad again.

Had a horrible start to the morning at work. Hope I don't get into trouble. Not my fault- I haven't been told how to do something so there was nothin I could have done, but work is very peculiar that way. Must know everything and all that. Anyway as my husband said- don't worry about something that's not happened yet.

I'm gonna talk about the chromium with the nurse tonight Lucia.. If she says it's ok I'll buy some tomorrow and start taking them!
Afternoon ...... Breakfast for me today was half a grapefruit and i had a bowl of pineapple.Lunch i had a boiled egg and some salad.I can't make my mind up on dinner yet.Exercise for me is on the ex bike. Roziee,hope your day gets better.It's great to see everyone posting again.xx