>>> The 2012 Six Stone Challenge Thread <<<

Well to add to that I got sow and month! Only need 1lb off next week for my first stone of the challenge :)
Well done Jayde! Eating your dust trail at the minute lol
Last night was very difficult for some reason. I was hungry but there was nothing in the house I fancied. Sometimes fruit just isn't what you want. Eventually, at around midnight I had an ommelette... but it was touch and go there for a while whether I'd give in and have something naughty.
Mandy just think how good you did! That's great strength you have x x x
Oooh speaking of strength... OH went to the shop for a drink of 7up last night and came home with a Cadbury's Golden Crisp bar for me... one of my faves! I didn't have more than 7-8 syns left, so I ate half of it, fought with myself and then told OH to eat the other half lol
I literally felt like crying when he was eating it, but I'm not going to sabotage myself anymore. It's not worth it.
Was very proud of myself going to bed all smug lol
Just had 2 poached eggs with w/m toast. Yummy!

Think I'll have stir-fry for lunch with noodles again.. it's lovely and so filling.

I'm thinking I might cook up a big batch of soup and make this a green day, and have some more w/m bread with it.

Am I right in my thinking that this would be a green day?
Yep go green then you can have the extra bread and 2 As. Sometimes I use all 4 HE choices for cheese on green :) love slimming world!
Jayde that's fabulous! Well done you!!

Mandy excellent restraint, its so hard watching those around you eat your favourites. My sister and brother in law are monkeys for doing it, at the weekend we had a bbq I had fruit skewers on their and warmed them through (2-3 syns each ) while they had enormous burgers smothered in cheese and coleslaw. Sigh! But as the saying goes nothing tastes as good as being slim feels... Apparently, I ll let you know when I get there hehe!

Roziee I have everything crossed for you getting to your goal soon as! I reckon you'll be there quicker than you think :)

I'm addicted to lemons.. I have 2 a day and they're just so refreshing in this heat. Did my food shop and filled up on lots of veggies but must go get some fruit after work. Having lots of salads. Did have a blueberry cheesecake muffin from sainsburys at lunch but I thought ill just use all my syns on it and it was so worth it so...never mind!

Anyone doing anything for the jubilee?? I'm going to make a massive patriotic fruit salad blueberrys strawberrys raspberries black berries and topped with meringue and vanilla yoghurt. More salads and ill pre cook some jacket potatoes and POP them on the bbq too and have with fat free pasta salads etc. I can't eat meat of a bbq as I have insane paranoia!! So ill have cold meat. :)

Off topic, I'm struggling with what to buy my son for his 6 th birthday in 2 weeks!! Help!?! Any ideas!? :)
I'm here too roziee but I've been lurking as well due to lots of family dramas the past week, I've had a sts this week which is not surprising to me, I've not ate enough, I've not drank enough water and not written down what I eat, and not really planned my meals, I'm not gonna worry tonight and have a couple of little treats, then back on plan tomorrow.
I've been to see my consultant yesterday (I've got a dermoid cyst on my left ovary) and the cyst has grown so he wants to operate and remove it, however he probably can't do it via keyhole so it will be a big op with a good chance of infection in the cut and a possible chance of it opening up because of where it will be, as I've not lost weight since he last seen me (I've lost 10lb but that was weight I'd put on then lost) then he asked me if I'd considered gastric surgery, I said no, but its took the wind out of my sails a bit and I feel quite crap, its good he offered it but it sort of makes me feel like I'm a hopeless case but it's all in my head so I need to get it sorted.
Off to have my tea now xx
PurpleRoses said:
I'm here too...I just tend to lurk rather than post as I never have anything of interest to say :eek:

