The Countdown Has Begun...

I had scrambled egg with a sprinkle of cheese then tuna salad at lunch, snacked on some green olives... Pretty much the stuff I've been having on s&s! Going shopping now to get sone bits...

PI don't eat eggs but your brekkie is making me crave a fry up...might use the new actifry to have a skinny one...low carb gluten free sausage, bacon, mushrooms....just wish I could have baked beans grrrr! But at least I get to play with my new toy yay :)

what other spoils have you had today?
Ha ha Rocky!! Think I'll sign off as that from now on! Lol!!
You'll soon be whizzing down the numbers!!!
Go you!! Xx

Thanks Rocky! Hehe!
PI don't eat eggs but your brekkie is making me crave a fry up...might use the new actifry to have a skinny one...low carb gluten free sausage, bacon, mushrooms....just wish I could have baked beans grrrr! But at least I get to play with my new toy yay :) what other spoils have you had today?

Ah so you got the actifry!! Yay!!! That's all I've had today so far... Not sure what I'll have for tea, teaching my cousin to make pizza muffins first tho! Just been shopping and bought cream for my coffee and veg and bacon and cheese sauce... Oh man... I love food!

Ah so you got the actifry!! Yay!!! That's all I've had today so far... Not sure what I'll have for tea, teaching my cousin to make pizza muffins first tho! Just been shopping and bought cream for my coffee and veg and bacon and cheese sauce... Oh man... I love food!


Yes it's official, I am the proud owner of my very own's massive! Haha! OH loves it too and is obsessed with making chips from everything lol

pizza muffins sound delish...forgot all about the wonders of pizza-ness...nom nom! Creamy coffee...I kinda remember that lush taste...sure beats having it plain and sugar free....don't worry...I love food too!
Yes it's official, I am the proud owner of my very own's massive! Haha! OH loves it too and is obsessed with making chips from everything lol pizza muffins sound delish...forgot all about the wonders of pizza-ness...nom nom! Creamy coffee...I kinda remember that lush taste...sure beats having it plain and sugar free....don't worry...I love food too!

Felt very strange in Tesco putting 'naughty' foods into my trolly.. But I'm all stocked up.. Fingers crossed for some weight loss... Only had 15g of carbs today and definitely not hungry... Only had some ham for tea as I was out.. Bought veg etc to have but really not hungry... Wondering if I'm still in ketosis but I was pretty sure I wasn't...
Now I'm beyond desperate for an actifry x

Ask Father Christmas? Think if it as a long term investment... What ever diet you long as it's not carb free.... It will be useful for??!
Ask Father Christmas? Think if it as a long term investment... What ever diet you long as it's not carb free.... It will be useful for??!

Defo getting one. Il tell my oh it was 25 pounds in the sale haha. No chance of me eating carb free as a lifestyle. I'm a carb junkie x
Felt very strange in Tesco putting 'naughty' foods into my trolly.. But I'm all stocked up.. Fingers crossed for some weight loss... Only had 15g of carbs today and definitely not hungry... Only had some ham for tea as I was out.. Bought veg etc to have but really not hungry... Wondering if I'm still in ketosis but I was pretty sure I wasn't...

All that protein will keep the hunger at might well be ketosis you know...I find that having a pack of sliced ham or chicken etc in my bag for emergencies always sorts out any hunger when doing low carb....15g is amazing! That's prob the amount that's in one S&S pack!
Defo getting one. Il tell my oh it was 25 pounds in the sale haha. No chance of me eating carb free as a lifestyle. I'm a carb junkie x

Oh Marie I am in love with mine already...the slow cooker is getting shifted to the graveyard tomorrow so that my new baby (aka actifry) has a pride of place on the work top.....made swede chips in there along with roastie type spuds and baby carrots for OH and OMG they were lush...I of course didn't have the spuds but they looked well tasty!

Go get one NOW woman! Haha xx
Me and OH just discussed the joyous taste of beef dripping or goose fat potatoes done in the actifry....hahaha!
Investing on payday. I'm so jealous. Oh I love love love roast potatoes x

Me too! Imagine how tempting it was to just nibble on one earlier....but I was strong....I can't wait for Xmas eve now...gonna have our own Xmas dinner for just the 2 of us coz we jet off on Xmas day....think I will eat my own body weight in roasties alone! So excited!

Hows ww going? Still dodging carbs? Xx
Lol I could probably go on a luxury holiday with the money I've spent on gadgets....Antigua outlive been
A round the world trip would be nearer the mark :)

5 times at least if I included the amount of money I've spent on endless clothes that are stashed all over the place here! I could be a millionaire probably haha x
I LOVE my slow cooker! It would never be relegated to the gadget graveyard!