The battle of the Bubble

I can picture your chicken and bacon steak :( did you cook them separately like a mixed grill or together like a hunters chicken? Really want to try the combination - it sounds amazing! X

Hiya Pippa, I wrapped the chicken breast and bacon steak in foil cooked for 20 mins then opened up to brown the bacon. Just added everything else when serving. Really recomend the SW bbq sauce. :)

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Well all back from the lego movie. Got all three kids in tow again!! Well a very bazaar film, but come together at the end. I mean the kids loved it, but it was quite strange.

Eats so far:
Egg and Bacon in wholemeal roll hexb
0% activia and fruit salad. Cherries and grapes, water, and just had a small bowl of the curry in the slow cooker (had to try it b4 tonight) the house smells gorgeous. ;)

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Dont let me put u off watching it, i enjoyed it but not what i expected.
Friends on their way, let the eating begin. Another flexiday now cos shes just rang to say shes got the poppadums and naan and profiterols. Im not going to b able to resist those.:banghead:

Will do my best. I know it will b a late one tonight so ill report tomorrow. Looks like mondays WI wont be so grand afterall. :(

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Enjoy your evening honey xx
Morning! Gone to pott last night! Ate too much and drank shloer which is very high in syns. Feeling annoyed with myself but not a lot i can do. I wasnt in control at all. :mad:
I'll b very lucky if im not moving marbles back the other direction tomorrow. :(


Thats my line drawn.

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Hugs Bubble.... deep breath... no stress just start back on plan xxxx
Morning! Gone to pott last night! Ate too much and drank shloer which is very high in syns. Feeling annoyed with myself but not a lot i can do. I wasnt in control at all. :mad: I'll b very lucky if im not moving marbles back the other direction tomorrow. :( -___________________________________ Thats my line drawn. Sent from my GT-I9100 using mobile app

You've done so well this week, don't be so hard on yourself. One meal doesn't make you overweight, the good decisions you make will far outweigh the bad. Even if you do gain tomorrow it's not the end of the world. You had a great time last night, are back on plan now and will continue to see the losses as you continue your journey x
Thanx Pippa. I cant stop picking now ive started on a pack of minstrels too. That line i drew hasnt worked and got myself a 2 kitkats, 5 segment of terrys orange and now these!!
Whats wrong with me? why cant i just stop? :confused::eek:

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It happens to us all. I just demolished 3 fun size mars bars and good chunk of a pack of rich teas! On the flip side for breakfast this morning I had one ww sausage, the fat cut off my bacon, and scrambled eggs made with no butter.

My point is the binges are naughty and will slow my losses down, but on the whole my diet is pretty damn good and a it's better to have the odd binge and be healthy most of the time than live the way I did before.

You're doing great, it's ok to have a slip up, and if you're going to then enjoy it because you don't do if very often xxx
Cheers hun. X

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They were lovely!! Didnt last long shared 5 each to the kids ate the rest!

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Hi Bubble, I have also lost control this weekend, ate loads of sweets last night and just been to a kids birthday party and had chocolate cakes, despite starting really well only picking at carrot sticks. The lure of the ham sandwiches and choc cake won. If you anything like me you feel bad, however, I didn't pick as much as I would have done normally, so I see that as a positive. Guilt will get us nowhere, so don't beat yourself up. We will just try again tomorrow. :D
Yep giant sharing bag!

I am just like you say Lindsey, feel guilty but couldnt stop myself either! We could b worse you're right so a little mercy for that. Lets hope i can stop now. Its emotional eating i know. :rolleyes:

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Morning! Gone to pott last night! Ate too much and drank shloer which is very high in syns. Feeling annoyed with myself but not a lot i can do. I wasnt in control at all. :mad:
I'll b very lucky if im not moving marbles back the other direction tomorrow. :(


Thats my line drawn.

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Ah Hun don't be too hard on yourself we are all allowed naughty days. I'll be joining you tomorrow with the marbles :( I was so bad yesterday. Xx
Right guys. Lets get motivated! Ive put the kids to bed got school and work stuff ready. Planned my week ahead and made minestrone soup ready for lunches.
Tomorrow will b a gain so im prepared! Im not happy with myself but I am proud that it was only the weekend and not the whole half term like i originally thought.
So on a good note I have changed my eating habits and will continue from now on.
Got the pedometer set, the 30D shreds in the dvd for when im home from work at lunchtime. Bring it on... i plan to kick ass... x

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