The battle of the Bubble

Morning! Gonna do my c25k b4 weighing this morning thought it might give me a buzz b4 the storm! Wish me luck.

Num num year born in my name. :)
I know people are well shocked when they find out grahams age but it happens... :p

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Just did the run, ill be having a shower then weigh. According to treadmill i did 2km and burnt 216cal. Quite impressed. Will measure too. X

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Drum roll......!!!!!
How the *@#* did i manage that? Im so so pleased and shocked. I know im still playing catch up but wow that has made my day.
Im now going to sit and plan the weeks menu and go for gold. I wont be weighing next monday going to try fortnightly if i can. Plus dont want to see easter damage really. Giving myself some slack. If i find im not motivated enough by not WI then ill re think.
Such a happy bubble. X

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Drum roll......!!!!!
How the *@#* did i manage that? Im so so pleased and shocked. I know im still playing catch up but wow that has made my day.
Im now going to sit and plan the weeks menu and go for gold. I wont be weighing next monday going to try fortnightly if i can. Plus dont want to see easter damage really. Giving myself some slack. If i find im not motivated enough by not WI then ill re think.
Such a happy bubble. X

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OMG !! Bubbles ! Fantastic !! Well done hun ! I'm sooooooooooo happy for you ! :talk017: Whoop whoop ! :D 4lbs is an amazing loss ! You superstar !

Kay xx
How did you do it ? :eek: :D I think weighing after 2 weeks is a fab idea, espesh after Easter, think we're all dreading that :rolleyes:. Can you please send me some of your magic dust for tomorrow, I really need it. :vibes::p

Kay xx
Thanx Kay after the weekend I am so shocked. Enough to put me in a buzzing mood, mustn't feel down today, im embrassing the sun and kids and my mood and staying on top of the world. X
Have a good day all. X

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Thanx Kay after the weekend I am so shocked. Enough to put me in a buzzing mood, mustn't feel down today, im embrassing the sun and kids and my mood and staying on top of the world. X
Have a good day all. X

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Have a fantastic day hun ! :) You really deserve this loss ! I want you to be happy bubble always ! :D So so happy for you ! :bliss:

Kay xx
Hey bubble that's an amazing loss , so pleased for you xxxx

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Thanx peeps!! I'm still in shock! :D

Graham has just downloaded and done the C25K too he may be slimmer but very unfit next to me - haha! Hes on the floor dyeing!;)
He reckons I should get the insurance policies out he is on his way out!!! Im wicked really cos hes already at a loss with only 1.5 lungs! X
Hiya bubble,

Well done on your loss today, popping into subscribe to your diary. Have a lovely day! xxx
Welcome to the nut house cheese thief, thanks for joining. Seen you about and I'm in awe of your losses! Well done on your journey so far. x
:clap::happy036:Well done!! Great loss, I can imagine how over the moon you are. Age shmage, it's only a number at the end of the day. As long as you're happy that is all that matters!

how did you find the c25k? I need to get started on day 2. Might try it whilst eastenders is on later :)
Thank you, I still cant believe it but its helped me stay on track today. :)
I really enjoyed the C25K, I had enough by circuit 5, and that silly voice telling me I was half way I could have screamed at her! See how my legs feel tomorrow.;)
Go for it, you inspired me to start cycling. Been out to the local park with the bikes just had a little ride as there were too many kids there from school, so weren't going to embarress myself.