The Beck Diet Solution Book Group

I used to have that on the wall in my salon. It's such an inspirational quote.

Day 5 Eat Mindfully and Slowly

1. Eating more slowly will let me know when my body is full.

2. I will feel less deprived.

3. I will be healthier, calmer, and more appreciative of my meals.

4. There is a 20 minute lag between consuming food and it registering with your body. So, eating slowly and mindfully can prevent over-eating.

5. Put your fork down between bites.

6. Take sips of water as you eat.

7. Use smaller plates and bowls, so the food looks like more.

8. Focus on the meal, create ambiance for your meals.

9. Make sure you eat your breakfast in a mindful manner, too.

10. Make the time to do this – it is important.

Added to original ARC

11. Use portion tray/plate and measure food.

I've had the same sabotaging thought, reading day 5, as I always have whenever talk turns to eating food more slowly: I like my food HOT! It isn't practical to keep putting it in the microwave so what do I do?
I just found a Beck sub-section on this forum though hasn't been used in a while (and you need 20 posts to access)
Nobody seems to have used that subforum for some time - shall we carry on here? Now I've broken the back of my clothes listing I can spend a little more time on my head (!). Tonight I'm going to go back through my worksheets to where I got up to and see if I can make them into documents to use on my ipad - dedication so I can do Beck on holiday :). I've got so much going on in my head it's time to get schedule back in some me time I think.
You can get some of the worksheets as PDFs on the beck website.
I've got all the pdfs printed off to fill in by hand - don't want to get them covered in suncream ;)
Where did everyone go? How are we doing? What day is everyone on now? I've had a right telling off from the good doctor overnight and have re-read my worksheets to date and moved on a couple of days. Just starting on day 16 now - the stuff I need - to stop overeatting forever!
I've kind of reached the start your diet bit and gotten stuck as I'm not sure how to do quite a few of the tasks whilst doing this.
I bought this book a couple of days back and am going to have a look at it. I need to examine my eating and why I'm doing what I;m doing. Today I was making up my last pack and a cuppa and overate/cheated/inhaled half a packet of something I shouldn't have. Stupid thing was I was like "I've had one, may as well have the two"....So I'll probably be a bit behind you all but will try my hardest :)
Hi, can I join you please, I am reading the book and am on day 6....find a diet coach.. I am going to use this forum as my coach. I am doing atkins with a higher level of carbs whilst also watching the cals. I lost bout a stone last year,but due to family problems etc I fell off the wagon and am now bout 8 lb above my posted weight.
Hi, can I join you please, I am reading the book and am on day 6....find a diet coach.. I am going to use this forum as my coach. I am doing atkins with a higher level of carbs whilst also watching the cals. I lost bout a stone last year,but due to family problems etc I fell off the wagon and am now bout 8 lb above my posted weight.

Welcome! I think we are all very happy to be each other's coaches :)

I lost my weight with Slim & Save and am now at the point where I need to focus on maintaining. Am hoping Beck will help me change my mindset in relation to food so I can maintain long term. I had previously lost weight but merrily piled it all, and more, back on :-( and really don't want to do that again!

Hope everything's going well with you x
Hi all, I am now on day 11, I one thing I am struggling with is eating mindfully. You would think that people who are overweight would eat mindfully and enjoy every mouthful, but I find I am always distracted whilst eating....this is something I really need to work on. I hope you are all doing well.
I dug out my book again (i'd managed to misplace it!) and have carried on where I left off. Did day 6 yesterday. Downloaded a diary app on to my tablet to make notes on.

How's everyone else getting on with it?
Day 7: Arranging your environment

Today is all about arranging your environment, removing temptations either completely or at least from sight. I'm very much the kind of person that if it's not there, I generally just don't miss it and it doesn't bother me. It's when things are there that it gets tempting.

I'm going to make changes at him by continuing to not buy junk food of my own. I can't control what my parents buy and so that usually means there's crisps and biscuits but I do OK avoiding them. I'm going to try to see them as theirs, not mine, so they're not for me to have. I'm going to speak to my Dad and ask him not to offer me things like take away as I want to be healthy and lose weight and if I don't think of it I won't want it. I know my dad would support me in that, he's overweight and has diabetes and I know my weight has been a concern for him in the past. He doesn't want me to follow his path and have any health complications.

