THE Beginning

What a rubbish start. Had another 100% day but didn't loose a gram! Was really hungry now and had a big old fatty breakfast :(

quark 170
banana 75
yoghurt 50


ww lasagne and 2 little tomatoes 300

rye bread 70
ham 20
salad 10

an apple 50

tomato soup 100
rye bread 70
ham 20
a bit of cereal 50
biscuits 100

1100 so far

had day off today so I went to my allotment and did 4 hours digging and planting probably lost at least 300 calories in there.

Will try to change my eating a bit round. I'll try eat most of the calories on the first half of the day (breakfast/lunch) and then have lighter supper.
Oh but I have tried that...Don't know what to do :(
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Lucky you. I can't remember the last time I craved salad :D It's usually coffee and chocks and biscuits....and quark... oh well.

quark and coffee

an apple 50
coffee 15

rye bread ham tomato 100
formage frais 90

455 so far
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Weekends are horrible! Don't even know what I have eaten and how many pints I had! :D oh well :)

yoghurt 50
rye bread 60
ham 30
apple juice 100

soup 100
dounout 220
nuts and wheetos 100

egg 100
rye bread 70

chicken 150
mash 100
sauce 50
cake 400
wine 200

1780 whoops
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Back to normal now :)
banana 100
blueberries 20
yoghurt 40
coffee 15

apple 50
porridge 100
apple and cinnamon flapjack 235
600so far
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*shakes head*

Greek yoghurt

porridge 100
an apple 50

bolognese brown pasta 300

rye bread 70
ham 70
milk 100

strawberries 50
ham rye bread

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banana+greek yoghurt+strawberries 200

an apple 50
rye bread ham and beans and cucumber

ww yoghurt a bit of bread and 3 crackers 150

milk 100
rye bread ham and cucumber 120

muesli bar

1000 so far
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Looks like you're doing well calorie-wise every day. not to worry, it'll work out. :)
How's the exercise? That always helps.
Food today:
Greek yoghurt +banana 150
rye bread and ham 100
coffee 15

rye bread 70
cheese 150
3 biscuits 150
crackers 60

rye bread 70
herring 70
bread 50
coffee 30

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Food today:
Greek yoghurt +banana 150
rye bread and ham 100
coffee 15

Morning, Lisa. The food sounds delic:cool: I've recently switched to Bergen Soya/Linseed bread and it certainly levels the blood sugar preventing hunger pangs. Hope you have a good Sunday.
Exercise doesn't have to be something hard, could be just a brisk walk to the shops or something...ah actually, having read that website, that's what it says. Good stuff :)
Exercise doesn't have to be something hard, could be just a brisk walk to the shops or something...ah actually, having read that website, that's what it says. Good stuff :)

Yeah I'm good at reading stuff :D
Didn't go in the end. Went to my allotment for an hour did little things in there :)
I know I'm so rubbish. Will try harder this week.


banana 100
greek yoghurt 40
rye bread 70
ham 30
cucumber 10
coffee 15

shortbread cookie 150

rye bread 150
herring 100
misc snack 100

800 so far
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I'm pretty sure that you burn more cals than you realise when you're on your allotment! Not to worry anyway.
I enjoyed that site, thanks for sharing, it's great to get some sensible advice.

What do you grow? Veg and stuff?
Yeah I just have a little patch. Got peas and cauliflowers and broccoli and onions and carrots and beetroots and parsnips and flowers...probably something else I have forgotten. Also got tomatoes and peppers growing on my windowsills and out in a little greenhouse. Ooh and strawberries behind my door in little pots :) I've actually had like 10 already! They are so yummy compared to shop bought. Exciting eh? :D

Food today:
banana greek yoghurt 150
rye bread and ham and cucumber 100
coffee 15

porridge 100
ham 30
bread 70
cucumber and toms 30

biscuit 150

2 quorn sausages curry with veg and beetroot and some ham and 2 biscuits

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Wow, you grow just about everything you need then :) Very cool!
The strawberries sound lush! You can have them just as they're perfectly ripe, no soggy ones in the bottom of a punnet ;)
Digging and stuff must burn calories! Allotment totally counts as exercise!
Yeah it's good, makes me go out almost every evening. walk there - it's only 5-10 walk but that's something...and then take out weeds and water everything. Those 2 watering cans are quite heavy so I'll have big muscels soon :)

Today tha scales suprised me. It is possible to weigh less than 183 pounds! This is what I've been stuck on since 18th of May.
So yeah quite happy. Hopefully will be losing more now. I am going to a real ale festival what my work is organising on Friday so it might give me loads of beer calories then. Oh well it's not like I'm racing :D

Food today:
banana greek yoghurt 150
quorn sausage 10 g rye bread 100
coffee 15
ketchup 10

porridge 100
yoghurt 50

egg sandwitch 300

1 quorn sausage 86
beetroot 10
curry veg 50
2 cookies 180

1050 so far
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Yeah it's good, makes me go out almost every evening. walk there - it's only 5-10 walk but that's something...and then take out weeds and water everything. Those 2 watering cans are quite heavy so I'll have big muscels soon :)

Today tha scales suprised me. It is possible to weigh less than 183 pounds! This is what I've been stuck on since 18th of May.
So yeah quite happy. Hopefully will be losing more now. I am going to a real ale festival what my work is organising on Friday so it might give me loads of beer calories then. Oh well it's not like I'm racing :D

Food today:
banana greek yoghurt 150
quorn sausage 10 g rye bread 100
coffee 15
ketchup 10

275 so far
Morning, Lisa. Another yummy sounding breakfast:cool:

I'm growing French beans and carrots in the back garden, I just need to keep the birds away:eek:
Yay! Break-through! Haha.
Yeh, it's totally not a race, it's not worth wasting the possibility of a nice day out for the sake of saving a few calories that you could burn off the week after anyway :)
you must always get your five-a-day ;)
The watering cans are bound to give you muscles, I lug a vacume cleaner up and down the stairs every day, so I'm hoping that the same thing applies :)
Last_Attempt - oh the birds are so annoying! When I put my broccoli and califlower plants down and went to water them 2 days later, all I had were stems! Bloody birds had eaten everything! Luckily I had some spare and I got this green net from the poundshop and built a little protection around it. Seems to be working so far. Fingers crossed :)

Pink! I read about your cleaning duties. Pretty hard work, it definitely counts as exercise. I wish I could bother to clean my house daily :)


Food today:
Banana+greek yoghurt 150
25 g rye bread 50
25 g ham 30
cucumber 5
coffee 15

50 g rye bread 100
50 g ham 50
cucumber 10
flapjack 120
yorgurt 150

4 fish fingers 215
beetroot 20
veg 30
ryebread 150
biscuit and some chocolate 200 and later on when everyone had ice cream I had some of my yummy frozen yoghurt 50 cal?

1400 all together... whoops...
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