The Body Magic Team (formerly exercise bike challenge)

ohhhhhhh itll kill you! i'm redoing week 2! :D

well done on your 1/2lb thats fab! :)

Ange, there was me and i saw a couple of other people post too - every group gets a Couple of the Year, so theres quite a few :) xxx
good morning all :D

i have another PT session today.. my trainer texted me to say it was fun :(
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay :D well done you! 1.5 is excellent :D did you do anything differently?

i had my PT this morning, died. Then i've been for a swim tonight (limbs feel much better for it) and swam 3/4mile :) x
Yay well done Lucy its a loss you've been waiting for :) did you hear back from house viewers?

Awesome exercise there black widow. I did the running on a decent incline. My legs ache a bit but enjoyed it!
Hi guys, Alfie's having a rough night meaning I am too.

Only thing different black widow is more green days and my first flexi syn wknd in ages, thought I was going to gain so I'm thrilled.

No news Aesir so we'd of heard by now, never mind I'm sure we'll get some more viewers shortly.

Hope I can get some sleep soon!!
aww Luce, hope you got to sleep in the end, and so did Alfie!

hope you get more viewers soon, house moving is so stressful.

45min swim for me tonight.. glutes, deltoids and triceps on fire today!
Sorry bout the rubbishy nights sleep Lucy. Being tired always ruins exercise.

Black Widow, you're catching up to me faaaaast! You're gonna weigh less than me in a couple of weeks I reckon lol.

No exercise for me today (put the bins out, does that count?) But tomorrow is W1D2 of c25k. It should kill me quite nicely :) Gotta get ready for sports relief 5km run in March to keep up with you Black Widow!
i'm starting week 3. with my PT i do 5 mins brisk walk warm up, then 1 min run, 30 seconds walk x 5 then 2 min run, 1 minute walk x 6.. although its hard i manage to push through more with a PT. Helps that hes pretty good looking!
My personal trainer last year was dead ugly lol.

Will be doing treadmill tonight. Its gonna hurt lol. But am commited to races now so need to get in to running shape!
Well thats another run done. Was hard lol. How are the rest of my body magic buddies?

I really miss running, I cant run for toffee mind you but I decided to have a go for our wedding. I'd lost nearly a stone on SW so I just needed to tone up a bit and so I started to teach myself with some help from the c25k plan. I really should of followed the plan as i'm sure I would of been able to run the 5k like it promises, instead just tried to run further than the day before and never really got to the full 5k.

I'd love to have another go one day.

Well no BM for me this week, in fact I totally am off plan. Hubby took me away for the night last night, we went to this hotel with a spa but it was awful :cry:

It was dirty and so so hot, we ended up in the bar and lets just say I probably had a weeks worth of syns on champagne, cider and red wine, not to mention the minging evening meal that I complained about!

Back home and got the munchies big time after all that alcohol. I think i'm writing today off as I just know tonight will be pizza or chinese or something to satisfy my cravings!!!

I'll be back on plan 100% tomorrow and shall be going on the bike if it kills me!!!!

Edited to say yes I did have pizza - and icecream! Dam munchies!!!
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Hi all. Its been a pretty hectic week for me so no exercise at all. I will do my bike today though.

Its nice to see both you Aesir and Black Widow getting into running, I wish I could do that but think it would finish my knees off.

Sorry your night away wasn't too great Lucy.

Went to Wing Yip store in Manchester and got to say I was very impressed with it I have now stocked up on loads of goodies. We were in the shop for over 2 hours and when we go out we found that it was snowing and coming down quite heavily so we upstairs to their restaurant and I secretly hoped that the snow would have gone when we got out (it hadn't) Food was amazing and had my fingers crossed all the time hoping that it wouldn't jeopardise my weigh in today.

Was so pleased this morning, I got me a shiny new sticker today as lost 2 lbs. I haven't been this weight in at least 10 years and it feels great.
My jeans that I hadn't worn since last weekend felt big yesterday so tried on my new size 14 ones and although they are a bit tight yet, they still look good.

Yaaaaay. Lots of well dones Ange! The stickers are so motivating lol!!

Glad to hear you're getting back on the bike! Any targets this week?
Forgot to say that my usual 1hr 45mins journey took me over 3 and half hours yesterday to get home. Motorway most of the way was down to 20 - 30 mph and lots of crashes and vehicles crashing into barriers and bankings, So all in all a very long but good day x
Target,, hmm hadn't thought of that. I really don't think that I can beat last weeks speed but will give it my best shot and will also try to keep at a constant speed of between 30 and 45 k which should bring me roundabouts to the same speed and hopefully better.
Also going to try do it every day this week and not just the once.
Kettlebell later on today too.

How about you?
Yey well done Ange!!!!

Its so slippy here, just trying to work out a day's plan on a green day as I really need to be 100% for the rest of the week.

I did 100 swings on fri, forgot to update, i'll be doing another 100 today so I hope to do my kettle target, don't think i'll be beating my 15km's time but i'll try, failing that I might just do 20km at a slower pace whilst boring footie is on!

Mine will be just keeping up the c25k. As black widow has convinced me to join her in the sports reluef 5km in march I need to stay on track lol. Might use bike or bell once or twice too :)