The battle of the Bubble

You are so good organising healthy meals for the weekend. I'm out Saturday night but will try to make the right choices.xx

I'm lucky the friends that are coming round all like my cooking and like to experiment new tastes etc so I dont mind when its them.

Im sure you'll make the right choices, you are a very focused girl. X:)

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Hi mate, just got home from bowling had 2 black coffees, my fruit (cherries, grapes, mango, pinapple and banana) and a freddo. So no sabotaging whilst out today. :)

Hows you today, headache eased up I hope. X

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Headache's fine today thanks, but I've been for a scan today and now I feel like I've been kicked by a full team of footballers.... tender tum :cry:
You can't turn fat into muscle hun..... that's like turning lead into gold :D
I just see that on your thread BCP, you poor thing, you really do have everything thrown at you!?
Take care of yourself. X

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Todays eats:

Fruit salad and 0% yog

Scrambled egg, baked beans mushrooms on toast HEXB a laughing cow extra light 1syn and 30g cheddar HEXA

Fruit, alpen light 3 syns, freddo 5 syns

Sausage 3 syns and mash, onions green beans and mushrooms gravy 2 syns

Another yoghurt and dashes of milk for teas 3 syns

17syns today. whoops :rolleyes:

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Just picked the kids up from karate, all three have been picked to grade next month ive got to find £90! Its great sending them to these things but its soooo expensive. I am proud of them but means i might not eat for a week.
Just think of the weight ill lose? :D

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Hi mate, just got home from bowling had 2 black coffees, my fruit (cherries, grapes, mango, pinapple and banana) and a freddo. So no sabotaging whilst out today. :)

Hows you today, headache eased up I hope. X

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oooh I'm impressed with all ur planning and healthy eating - during half term - ur doing so much better than u expected to - have more faith in u pls! If u can cope with this week - term times will be a doddle - well done!
So nice to see you supporting your kids hobbies, My daughters did stuff and my grand boy does stuff, but I just couldn't get my son interested in anything :eek:
Hi everyone sorry been blitzing the house and caught up on all ironing. Ready for company this evening now. Hope ur all doing well will catch up with threads drinking my tea and my alpen light bar, banana, yoghurt and cherries. Had scrambled egg wnd mushrooms for breaky. Saving myself for yummy dinner. :p

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Have a great time with your company xx
Well after watching "my baggy body" and reading up on belly overhangs (which i unfortunately have) ive woke up this morning thinking im gonna to my best to tighten up. Just been on amazon and bought the 30 day shred :eek:

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Good luck it's a killer but effective my OH and I used to do it together but it seems to have gone missing - funny that?
I've got the 30 day shred too... but I've only ever done the first stage.... I do like it.... but I have to modify the jumping jacks regardless of what JM says..... don't laugh.... it's because I don't like the feeling when my bum bounces up and down.... oh ok then you can laugh :D
Oh girls u do put a smile to my face. :) i am really looking forward to trying the shred! :eek:

Mates just left, lost one of mine shes gone for a sleepover and the other one crying cos she hates being in a room on her own. :(
My son just laughs at her...

Dinner went really well.

Chicken breast, bacon steak, topped with slice of edam hexa and onion rings made with smash, SW bbq sauce, wedges and ranch slaw (2syns for the extra light mayo) had ww petit pain hexb halved with garlic granules, parsley and butter frylight cooked like garlic bread.

Dessert alpen light crumbled in sundae pot topped with muller delight 1 stick of a kit kat and creme freche with vanilla essence. (11 syns)

My total syns today 16. I know im going slightly over the last couple of days but just think how much i would have if i didnt do SW style food!

Im actually very pleased. :p
Good night peeps write again tomorrow. X

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Wow - jealous and dribbling just reading about ur food - agree - ur much better going slightly over ur syns and sticking to the plan - than stinting urself - I think ur v accurate with ur counting too.

I seem to have syn amnesia esp when I get to no. 10!! Sometimes I lie in bed and remember other things I've eaten but not posted (sad me!)

Just think how u were feeling last week - dreading half term - u've done so well - shd be a doddle when the children go back to school! Night, Night!
I must admit I cant wait til the kids are back to school! You are so right tho, i am very pleased how i coped this week and only had a 'down day' last weekend and im sure i worked myself up cos i didnt know what i was doing to entertain them. Yep-very pleased.

Just going to put curry in slow cooker and off to c the lego movie while ive only 2 kids!! Booked at 9.40 nice and early so i can get back to prepare for evening again. Shouldnt need a lot to snack on at cinema that early, taking my fruit and water.

Have a nice day all catch up later. Xxx

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Morning Bubble....

Hope you have a lovely cinema trip.... enjoy the rest of your weekend to xx