The Body Magic Team (formerly exercise bike challenge)

Good grief. Managed ten minutes with the 26lbs kettlebell before I had to admit defeat. Sweating loads!

Now that does mean it's working
go boy!
26lbs? Didn't even know you could get them that big!!!

Well i've totally binged out on all the wrong things since wed's and so I thought i'd best have a little peep at the damage - Now my scales never ever match SW but I do remember what I was last time I weighed and OMG!!! The scales say i've gained half a stone! How is that possible in 4 days!!!

I'm back on plan 100% today and planning on doing 2 red days before wed's weigh in, i'll prob go and face the music at the early class but I am so not looking forward to that now!!!

I have enjoyed myself, and I feel a liitle sick of naughty food to be fair, I just hope Its not as bad as half a stone come wed's!!!
Yeah you can get kettlebells that top 100lbs and more lol. I weighed in yesterday. Said I gained a pound but I reckon I put on significantly more. I was terribly hungover and dehydrated yesterday so I think it should probs have been a gain of 5lbs...
1 lb each not bad considering you have both been pigging out haha. I hope mine isn't any worse when I weigh in on New years day.

I hope you both had a lovely few days.

Started my exercise yesterday and did 21.5k and today managed 23k.
I am going to try get back into the kettlebell in New Year. As you can both see I am being totally lazy with this exercise even though I know that it seems to work the best.
Well done Ange!!!

I haven't started yet, prob when I get back to work, no Grey's to watch though, sniff sniff.

Think i need some new tunes to cycle too!!
I normally watch tv while doing my exercise bike but there was nothing on yesterday so I thought I would try reading my kindle on it and its great (xmas pressie off my son). Normally would only get to read it when I go to bed and now I can kill 2 birds with one stone, love it.
Wow well done Ange! I'm on my lunchbreak and managed a quick workout with my heavier kettlebell. Will try and squeeze bike in tonight!
I have a feeling the kettlebell will work a lot better than a bike though.
I don't think that I could even lift a 30 lb one off the floor. You will have to be careful you don't injure yourself with that!
My last one was about 18lbs so this one is only 8lbs heavier :) regular use means your body adapts to them so quick. They're kinda uneconomical lol because you only get a few months worth before moving on hahaha I reckon the heaviest I will want to get, faaaar down the road, is the 53lbs one. Hope to be at target by then :D

Now we're coming up to another major food and drink weekend yikes! I'm not gonna drink, gonna be super healthy and spend the night doing Qi Gong and watching movies with a mate!!
23k done today, hopefully I can carry on doing this when I am back in work next week.

I think I am out New years eve with friends and drinking but still hoping for a loss on New years day.

I doubt that I will ever get to use a heavier kettlebll than the one I have which is 7k I think.
You two put me to shame!!! In my defense though i'm sitting here with my little ticker doing its thing and letting me know its still there...The extra banging beat that is.
I have a busy day today so no exercise for me. Hope you guys enjoy your night tonight, I will have a drink or 2 for both of you.
I have my son round for dinner tomorrow so hope I don't have too much of a hangover and as I have weigh in tomorrow I hope that I am so dehydrated that I have lost some weight haha (rather contradictory I know),
How you doing Lucy with your extra ticker?
I'm doing ok, its normally at night and i'm not scared of it as such, more confused and wondering if perhaps i'm consuming something that's doing it!

I'm currently waiting for a heart echo, just to see if there is anything there. I'm sure they'll say they can't anything and i'll be back to square 1!!

Happy New Year you two!!!!

I'm doing ok, its normally at night and i'm not scared of it as such, more confused and wondering if perhaps i'm consuming something that's doing it!

I'm currently waiting for a heart echo, just to see if there is anything there. I'm sure they'll say they can't anything and i'll be back to square 1!!

Happy New Year you two!!!!


I reckon they will say that its just one of those things and that you are ok, just extra special with a bit more love in you than anyone else.
Happy 2012 to you both, I hope it's a good one for all of us.

I decided to stay in last night and now so glad that I did as I can now say that I am the 1st loser of 2012 with a massive loss of 1 lb. Now I can eat loads today and have a whole 6 days to lose it.

Have a good day both and hope neither of you are suffering too much
Oh I nearly forgot, I am going to start my weekly challenge from today which will be 4 hours exercise which I am going to make a start on now while I have the chance. And of course its my exercise bike. I may attempt the Kettlebell tonight depending on when I am left on my own and how full I feel and if I don't get round to it, I will do some tomorrow.
4 hours sounds like a good challenge Ange!

Hope you get to have a go with the kettles later, they really do make you feel like you've had a good workout!