The Confessions of an Exante Dieter

Oh dear confession time. This afternoon I was so hungry and ate 5 dried apricots telling myself the fibre would help things along in the toilet department. I think I was just a bit bored because I have done nothing but read all day.
I feel so guilty because my hubby was at the supermarket and he brought me back a beautiful bouquet of roses and a large bottle of the expensive fizzy water I like because he was so proud of me sticking to this diet for so long.
I can't tell him I had a little slip and I feel such a heal!
Back on it now and will not slip up again.
Mere x
Aaaw bless your hubby and you mere, imagine feeling guilty over 5 dried apricots.... This diet drives us nuts lol... Xxx
Problem is I don't feel guilty about the apricots only about the fact that I could not come clean with my hubby. I feel I am lying by ommission but how can I tell him. He was so pleased with himself buying the flowers and they are gorgeous which makes it worse!
Mere x
The apricots are nothing, Good on you for the control i say :) Yyou're not lying to hubby Mere, I would hardly class 5 dried apricots as cheating the diet in any way!! You deserve those gifts, what a lovely hubby :D You got them for sticking with the plan so long, and that hasnt changed. If you had hidden yourself away in the bathroom with a family sized bar of chocolate and share size bag of crisps, then yes, feel guilty.. but 5 little dried apricots does not count as a failing nor a lie! :D xx
Thanks ED you have made me feel better about it now. Anyway there is nothing I can do what is done is done!
Mere x
There is nothing to tell! Well done for stopping at the apricots, and how bad you have let yourself feel will no doubt stop you from having a sneaky nibble again!
Im going to resort to a stick of dynamite soon, gah! Seems my fibre powder has lost it's effectiveness!
I have been doing this diet now since last Wednesday and have done a poo once!!!! Sorry tmi but we are all in same position. Im not suffering for it though.

Well done for sticking to only 5. Its hard to know when to stop x
I've been a super naughty moo tonight....

1 packet frisps
1 cupcake
1 heel slice of toast with loads a clover spread

Now feel fit to burst as I've drank loads a green tea since trying to flush things through.....

Will weigh in the morning to own up to damage done....

I don't feel clever, feel bloated and yuck! Why did I do it? Coz I was annoyed with OH and as I'm on totm he told me to just eat already and I did....

I acknowledge I'm the biggest moody moo today but now I'm a naughty moody moo.... Look forward to reading this thread next time totm strikes before damage is done xxx
MEN...root of every problem, there they are, wangle waving in the breeze...grrrrr!
Carrie i just love how you handle these situations. You address it straight away, break it down, access the damage, put your hand up, dust yourself off and march on! The damage falls away and you learn something, coming away from it with more power and determination. I love that, well done hun :)

Whether theres a slight gain or not, it will be gone in days and you'll be less next week than today either way because you wont do it again xx
Aaaw thanks ED never thought of it like that. That's put a smile on my face :) xxx
I admire your determination Carrie you have come so far. :)
Mere x
I fell off the wagon today. I had a new potato. Not particularly exciting as slips ups go, but it still is one! I enjoyed it and it made me feel better lol. Back to being good tomorrow tho!
Ok, so yesterday was 100% right up until tea time. went to husbands nan house for her birthday thinking there'd have a buffet and there wasn't. Instead she had made a lamb tagine and rice.

At first i was thinking Omg RICE CARBS ARGGGHHHH But then she turned to me and said now I hope your going to eat something tonight Fiona. so naturally i said of course! Decided to have one night off plan so had my tea and some pudding and then went out and got pissed!!!!

Haha complete dive off the wagon I think! Weighed myself this morning and Im up 2lbs from yesterday and ill be out of ketosis but Im well prepared to jump back on today and hopefully that 2lbs will bugger off quickly x
Well done Fiona, such determination straight back no messing! Love the fact you marched straight on here this morning back on plan no dwindling, that's really fantastic. Hope these couple of days adjusting ketosis-wise will be kind to you.

You can do this, with strength and attitude like that there's no doubt! xx
I have the flu and all I fancied was a cheeseburger. Didn't taste much of it because of the bug though.....what r ppl's thoughts on illness and this diet??
I've just put 100g of cooked wafer thin chicken in my carbonara. Enjoyed it but feel guilty now.

trying to be rational but irrational thinks that if 100g of chicken puts weight on me then I'm screwed for life!