The Body Magic Team (formerly exercise bike challenge)

Good morning all

No BM for me at all since Monday this week, not been feeling well at all.
Been in bed more or less everynight straight from work and only got up yesterday when I was hungry. Feeling dizzy still so no going out for me today.
On the plus side 3 lb off for me which makes 4 1/2 in 2 weeks which is about the same as I lost in the last 2 months.

You guys all seem to be doing great and Lucy so close to target, you must be feeling really good ;)
Hope you all have a good day

3lb off Ange well done!!!!

Sorry to hear your not feeling well though :(
Well done on the loss Ange. Plenty of vitamin c to get better!!

Just back from run. It went real bad :( just bad overall lol. Don't think the heat helped....was def overdressed!
Sorry to hear you had a rubbish run Daniel.

I've been out with my friend this morning, it was good to catch up but I hoped we'd run a bit more. Never mind, it was a good power walk and a bit of running, so just over 3 miles in 47 minutes, yikes thats slow!

Its all Bm though so i'm happy!
Another run done tonight :) yesterday was my only rest day since Monday, done bootcamp this morning aswel :)
Lucylu79 said:
So you've got a nice jog going there!! Whats your personal best then??


About 40 mins upto now-trying to increase it but that bridge is windy lol,think if we ran more and talked less we'd see massive improvements lol x
Emmamb said:
About 40 mins upto now-trying to increase it but that bridge is windy lol,think if we ran more and talked less we'd see massive improvements lol x

I know exactly what your saying!
bit late Lucy but the stretches I do are quadriceps - pull foot to bum 20 secs each leg, hamstrings - either bend one leg and stretch other out infront with toes up, or put foot (leg straight) on a high object and reach for toes, calves - take long step forward and bend front leg, keep rear heel on floor, or do calf raises and lowers off a step edge? and then glutes - pull one foot up and place side on thigh and bend the leg you're stood on and push down on the side of your bent knee.

I am shocking at explaining these things in words :p i normally do two rounds of stretches, dunno if its just cause im a lot bigger than most but one round and im usually still sorer the next day than if i spend a bit longer stretching.
I watched a video on youtube and it showed 8 stretches which I did on sunday and hoorah no pain today!

Stupidly weighed myself this morning though, hoping to see a difference no doubt - Sure saw one, a huge gain, it can't be right surely!

Pay back for sneaking a weigh in I think!
Hi Guys! Where have you all gone???

I had a spare 15mins last night so I went for a small run, only 1.5 miles but it was something!

Weighed in and I lost 2lbs!!! I'm chuffed to bits as I got my 2.5 stone award and i'm now 1/2 pound under my target weight!!!

Hope your all ok!!!

'Fantastic Lucy, you have finally got. You must be feeling brilliant.
You're doing really well with your running too.
Now all you have to do is keep it off. Now the really hard work begins :cry:
What will you do to STS each week? I believe that a lot of people have an extra HE.
Will you carry on going to group each week to get weighed? I reckon STS must be quite hard to do.
Can't wait until I get somewhere near my target, although that is a long way off yet.

Feel happy for you x
Angem said:
'Fantastic Lucy, you have finally got. You must be feeling brilliant.
You're doing really well with your running too.
Now all you have to do is keep it off. Now the really hard work begins :cry:
What will you do to STS each week? I believe that a lot of people have an extra HE.
Will you carry on going to group each week to get weighed? I reckon STS must be quite hard to do.
Can't wait until I get somewhere near my target, although that is a long way off yet.

Feel happy for you x

Thanks ange!

I'm actually hoping to lose still as I set this target just in case I struggled with the last stone so I thought half first, I can go 3lbs under without paying so that's my next goal.

I've heard about upping the heb, I struggle to eat mine every day as it is!
Yes, I know what you mean about the extea HE's. I struggle to eat mine when doing Red and Green which is most days now.

Another stone, there will be nothing of you. You're not that much smaller than me so you must be quite small boned if you can afford to lose another stone?

I was going to try to get to 8 1/2 stone but think that I will probably too skinny at that weight so will go to 9 1/2 and then depending on how I am at that weight I think I may go down to 9 at the very most as now think I will look to skinny at less than that. I am probably medium frame through rather than small.
No not another stone, a stone in total so I set my target at 8.7 to start with and then I can see how easy/hard it is to keep losing. I can lose only 2.5 before I go out of target and start paying again so who knows, I mat start to struggle now.

Goal would be high 7's ultimately but if could get to 8 i'd be well chuffed!

Well done Lucy, so pleased you got to target, even though it sounds like you made it an interim target!

I went for my run this morning. 3.13 miles. Think I've buggered my knee but it was still a great run :D
Morning Gang!!!

Emma, thats fab - Bet your well chuffed!!! I went for a quick run the other night and had to stop to walk quite a few times so i'm looking forward to being able to go further one day soon!

Thanks Daniel - Yes it is an interim really, my consultant said it would be ok to change, she knows me so well - I knew I wouldn't be happy just yet!! What have you done to your knee? I hope its nothing bad as I know only too well what it feels like to have knee pain from running, mind you mine's from road running and I think I remember your on the treadmill? Hope its nothing bad anyway.

So hubby's in bed following a night shift, i'm about to do my track list for later so as soon as he's up i'm off for a run, hope I can do the 3 and a bit miles, gotta run past a load of roadworks with all the men working or run further and go around, think i'll go around!!!
aesir22 said:
Well done Lucy, so pleased you got to target, even though it sounds like you made it an interim target!

I went for my run this morning. 3.13 miles. Think I've buggered my knee but it was still a great run :D

I hurt my knee last week-I kept moving but did no running for 3 days (walked the distance instead) and now it's 100% recovered and im back to running x