The battle of the Bubble

Well done upndown, and pippa fab losses this week. :thumbup:
Too far to walk to farmfoods and a good job i didnt, think i bought the shop. Deff worth going there 2 stock up every couple of weeks! That my help the pocket as ive been spending a fortune since i started SW!!
Ive done 8/30 ds have 10 mins to eat and leave for work.
Report in again later. X
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Well done upndown, and pippa fab losses this week. :thumbup:
Too far to walk to farmfoods and a good job i didnt, think i bought the shop. Deff worth going there 2 stock up every couple of weeks! That my help the pocket as ive been spending a fortune since i started SW!!
Ive done 8/30 ds have 10 mins to eat and leave for work.
Report in again later. X

Thanks - I always pull a face at my food bills on SW but then when I think of all the choc & other stuff I used to treat myself too during the week - wonder if that balances it up a little?
I cringe when I think how many of the family choc bars I used to eat (and well over a £1.50 I shd think:eek:) then there's our local cake shop (their fresh cream cakes are over £1 each:eek::eek:) and I can't remember ever buying just the one! Funny how many 'diet' drinks I got thro' too - still have a few but much more water - cost free and healthier!

So I was straining my purse as well as my pants then.......
Thanks - fingers crossed I can do it - if I start binging I'll go back to usual EE!! How are u doing?

Really good thank you :) I've been trying to cut down my wheat lately and it seems to have helped this weeks loss, plus I have mild psoriasis on my arms and they seem to be clearing up too since I've cut back :D hurrah! Soon I won't feel compelled to always wear a cardigan!

You can always mix it up between EE and SE :) you're doing great so a mixture won't hurt I'm sure.
Really good thank you :) I've been trying to cut down my wheat lately and it seems to have helped this weeks loss, plus I have mild psoriasis on my arms and they seem to be clearing up too since I've cut back :D hurrah! Soon I won't feel compelled to always wear a cardigan!

Glad ur good - and skin is improving!
Thats the one! So 2.5 syns for tub. Thanx for checking. Its not bad as its a big tub, wonder if i made it with plain quark lemon juice and sweetener would it work? Mmmm might be too runny then...

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Hey bubbles :) hope your having a fab day. Yep the plain quark with lemon would work with sweetener and you could have it syn free :p. I replied to your post on my diary about how to make the cheesecake set and which brand is best to use. Your losses have been great so far and long may they continue ! :D You are working so hard on the plan hun and the results are showing. Hope you have another smashing week ahead ! :)

Kay xx
What is this cheesecake?? I want cheesecake!!

Pippa didnt you see my recipe on last nights food. I cant take credit for it its one of kays lovely recipes. :)

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Good evening hun,
I'm glad you had a successful shop earlier :)
Hope you're having a good evening.xx

Hiya. A manic evening! My kids had one club after another tonight. I usually manage to share the weds club runs with a friend but her lo sick and with hubby at work ive been in the car since 330!!
Kids finally in bed and im sitting catching up on posts and eating.:) my favourite past time.

Ill be back with todays eats in a bit.

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What are hot choc shots?

I asked where you find them in supermarket a few days ago - Kay replied saying I'd find the with the drinking choc - but not in Morrisons on Sunday! So presume they're hot choc? But I thought they were a choc sauce! Hope someone can enlighten us PLEEEAAASSSE! We need choc in our lives!!
Hiya. A manic evening! My kids had one club after another tonight. I usually manage to share the weds club runs with a friend but her lo sick and with hubby at work ive been in the car since 330!!
Kids finally in bed and im sitting catching up on posts and eating.:) my favourite past time.

Ill be back with todays eats in a bit.

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Surely u used up some Body Magic??!! Now have a well earned chill!!
I asked where you find them in supermarket a few days ago - Kay replied saying I'd find the with the drinking choc - but not in Morrisons on Sunday! So presume they're hot choc? But I thought they were a choc sauce! Hope someone can enlighten us PLEEEAAASSSE! We need choc in our lives!!

Last night I tipped a bad of magic stars into my hot chocolate for an extra chocolate hit. Bloody lovely!!
Last night I tipped a bad of magic stars into my hot chocolate for an extra chocolate hit. Bloody lovely!!

ooooh how many syns in a bag - not that I really care GOT to try that!!
Hot choc shots is a drinking choc but comes in a squeezy bottle in liquid form. Its very rich and 1 tbsp is 2 syns. Ideal for desserts ive never tried it as a hot choc. X

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I asked where you find them in supermarket a few days ago - Kay replied saying I'd find the with the drinking choc - but not in Morrisons on Sunday! So presume they're hot choc? But I thought they were a choc sauce! Hope someone can enlighten us PLEEEAAASSSE! We need choc in our lives!!

Here you go Upd, hope this helps (if you click on the where to buy link also ) :) .

Sweet Freedom - Sweet Freedom Choc Shot

Kay xx