The Body Magic Team (formerly exercise bike challenge)

Lol I still have to make up for the 6lbs xmas gain! So still 2lbs behind lol

I reckon that will be off next week and hopefully more

well done Aesir :D 4lbs is amazing!!

Hi Black Widow and welcome.
May I ask, what is bootcamp and where?

bootcamp is outdoor exercise for an hour.. i dont know what this one will entail, but the last one i did was interval exercising, we did all sorts.. running up and down steps, press ups and tricep dips on park benches, kettlebell work, running in and out of tyres, skipping.. everything really. the one ive signed up for operates all over the North East :)

I popped to the school gym today for half an hour.. did 15mins on the bike - it said 3.. but i dont know if thats km or miles! im really not very technical when it comes to these gym things! :p and I did 1 on the treadmill.. both said km/mile.. thats not helpful! :p
No Bm for me last night but my baby sitter is poorly so i'm off work this afternoon - hopefully make up for it then.

Weigh in for me tonight, wished i'd tried harder on this Red challenge as I won't really know how good it 'could' of been, doh.
Lost? Hmmm, I don't 'feel' like i've lost any! Sometimes you just know don't ya. Perhaps going over syns since the week before Xmas is finally taking its toll and i'm due one last gain.

Done 20km's today, its a start!!
how long does it take you to do 20km? x
Evening all, back from weigh in and I stayed the same - totally deserved but still a bit gutted. To be honest I needed it to give me the kick up the bum I need to have an amazing week this week.
STS is good if you havent been 100%, think how you would feel if you'd gained! im sure you will have a good week this week :) x
dont worry, i think we're all the same. ive said that to you - just you watch when the roles are reversed, ill have a massive pet lip and be sulking for days.. :eek:
Glad i'm not the only one then ;-)

Been super good today, hubby's on the vodka and diet coke after a rubbish day and I have had none! Going to enjoy some hot choc shortly and perhaps a curly wurly, who needs alcohol when you can have chocolate!!!!!
hi guys :) just registered to the site. i joined my local slimming world group last night (weds) so guna get on the exercise bike today. definately want to take up this challenge :)