The 30 day Shred!! Round 2!

20 done

Level 3 tomorrow x
Re: Lauren, Tess and Moley are doing the 30 day Shred!!

Good luck hun.... seriously.... good luck. Xxxx its been nice knowing you. Xxxx
Re: Lauren, Tess and Moley are doing the 30 day Shred!!

Haha @ kes :) x
Lordy - level 3 already, haven't even watched that one yet but can only imagine...... Good luck girls!
Day 5 completed last night woop woop.
Good luck hun.... seriously.... good luck. Xxxx its been nice knowing you. Xxxx

It would be funny if it weren't true!!

Oh my days!!!

FYI accidentally leaning on your daughters dropped Ginger bread biscuit whilst holding all your weight in the plank is NOT a good idea!! I don't know what hurt more abd it's still indented haha

Level 3 day 1 has provoked an
Excercise induced coma...


9 days to go... Hoping by day 5 to be doing it all upper... For now my achievement is breathing xxx
oh my days - level 3 ! say no more......
OK now you are scaring me! I got persuaded by you lot and the reviews on Play and ordered a copy yesterday for doing over xmas and new year etc. .... but not liking the sound of level 3! :-O
lol its all good GG, I actually enjoyed it but as Jillian would say "you don't get nothing for free !!" and boy is she right .... lol
Day 2 - level 3

8 days til I'm officially shredded!!!! Xxx
Re: Lauren, Tess and Moley are doing the 30 day Shred!!

Ok so think I may need a copy of this DVD! I've been watching you guys progress n it's amazing! Sorry if it's been covered but what decides what level you do or is it like ten days of each level?
ten days of each level chick x
Days 6 + 7 done.
I now know that Jillian has got into me - I went late night shopping last night, on my feet for hours and yet when I got back at 9:30 we got on with the shred. Admittedly I then crawled up to bed a broken woman, but hey it will be worth it (it had better be!)
Also bought weights - 2kg for me and 2.5 kg for Nick and bloody hell it makes it a whole lot harder than my tins of beans (Nick was using two heavy cook books!) so really feeling it today, but it feels good to have the proper equipment - almost an athlete!!!!
Wait 2 weeks hun as you wont have the energy at first...
Day 3 done!

7 to go! Xx
Fab!! Look forward to it!! Xx
You guys!!!!!you just got me hock,I have just place my order on hmv for my dvd.I hope I will be so determine as you are,I am on my 2nd week of SS,weighting day tomorrow so I think my energy levels will be enough for the plan.
Keep going,you are doing very well and more than that you are a true inspiration for a lot of us.Me too I will be seen my hubby in January and it will be nice to see his face(he does not complain but is for me).
Hope I can hold it like you guys are doing.!!!!!KEEP IT UP!!!!
Mine has been dispatched! Scared! lol
I cant get my latest photos on for some reason ????