The Body Magic Team (formerly exercise bike challenge)

have you done it yet? I only managed half of my run cause legs hurting again :( doing spinning tomorrow to keep up my fitness levels as leg not hurting on bike.

did an hour today - 25 mins run / walk (more walk than it shouldve been :( - 2.5k) 30 mins bike (10k) and 10mins weights. I got dared to pap someone fit with my phone while i was there so I need to go prove I am brave in another thread :rotflmao:. There was no one fit though as they all went into the spin room so I had to just pap the only other person in the gym :p felt like a right stalker!
paparazzi them (take a photo) :p

Run complete and I am TOTALLY over the moon! Thought it would be so tough but it was amazing! Week 5 run 3 of the plan is meant to be 20 mins non stop running after a 5 min warm up. But at 20 mins I felt fine, so pushed on and did 32 mins running. Thats 2 minutes longer than the ultimate c25k goal of 30 minutes running. So very pleased. Hit 5km at around 38 minutes now I worked it out, and I'm dead pleased with that since I thought it would take about 45 minutes.

So I have decided to pretty much call the c25k completed and try to improve my distance :)
its lush isnt it! :D

well done on your running thats really great! xxx
STS for me this week.. dead pleased and totally undeserved as i've been really bad!

i have stuck with my exercise though, went back to spinning this morning.. wasnt sick at all during class (proud moment) but that was spoiled when i suddenly and uncontrollably was sick in the BP forecourt when i went to get petrol.. its funny now but was mortifying this morning! :p
Should be my last week of heavy lifting and lots of body magic at work so I'm hoping to get back on track on the bike soon.

I've got the doctors on Friday to discuss my heart echo results, although there's nothing medically wrong with me my palpitations have got worse and so medication is an option.

Weigh in tomorrow, how'd you get on Daniel??
well done Lucy thats amazing!

an hours PT for me - circuits which consisted of:

boxing pads
star jumps
boxing pads
chest press
tricep dips
boxing pads
upright row
step ups
ball squats

repeated 3 times.. hard! had to get my body measured on the body fat machine.. even with all my exercise i have 48.7% body fat?! f*ck :(

but said I could have a free session if i get it down to 45 :D free things SERIOUSLY motivate me.. like stickers :p LOL x
Thanks guys!

Daniel I had a very mixed week, followed green weds to fri, extra easy sat and sun, and red mon to weds, wasn't meant to it just kinda happened!?

2lb is a lot for me, some of its probably down to how rubbish I felt sun and mon and eat quite little but I'm back to eating loads tue onwards so I hope some of it was due to me sticking to plan 100% and having around 70 syns all week.

Trying a red week this week, see if I can do a full week at it!
You have done brilliant, you must feel great, I'm so pleased for you.

I've been doing Red and Green for the last couple of weeks with the odd EE at the weekend, 1 lb in about 3-4 weeks so I am hoping that Sunday shows another loss.

I'm getting a bike tomorrow so hopefully that will get me moving. Although the diet is going good, I just can't seem to get back into execisie :confused:

Unlucky with your WI this week Aesir but I reckon that this has more than likely go to do with all the extra exercise that you are doing so soon enough you will be able to wrap that tape measure round you twice :rolleyes:

Black Widow, you seem to be so motivated, please come see me and kick start me back into action, your doing great
My problem is food I think lol. I'm struggling so much sticking to plan! Thats why I've switched to red and green for a bit.

Set yourself a bike challenge Ange, keep you motivated :)
Well my run yesterday was baaad. Tired, achy, started to feel so so hungry and thirsty... Only ran for twenty minutes before I couldn't go any longer :(
Don't worry Daniel, I bet the next run you'll make up for it.

Well I had the all clear from the doctor's yesterday, i'm on medication to hopefully take some of the discomfort away from the palpitations so i've got no excuse now! Must get back into exercising!

I've recorded some kettle workouts for mums so I shall have a look when i've got a spare hour!!
Nice to see you got the all clear Lucy.

Daniel I am sure you're next run out will be better.

I got my new bike yesterday so went out for 2 bike rides. Was all set for today but it bloody rained. It has stopped now but not in the mood now.

It looks like we've all decided to have a change onto red and green days, not that anything works for me lately.

I know how you feel about the red days Lucy, I have been really bad with my stomach bloating, more so on red than green but seems to be pretty much all the time lately. I went back on EE from yesterday and will start red or green again Monday.
I had a sneaky look at the scales this morning and shows that I have put on 1 lb but I hope that has changed by tomorrow.
Next week I am going to try go for a ride every night after work and hopefully that might get my weight moving.
If that doesn't work I might have to cut an arm or two off.