The danger zone

Yup there's definitely a gender difference here! My OH prefers me at this weight and keeps asking when I'll be finished losing - I think it may have something to do with my shrinkage in the chest area!! :D

Jim I soo agree that it never tastes as good as you think it will. I think for me this is because I'm expecting it to do something it can't - since food doesn't really satisfy emotional needs at all! I'm trying to learn that I can relax by having a cuddle on the sofa and watching a good dvd, rather than by having a pizza and a bag of sweets!
I think it may have something to do with my shrinkage in the chest area!!
Hooya, Could it be that your OH notices other men giving you appreciative looks?
I don't mind if blokes look at Colleen, just makes me happy she's mine. :)
that's sweet jim....
I'm sorry I mentioned cereal claire and the others didnt know it would have a ripple effect ..

but the stories of overcoming certain tempations have been helpful.
Hooya, Could it be that your OH notices other men giving you appreciative looks?

Heh no, he's pretty cool when that happens, bless 'im - we've been together for 12 years (started going out at 18!) so nothing fazes either of us! :lilkiss:

I think he just worries that I'll go too far, as I'm already a 'healthy' weight, or like I said, that I'll diet away my boobs! :eek:
I'm sorry I mentioned cereal claire and the others didnt know it would have a ripple effect ..

but the stories of overcoming certain tempations have been helpful.

LOL, no worries morenachica hun :) I'd have had the cravings without you mentioning it! Was actually quite nice and helped a little to see that i wasn't the only one wanting to scoff em! I think i'm almost over the craving now.. almost. However, i did catch myself telling someone at work today i'd love a bowl of Dorset cereal!
My poor work must be well fed up of my diet - I'm in a small project team at the moment, and they all get to hear about my cereal cravings! They are also rapidly learning the carb and calorie values in all manner of foods! One guy (who is slim, annoyingly!) came in the other day and said "right, I had 4 jam doughnuts last night, what's the damage?" :D
I don't know if people at work have genuinely started noticing my loss or whether word has got around and they are being encouraging! I've had quite a few unprompted compliments this week. Well, as far as compliments can go from cops, usually along the lines of, "you look alright, your face is less fat", or, "your trousers look stupid, they're hanging off you". It's all back handed compliments though!
Split up with my boyfriend a couple of days ago, so I'm not sure how that will effect my loss this week. Usually it goes one of two ways, hopefully my weight will go downwards :)
lol saddlebag. An ex army guy who used to work wiith in a hospital paid the same type of compliments!

Sorry to hear about you and your bf. I hope you are somehow able to focus. Not easy though :( (((hugs)))
Did I hear "ex Army guy" :)
Aww Sophie bless you huni, i hope you're ok. I usually try to emmerse myself in work to take my mind off things outside of it. I know what you mean about the backhanded compliments too chick - cops aren't the most forthcoming or supportive at times are they?! But when you do get the odd comment it makes up for all the p*ss taking i reckon. One officer told me i was looking 'svelte' the other week. I graciously accepted the compliment which is what i've found has changed about me. Before i thought that there would be a hidden agenda with things and always have my guard up, now i find it far easier to accept the compliments.
aww saddles sorry to hear about the breakup.. hang in there it will get better.. hugs