The Body Magic Team (formerly exercise bike challenge)

Thanks both, I have got a very understand friend and she knows all about my ticker, dodgy knee and general inability to just run like that!

've got my food delivery before 10am this morning and then weather permitting Alfie and I are going to do my old 5k route with some light jogging, thats if I don't trip over the stroller!!
Running at 6:30am is haaaard!

I used to love getting up at 5am and going running back when I was training for my first 5k in 2009, I used to love watching the sun come up, plus my hubby used to finish at 6am so I hated the thought of bumping him to him!
Lol!!! I'll get used to it. I used to always do my exercise in the morning. Its nice because everything seems fresher and clearer and you're not knackered from a busy day at work!
After many arguements with myself all day I finally did it - Alfie and I have been for our first walk/run!!!! Yey to us!!!!

Stuck to my old route and used mapmyrun, ok so i'm much slower then 3 yeard ago but without training and having a baby i'm not that unimpressed with my little self.

Managed to do 3.24 miles in 46.10 mins which is nearly 15 mins slower but I am pushing a buggy too so i'm still quite pleased with that!
Hello :) can I join please?
I'm currently doing all sorts of body magic-yesterday included 2.5mile bike ride (with son on back) level 2 of 30ds and a 3 mile run.
Today's include 45 minute hardcore workout at bootcamp,1hr of walking with the buggy and a 3 mile run later.
Im loving exercise at the mo and literally can't get enough :) xx
Most most welcome emma! Love seeing new faces on our humble thread :) didmy run this morning, bit achy now!
aesir22 said:
Most most welcome emma! Love seeing new faces on our humble thread :) didmy run this morning, bit achy now!

Tops of my legs ache slightly but not gonna stop me tonight-gonna see if I can beat my time tonight (took us 45 mins last night but had a head wind all the way back) xx
Hello :) can I join please?
I'm currently doing all sorts of body magic-yesterday included 2.5mile bike ride (with son on back) level 2 of 30ds and a 3 mile run.
Today's include 45 minute hardcore workout at bootcamp,1hr of walking with the buggy and a 3 mile run later.
Im loving exercise at the mo and literally can't get enough :) xx

Hey Emma!:)

Of Corse you can join, with the amount of exercise your doing you may put us to shame though!:D
I try to just do 3.1 miles as thats what the race is in a fortnight. Am hoping to do it in 35 mins or less if I can!
38 mins. I just need to sort pacing and a proper route out. Think I've got the route sorted, will know tomorrow.
Lol here's hoping! Once I get to 35 min regularly I'm gonna look at distance.

Hows everyone else getting on?
Been a good day for walking for me, Walked into town and back this morning and we've just been for our usual walk and tracked it and surprisingly its 2.72 miles. I tried to brisk walk it but hubby asked me to slow down several times and i'd rather not have the earache!

Going to try to do the 3 miler again tomorrow and beat my time, thats if my legs don't get any worse of corse....Owww!!!!
I've had a rest day today after 4 workout days,got bootcamp in the morning and then running 3 miles tomorrow night x
I walk briskly before running and after. Then stretch out while my lungs explode and I feel like I'm gonna die after its over.
Good morning all

No BM for me at all since Monday this week, not been feeling well at all.
Been in bed more or less everynight straight from work and only got up yesterday when I was hungry. Feeling dizzy still so no going out for me today.
On the plus side 3 lb off for me which makes 4 1/2 in 2 weeks which is about the same as I lost in the last 2 months.

You guys all seem to be doing great and Lucy so close to target, you must be feeling really good ;)
Hope you all have a good day