Ditto xx
No more lurking! lol

Loony... very sorry to hear you're going to have to have an op. Nothing worse. I had my appendix out by keyhole surgery a few months ago (actually this past year hasn't been very good to me, healthwise!!!) and it took me 2 weeks to be able to so much as roll over in bed! I can only imagine how sore you're going to be. Chin up, though... you'll get through it, and even though the doctor mentioning gastric surgery made you feel like poop, maybe it'll be a boost in the long run, and next time he sees you, you can laugh in his face and tell him you did it yourself!
PurpleRoses said:
I'm here too...I just tend to lurk rather than post as I never have anything of interest to say :eek:

Don't lurk :) you're very interesting so post x

loonylamb said:
I'm here too roziee but I've been lurking as well due to lots of family dramas the past week, I've had a sts this week which is not surprising to me, I've not ate enough, I've not drank enough water and not written down what I eat, and not really planned my meals, I'm not gonna worry tonight and have a couple of little treats, then back on plan tomorrow.
I've been to see my consultant yesterday (I've got a dermoid cyst on my left ovary) and the cyst has grown so he wants to operate and remove it, however he probably can't do it via keyhole so it will be a big op with a good chance of infection in the cut and a possible chance of it opening up because of where it will be, as I've not lost weight since he last seen me (I've lost 10lb but that was weight I'd put on then lost) then he asked me if I'd considered gastric surgery, I said no, but its took the wind out of my sails a bit and I feel quite crap, its good he offered it but it sort of makes me feel like I'm a hopeless case but it's all in my head so I need to get it sorted.
Off to have my tea now xx

Hello darling,

How big is your cyst if you don't mind me asking?

Mine was 12cm in diameter and mine was done keyhole when I was this weight.. You're not a hopeless case. Let's do this loony. I'll help u, seriously. Let's lose this weight and do this! PM me x

emma3662 said:
Hello love

How are u getting on?

xMandyDx said:
No more lurking! lol

Loony... very sorry to hear you're going to have to have an op. Nothing worse. I had my appendix out by keyhole surgery a few months ago (actually this past year hasn't been very good to me, healthwise!!!) and it took me 2 weeks to be able to so much as roll over in bed! I can only imagine how sore you're going to be. Chin up, though... you'll get through it, and even though the doctor mentioning gastric surgery made you feel like poop, maybe it'll be a boost in the long run, and next time he sees you, you can laugh in his face and tell him you did it yourself!

I didn't realise u had surgery this year Mandy :( how are you feeling now from it?
Hello lurkers! Loony I hope you feel better soon and good luck with the op. Anything I can do to help you just pm me :)

Just got back from aquafit but can't make Thursday so think I may have to do my Leslie dvd a couple of times to make up for it.

Well done everyone we can do this :)
haha I'm a bit of a lurker too, i do read but usually on my breaks in work (to stop myself going to the shop next door for sweets and crisps) and never have time to write anything worthwhile! will start to make an effort, promise!! :)
im taking a back seat until my money is sorted but im still on here it keeps me thinkin i will get there 1 day xx
Rozie, I'm fine now, apart from a mangled belly button and two red lines lower down. The belly button one was bad though when it was first done. The stitches "migrated" to the outside and at my check-up after the op the surgeon had to slice my skin and pick all those stitches out. It was one of the more horrible moments of my life lol

I wasn't kidding about this past year being awful as far as my health goes. Seems to be one thing after another, to be honest. First it was the appendicitis, then I done my back in (I'm sure you remember that one!) and I had a flu which stuck around for 3 months! Also had the surgery on my cervix, and a million other small things. Right now I'm sitting at home nursing my poor swollen gums. I was a little too eager for the Smash Pizza at the BBQ we had here Saturday gone, and burned the mouth off myself. It's that little bit of gum behind your front teeth, and just below my bottom front teeth too. Swollen, red and bleeds if I touch it! Can't even brush my teeth, but have been using antiseptic mouth wash. Hoping I wake up tomorrow and it's gone. I also still have that damn kidney infection, so I'm giving up the ghost and going to the doctor this week for some antibiotics.

LOL if I were a horse, I'd be put down!