The Body Magic Team (formerly exercise bike challenge)

Back on track,23k this morning. Hopefully can get the same in tomorrow
Well done getting back to it!! Its so easy to slip this time of year! I'm just squeezing in a quick 30 mins now before having to head out
Hi Guys
It's all quiet on here, I hope you are both ok!

God, I love my scales and they seem to love me weighing in on Sundays.

I lost 2 lb this week which takes me to the next stone zone so well happy with that.

I only managed one day of exercise this week and hoping to get some more in later this morning all going well.

I have 2 nights out this week, one on Wednesday night which is a friends wedding night do (I can hear you both say, on a Wednesday), I thought it was Friday night so won't be drinking as in work all week until Friday.
I'm also out Friday night seeing as I arranged to go to this wedding do with my friend who still wants to go out Friday.
I haven't had a drink, of alcohol that is since June so gonna have to try take it easy so will try diet coke in between each drink. Hopefully having all this liquid will make me pee extra so I won't put any weight on haha.
Well done on the loss!

I exercised wed and thu then was violently ill on friday night and saturday. I was sick so violently all the muscles from neck to waist ache terribly!! Sat on exercise bike now, its sooo difficult lol but I'll settle for a crap workout over no workout :)
Well done Ange!

I haven't done any exercise - I wasn't feeling at all well yesterday.I picked Alfie up and went all dizzy, I had to sit down for a few mins, quite scary! After that I felt a bit like someone was sitting on my chest all day. Decided to book another appoint with the doctor tomorrow, my mum has asthma really bad so its worth an ask just in case.
Pound lost :) so just slightly over 2 stone yaaaay. Gonna double the exercise this week to try and compensate for xmas!!!
Phew, just managed to stay the same after my 3 course meal on tues night, not to mention all the naughty treats i've had this week!

Its my works do today so its all downhill from here....

I think a new year exercise challenge will be on the cards!!!!
I agree lucy! Well done for staying the same!! I must must exercise today - never got the chance yesterday :( and didn't have a gteat day food wise (a slice of cake, portion full fat lasagne with roast potatoes, a tiffin, shepherds pie that wasn't slimming world and 4 quality streets - yikes!!!)

So will be working extra hard the rest of the week, praying for a sts on tuesday! Even gonna do kettlebell on xmas day, since one of my presents is a heavier bell I'm pretty much obliged to try it out :)

Maybe we could do a countdown like on other challenges for time spent exercising each week/month fir example:

Aesir22 3hours (2hours done - 1hour to go)

What you reckon?
Well I just emailed a Matayoshi Kobudo sensei to see about martial arts classes in the new year. Thats gotta be a good workout lol!!
Hi guys,

How are we all managing with the Xmas munchies?? I decided to enjoy myself this week, well until Boxing day anyway. Its cheese and wine night for hubby and I tonight - cant wait!!

So I went to the doctors yest to discuss the next step. I had a nasty dizzy spell picking Alfie up the other day and it really frightened me, the other thing thays happening a lot is shortness of breath after walking up the stairs. He felt my pulse and could clearly feel the extra beats i'm getting so at least i'm not imagioning it!!!

I'm currently on the waiting list for a heart echo, should be between 3-6 weeks. In the mean time no change - continue as normal so I need to get on the bike, even if I take it slower and just see how I feel!!

New year challenge then - we will do 15 minute sessions like body magic and set our own daily/weekly challenges - How does that sound???

Oh and Happy Christmas Eve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wanna say 15 or 30 minute slots? Am gonna work hard in Jan, I want to be 1st 3.5lbs lighter before starting Jodo and Kobudo!

Lucy, EXERCISE WOMAN!!!!! Lol. Just take it easy, try to compensate for some festive damage :)
Can't wait til tomorrow. Get a heavier kettlebell yaaaay 12kg/26lbs. Hoping to get in a couple of workouts before weigh in on Tuesday! Gonna start some core exercises too I think.
Hi Guys

Still no exercise for me, so another new years resolution to be started on Boxing Day. I WILL DO IT

I went out last night for my 1st alcoholic drink since May and was going to have diet coke in between each drink but that didn't happen and rolled home somewhere about 3 this morning. Apart from that still on plan.

Tomorrow weigh in on xmas day before the festivities begin which is better than a weigh in after xmas I reckon and nearly a full week to get back on track before the next biggie on New years day.

Count me in for any new challenges.

Hope you both have a lovely xmas and I will be on here to let you know how i've done in the morning and hopefully to report a loss which is highly unlikely.



STS for me this week, boohoo. No, I am happy with that as it could have been worse.

Happy christmas xx