I don't think I can really make any changes at work, it's normally OK. It's just about being prepared and having everything with me I think. I am going to try and drink more at school though, that's something I struggle with. If there's a table full of chocolate or biscuits in the staff room I might go and sit with the TA who is doing Slimming World and has a motivation and will power of steel! She's lost 4-5 stone and is really inspirational. Every Wednesday she asks how my WI was and I ask her on a Thursday so I guess she's another diet coach for me, kind of.
I'm very much the same. If I don't have it at home I won't want it. The trick is to find balance and be able to have treats at home and not be tempted by them. I'm lucky because during the week I practically live on my own as my house as works away so I can really make sure my environment is as health friendly as possible. To be fair he is quite good too, he doesn't eat to excess nor drink lots either.
At work I'm usually surrounded by treats as I manage a team of 21 and its always someone's birthday or someone just wants to buy naughty stuff for everyone. I'm usually not tempted at all but if I go for it I REALLY go for it.
Moderation. I need to learn what that word means lol
Oh I know that feeling! Moderation is key to it all but yet so difficult lol

Day 8: Creating time and energy
Time is something that I can struggle with but more honestly it's my motivation and energy that's more of an issue. I'm up at 5.45am, leaving the house at 6.45am and not getting back generally until 6-7pm. So after a long day it's usually me not wanting to bother to do something rather than not having the time. I could easily fit in half an hour of exercise a day, the problem is that I'm generally too tired for it in the evening and can't do it in the morning really, unless I get up at 5am! =/ I just don't physically have the energy or inclination to do lots of exercise though I do actually really enjoy it when I get into a routine.

So, what am I going to do so that I make the time for exercise and losing weight I'm going to try a few things. First I'm going to make some of my exercise non negotiable, set activities with other people that I can't just forget or put back a few minutes so much that it doesn't happen. So Thursday evenings I'll be doing aqua aerobics with my sister Suzan, it's here in town so nice and easy, no excuses. It'll mean some careful planning to make sure I eat dinner early but that's OK, easier to do on a Thursday which is why I chose that day. Saturdays will be gym day with Aaron, my boyfriend. I've arranged cheaper guest passes to his gym so we can go every weekend that I'm there. Will need another exercise plan for weekends that he's here, maybe go for a walk or something dependent on the weather. I know that planning is key for me really so going to make time each evening to plan out the next day. I might actually try on a Sunday evening to plan for the week and make a shopping list, that way I can do a shop and buy exactly what I need. For now daily exercise may have to be on the back burner. I'll finish my job at this school in July and should then (and long as I find a job!) move to a different school and not spend 2 and a half hours driving to and from work each day. That'll free up a lot of extra time and energy for things, until then I'm OK with twice a week and trying to walk around and move more during the day.

Credit for yesterday: When given compliments on my weight loss and how I looked that day I actually took them on and thanked people for them rather that deflecting them somehow. Not something I do easily!
helloo im still here! ive been reading it reaalllllyy slowly and finally at chapter 7 week 3: go start your diet
so Im officially starting...again
got lots of feelings going around but I try to answer each thought with a Dr Beck voice. -has everyone got their idea of how she talks in their head? even though I think shes american? she sounds a bit like my grandma in my head, very well spoken not much accent and speaks quite slowly and sternly. Im not gonna try argue with her!

I have some old business cards I made at uni and they make great little flash cards, made a few copies of the difference response cards, going to put one in my wallet, one on dressing table, keep the rest in my diary.
for me, sabotaging thoughts is a huge one and Ive got this voice in my head that thinks it knows best about everything and can convince me to do anything so its interesting telling it NO so far its so shocked it hasnt thought of an argument yet!

Ive also got a symbolic empty easter egg box sat on my dressing table to remind me how 2 years ago I ate lots of easter eggs and ruined my Lighterlife journey putting my weight loss on hold.
I like to think of my sabotaging thoughts as a gremlin acting like a spoilt toddler. Gives me something to say no to and laugh at when its having a strop.